Wednesday 10 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Tuesday 9 September 2014

Spare a few minutes to learn about Islam

Source : Mubalighonline

Muslim radicals have begun enforcing Islamic Sharia law on the streets of Wuppertal, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, the state with the largest Muslim population in Germany.
In what government officials say is a blatant challenge to the rule of law and the democratic order in Germany, groups of young bearded Islamists — some wearing orange traffic safety vests emblazoned with the words "Sharia Police" — have declared parts of downtown Wuppertal to be a "Sharia Controlled Zone."

Source : Gatestone Institute


New York Exploring Settlement In NYPD MuslimSurveillance Lawsuits
NEW YORK -- In an about-face, New York City is exploring a settlement with the plaintiffs in two lawsuits against the NYPD's Muslim surveillance ...

Philippines Closer to Approving Autonomous Muslim Region
Murad Ebrahim, chairman of Muslim separatist group the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, met with Mr. Aquino last week to agree on a final draft of the ...

The question is: Does the civilization discourse of the AK Party, which ended the exclusion of religious Muslims and the Kurds from the public sphere, ...

Were they insisting it wasn't terrorism because the perpetrator wasn't Muslim? Or were they insisting that it wasn't terrorism because the perp was ...

US, Israel, real enemies of Muslim world: Professor
Izadi: Well I think if you read or listen to his speech today you will find out that the emphasis that he made was on the issue of unity among Muslims.

No, there is no 'Muslim campaign' to ban Peppa Pig
That a lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes was evident last week when a parody video about a Muslim man ...

Outraged Muslims flood web with 'Burn ISIS Flag Challenge'
One image posted on Twitter shows demonstrators in London torching an IS flag with the message: 'Arab World's version of the Ice Bucket Challenge.'.

Muslim leaders do condemn ISIS
They always do, I reply. The imams condemn them in the Friday sermons and say they are not of us, implying that terrorists are not Muslims.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood holds internal elections
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has conducted internal elections and reviews, but its General Guide Dr Mohamed Badie, will remain the leader so long as ...

'Muslim City' Project, Inteko Construction Firm: Real Estate in Brief
The spiritual administration of Muslims of the republic of Bashkortostan has started work on a real estate development project called Muslim City in the ...

Isis beheadings of journalists are againstIslam, says Abu Qatada
The radical Islamist cleric Abu Qatada has said the beheading of two American journalists by Islamic State (Isis) is against Islamic teachings. Speaking ...

Blow: Dallas church's sermon offers dangerous distortions of Islam
To my dismay, a preacher I have known and admired spent about five minutes running down all of Islam. He began: “One of the biggest lies in the ...

Iraqi Shiite militia fighters hold the Islamic State flag as they celebrate after breaking the siege of Amerli byIslamic State militants, September 1, 2014.

Charles Bronson in prison bust-up withIslamic extremists who warned 'We'll cut off your head'
Jailed Charles Bronson got in an argument with Islamicextremists who told him “We'll cut your head off”, his brother has revealed. Britain's most ...

KACND: Western media attacks on Islamswelled terrorist ranks
Secretary-General of King Abdul Aziz Center for National Dialogue (KACND) Faisal Muammar has said that linkingIslam to the events of Sept.

Disowning Sons? (in Islam?)
Therefore, this current trend in the Islamic world for a "father to disown his own son" for going off to fight a war or deciding to join a terrorist group ...

'Moderate Islam': Impotent, irrelevant? (Guest Voice)
Moderate Islam is a loose construction of Islamic law, which ignores certain portions of it for the sake of modernity. The Prime Minister of Turkey seems ...

In the early '90s, when some Western pundits declared that NATO's main mission in the post-Cold War era is the fight against radical Islam, many ...

PM: Isis a misnomer, does not do justice to Islam
PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia stands firmly together with the international community against the terror organisation,Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis) as it ...

An Islamic crusade
Since the 1970s, it has become virtually impossible to harness Western contempt for Islam and the increasingly radicalized views that have resulted in ...

Islam, terror and leftism items post 1 for Sept. 7 – 2014
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
There is no moderate Islam in the mosques or in Mecca. You won't find it in the Koran or the Hadiths. If you want to find moderate Islam, browse the ...

Saudi official: Western politicians and media linked Islam to 9/11, thereby driving Muslims to ...
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
Of course, in the real world it wasn't Western politicians and media who linkedIslam to the 9/11 attacks. It was the hijackers and plotters themselves.
Lawrence Fisher - Beheading is Not a Part of Islam?  Israel Seen
U.S. journalist James Foley was brutally be-headed in a video broadcast to the world. This was taped by ISIS or Dayish or Islamic State or whatever ...

Islam in Britain: A conversation with the EDL and Abdullah al Andalusi [Video]
Abdullah al Andalusi  Abdullah al Andalusi
Bournemouth University arranged a filmed discussion between me and an articulate EDL spokesman, Gary Hazel, on the issue of 'Islam in Britain'.

Charisma Magazine, Islam, & Racist Op-Eds #CancelTheCrusades
Political Jesus  h00die_R (Rod)
Why Gary Cass Is Absolutely A Fascist Trigger Warning: White Supremacy, Islamophobia, Orientalism Recently as "not a reflection on the views of ...

Message to Obama from former Muslim: ISIS is pure Islam
Project Reason  mralstoner
“They are following Islam's prophet Mohammed in every detail” so says the Moroccan religious scholar, and former Muslim. Alas, he's also a Christian, ...

Geert Wilders: “Recognize that Islam Is the Problem”
Creeping Sharia  creeping
Indeed, my message had been the same during all these years. And today, I will repeat the same message about Islam again. For the umpteenth time.

How Islam Set Back Western Civilization
Creeping Sharia  creeping
Excerpted from How Islam Set Back Western Civilization. By Matthew Hanley … The Belgian historian Henri Pirenne asked a related question: what, ...

Is “Islam is a Religion of Peace”?
Moderate Islam is a loose construction of Islamic law, which ignores certain portions of it for the sake of modernity. The Prime Minister of Turkey seems ...

Top cleric: Islam can satisfy all doubts
Islamic Invitation Turkey  furkan furkan
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi has presided over a ceremony marking the beginning of the new educational year for the seminarians of the Islamic ...

Article Table of Contents. Preliminary considerations; Qurʾānic Islam; Bibliography. The infinitive of the fourth form of the Arabic triliteral root s-l-m ...

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