Wednesday 8 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Tuesday 7 October 2014

Moon may look red tonight because of the eclipse. Look at it and marvel at Allah's creation.

Source : Christian Science Monitor

Every day we discover more and more amazing things about the world we live in.

Fish with human teeth or is it us who have fish teeth?

Source : Christian Science Monitor

"I believe that churches should respect other religions’ history and traditions, and we should not start crossing boundaries and making demands. (As a side comment, I note that the Catholic Church itself is not happy when other faiths do this, e.g., the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its policy of baptism for the dead, including Catholic ancestors.)"

Source : Religion Dispatches

Sharia4Belgium, a radical Salafist group, was founded in 2010 with the purpose of implementing Islamic Sharia law in Belgium. The group generated controversy in September 2011, when it announced the opening of a Sharia Law court in Antwerp, the second-largest city in Belgium.

Source : Gatestone Institute


She, her sister Sahra, and other Muslim students at MATC used to scramble at prayer hours, searching for an empty office, a quiet spot in the library or ...

Washington Post (blog)

Even domestic institutions seem to be vulnerable; Operation Trojan Horse revealed a detailed plan by hardline Muslim community leaders in ...



Like many victims of hate crimes against British Muslims, Asma Sheikh never reported what happened to her to the police. It was the summer of 2013, ...

ABC News

The group opposed the legal prohibition at universities of a Muslim face covering called the niqab. Yilikal Getnet, chairman of the opposition Blue ...

Daily Mail

He wrote that the scene was an example of 'Muslims in our time' and ... the Muslims, we see the flag that carries the picture of a dog uniting Sunnis, ...

Daily Mail

The U.S. Supreme Court opens on Monday a new term in which the nine justices will decide issues such as whether a Muslim prison inmate can have ...

NewsBusters (blog)

Remember this the next time you see a report by Ayman Mohyeldin. The man NBC sends to report on doings in Muslim countries around the world is ...

New Statesman

Everyone seems to know that the moderate Muslim exists, but nobody seems to really agree on what he or she looks like, how he or she acts, behaves ...


Muslim pilgrims pray around the holy Ka'bah at the Grand Mosque, during the annual hajj pilgrimage in Makkah, September 30 2014. (Reuters).

Yahoo News

(Reuters) - The parents of an U.S. aid worker held hostage by Islamic State militants on Sunday released photographs of their son and parts of a letter ...

Wall Street Journal

To ISIS, which considers Shiites kafir or infidels who must be killed, Sunnis serving in the LAF are murtadin, or apostates, who have abandoned Islam ...

BBC News

It's estimated that some 50-60 women from the UK have travelled to Syria via Turkey to join the militant extremist movement Islamic State (IS).

Jerusalem Post

According to Sh'ia Islam, the Mahdi is the “hidden Imam”, who has already been born and is in “occultation”, hidden from the world until he returns ...

Daily Mail

The US hostage formerly known as Peter Kassig has converted to Islam, changed his name to Abdul-Rahman and prays five times a day, his parents ...


ISIS claims to be Islamic. Now, a letter signed by over 100 highly respected Muslim scholars has decisively condemned ISIS's rhetoric and behavior, ...

JENISON, Mich. (WOOD) — A high school lesson on religion's role in history, including Islam, has hit a sour note with at least one parent in Jenison.


Twitter user @Aubi_chon asked the “B---h Bad” rapper if he thought “one day Islam would be the world's religion and conquer the world,” and Lupe ...

Arab News

A Belgian convert to Islam who performed Haj this year for the first time as a guest of the Makkah-based Muslim World League (MWL) said that it was ...


Criticizing Islam for the policies of, say, the Saudi Arabian government, or of the lunatic fringe of ISIS, is like blaming Christianity for the ghastly ...


Daily Kos

When asked if Islam is a violent religion he rightfully pointed out that no religion is violent or peaceful. He pointed out a violent sect of Buddhism.

Fox News Video

Is Islam a destructive force in the world? Oct. 06, 2014 - 6:16 - Talking Points 10/6. Interact with the Show. ← Back to Browse Live. ADVERTISEMENT ...

"Gone Girl" star Affleck took umbrage at the pair's contention that Islam is, in Harris' words, a "mother lode of bad ideas" and that liberals are ...

Aljazeera - Al Jazeera

The latest media "debate" about Islam stems from American chat show host Bill Maher's criticism of Islam, and the surprisingly passionate response of ...

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