Wednesday 1 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Wednesday 1 October 2014



  1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's only claim was that he was a mujaddid. The Messiah and Mehdi were simple titles used for him by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) describing aspects of his reform. Qadianis believe that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a real prophet.
  2. All those who recite the kalima are Muslims and no one has the right to say that a reciter of the kalima is a heretic (kafir). Qadianis believe that in addition to reciting the kalima, to become a Muslim, a person has to take the baiat on their khalifa's hand.
  3. We believe that the verse Khatam an nabiyeen in the Holy Quran (33:40) means that no prophet shall come after the Holy Prophet (s),  whether he is an old prophet or a new one,  as the Holy Prophet said in hadith. Qadianis say that it means new prophets will be made with the Holy Prophet's (s) seal.


Accusations that a priest from the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese had been molesting children at orphanages in Central America on his annual visits went unheeded by the PA diocese for five years. The charity ProNino USA, which sponsors orphanages in several Central American countries, said it told former Bishop Adamec in 2009 that it had numerous reports that the Rev. Joseph Maurizio, Jr., had molested underage boys, the New York Times reports.
Maurizio remained a priest in good standing, however, until federal agents raided his home in mid-September and placed him under arrest after finding child pornography. 

Source : Religion Dispatches

A frequently levelled allegation against the Holy Quran is that it teaches Muslims to hate the Jews. Nothing could be further from the truth! Over the centuries, it is the Christians who have persecuted the Jews for crucifying the Son of God. Here a Jewish professor defends the Holy Quran.

But anti-Semitism is not found in the Qur’an.
This may be difficult to fathom given the recent heated public discussion. Some people cite what appear to be obviously angry and seemingly hateful negative references to Jews in the Qur’an. Others argue that these verses are taken out of context. They cite counter-verses from the same Qur’an that appear to respect Jews and even refer to Jews using the same positive language reserved for followers of Muhammad.

Source : The Jewish Daily

Internet abuse of women in Pakistan is triggering real world violence against them, but large social media companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, are moving too slowly to stop it, internet rights group Bytes for All said.

Women face online threats globally, but they run a unique risk in conservative Muslim Pakistan, where there is a tradition of men killing women seen as having injured a family's honor, besides punitive laws against blasphemy.

Source : Reuters US edition

Pakistan's constitution was amended 40 years ago to declare Ahmadis to be non-Muslims. Regarded by orthodox Muslims as heretical, Ahmadis are not allowed to refer to their places of worship as mosques or to publicly quote from the Koran - acts punishable by imprisonment of up to three years.

Source : www.BBC.CO.UK


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