Friday 10 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Thursday 9 October 2014

Find 15 minutes to learn about Islam

Source : Mubaligh online

Southeast Asia may give Europe a run for its money. For the first time, researchers have applied high-tech dating techniques to prehistoric art on the walls of seven limestone caves near the town of Maros on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The hand "stencils" and animal images that adorn the walls have minimum ages ranging from 35,400 to 39,900 years old. This falls within the range of dates assigned to the oldest cave art in Europe.

Source : Christian Science Monitor

Isn't this what Hazrat Miza Ghulam Ahmad said 125 years ago and Sunnis brothers have just realised it!
The handbook also offers advice for Muslims living in non-Muslim societies, specifically with reconciling their religious duties with incongruous local laws: "Muslims must obey the law of the land they live in," the book says, adding that local laws musn't restrict "fundamental requirements" of the faith.
"If any restrictions exist, Muslims must try and remove them within the legal means."

Source : Sun News (Canada)


The Sun's 'Unite against Isis' campaign is a proxy for anti-Muslim bigotry
Imagine your average British Muslim family sitting around the breakfast table with the papers this morning. On the front page of the Sun, an image of a ...

I'm a Muslim American Mom. And I'm Sorry.
I'm sorry for Kansas City Chief Husain Abdullah's prostration of gratefulness (or Sajdat al-Shukr) after intercepting Patriot Tom Brady's football pass ...

Muslim Decapitated, Corpse Burned in Central African Republic Unrest
BANGUI - An angry crowd killed a Muslim man in the capital of Central African Republic overnight, decapitating and burning his corpse, and in ...

Isil hostage Peter Kassig 'is now devoutMuslim who prays five times a day', says ex-captive
The Western hostage next in line to be murdered by Islamic State extremists is now a devout Muslim who prays five times a day and fasts twice a week ...

City fights appeal of lawsuit against NYPD's surveillance of Muslims
The city's brief opposes that appeal — but does not mean the mayor supports surveillance of Muslimcommunities, the Law Department said.

Muslim Woman Barred From Colorado Pool Over Dress
A Colorado city is promising to revise its swimsuit rules after a Muslim woman was turned away from its recreation center pool for wearing an Islamic ...

Supreme Court Likely To Allow MuslimInmate To Grow Out Beard
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court appeared likely Tuesday to side with an Arkansas prison inmate who says his Muslim beliefs require him ...

Growing oppression of Muslim preachers in Australia
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Wednesday that he was ordering a crackdown to preventMuslim preachers entering the country, amidst ...

Muslim youth summit told female genital mutilation is not part of Islam
A youth summit of more than 100 young Gambians has been told by an Islamic scholar that the practice of female genital mutilation is not Islamic.

NBC News Defends Radical Islam: American Christians Terrorize, Oppress Women, Hate Gays Too
The Right Scoop. Eric Michael Dyson of course defends Islam, calling it ancient and honorable, and saying we ignore the Christian terrorism all ...

Russia Risks Spread of Extremist Islam, Prosecutor General's Office Warns
With thousands of Russian Muslims pursuing religious education abroad, the country faces a proliferation of extremist Islamic ideology and increased ...

Converting to Islam 'helped' US hostage
As the battle for Kobane intensifies, the fate of western hostages still held by the group calling itself IslamicState (IS) looks even more uncertain.

Watch: Peter Kassig's former cellmate says Isil hostage's conversion to Islamwas 'natural'
He was attracted by Islam already since he started staying in the region." The Western ... He is next in line to be murdered by Islamic State extremists.

Scholar Discusses Democracy in Islamic States
Islamic states that govern themselves according to both religious and secular principles are not necessarily undemocratic, argued Islamic Studies ...

Musings on the Purpose of Higher Education
One such institution that Frank Islam is knowledgeable about because of his personal involvement is Western University in London, Canada.

14 Algerian Hajjis Die in Holy Places of Islam
Mecca — Fourteen Algerian hajjis have died in the Holy Places of Islam since the beginning of hajj 2014, the services of the Algerian Hajj Mission said ...

10 Ways ISIS Is Violating The Laws OfIslam
Islamic scholars and Muslim leaders around the world have come together to condemn ISIS and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, issuing a letter ...


MSNBC host: Islam is ancient and honorable, Christians terrorize just as much as Muslims!
Eric Michael Dyson of course defends Islam, calling it ancient and honorable, and saying we ignore the Christian terrorism all around us. I didn't ...


Ben Affleck and Bill Meher Are Both Wrong About Islam
Ben Affleck's and Bill Maher's recent squabble over Islam reveals a fundamental misunderstanding about Islam. Maher claims Islam is “the only ...

The Best Of The Dish Today
There is so much more to Islam than this – but this tendency is so widespread, and its fundamentalism so hard to budge, and the destruction wrought ...

Struggle between moderate, radical Islam
When moderate groups reject the actions of IS, they also speak in the name ofIslam. The rise of IS, which claims it is trying to bring back the Islamic ...

History of Islamic Conquests
Tarikh-e Futuhat-e Islamiyah (History of Islamic conquests) is a two volume work chronicling Islamic historical events, particularly wars, battles, and ...

Politics in Contention: Historicizing Islam as the political in Somalia
Natasha Issa Shivji, NYU, proposes to re-conceptualize and historicize the notion of so-called political Islam in her lecture on "Politics in Contention: ...

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