Wednesday 8 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Wednesday 8 October 2014

A Question for the Qadiani Khalifa sahib.

Source :



  1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's only claim was that he was a mujaddid. The Messiah and Mehdi were simple titles used for him by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) describing aspects of his reform. Qadianis believe that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a real prophet.
  2. All those who recite the kalima are Muslims and no one has the right to say that a reciter of the kalima is a heretic (kafir). Qadianis believe that in addition to reciting the kalima, to become a Muslim, a person has to take the baiat on their khalifa's hand.
  3. We believe that the verse Khatam an nabiyeen in the Holy Quran (33:40) means that no prophet shall come after the Holy Prophet (s),  whether he is an old prophet or a new one,  as the Holy Prophet said in hadith. Qadianis say that it means new prophets will be made with the Holy Prophet's (s) seal.


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