Monday 8 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Sunday 7 September 2014

Spend a few minutes to improve your knowledge of Islam.

Source : Mubaligh online

Battle for India’s soul: Allegations spread of Islamist ‘Love Jihad’ to convert Hindu women through seduction, marriage and money

Source :

Contributor : Dr Zahid Aziz, Midlands (UK)

". . . Muhammad has important lessons, not only for Muslims, but also for Western people. His life was a jihad : as we shall see, this word does not mean "holy war", it means "struggle". Muhammad literally sweated with the effort to bring peace to war-torn Arabia, and we need people who are prepared to do this today. His life was a tireless campaign against greed, injustice, and arrogance. . . "
Karen Armstrong in Muhammad - Prophet for our time.

". . . the Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles has continued to be one of the most disputed of early Christian texts. It has been depicted by scholars as anything between the original of the Apostolic Decree (c. 50 AD) and a late archaising fiction of the early third century. It bears no date itself, nor does it make reference to any datable external event, yet the picture of the Church which it presents could only be described as primitive, reaching back to the very earliest stages of the Church's order and practice in a way which largely agrees with the picture presented by the NT, while at the same time posing questions for many traditional interpretations of this first period of the Church's life." 


Comedian Fools Muslim Council of Britain with Hoax Campaign to Ban Peppa Pig
Children's global TV sensation Peppa Pig has been used by pranksters for an elaborate 'haram pig' hoax which apparently took in the Muslim Council ...

The nation hangs in the balance, and making excuses for the destructive conduct of President Barack Hussein Obama and his American Muslim ...

SC order to release undertrials will come to aid of Muslim prisoners
NEW DELHI: Muslim prisoners are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries of the government's decision to facilitate release of undertrials languishing in ...

Report: Islamic State Training MuslimBrotherhood Arm in Sinai
A senior commander from the Egyptian MuslimBrotherhood-connected jihadi group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (ABM) spoke with Reuters about how the ...

Muslim leaders condemn al-Qaeda's plan
NASHIK: A delegation of Sunni Markzi Seerat Committee and other local Muslim groups have condemned the terror outfit al-Qaeda for announcing to ...

Is secularism to blame for the rise in antisemitic and anti-Muslim sentiment in Britain?
"This can happen in many ways – from the Jewish andMuslim groups issuing an unprecedented joint statement last week condemning anti-Semitism ...

Muslim lawyer sues NYPD after arrest for 'blocking the sidewalk' during pro-Palestinian rally
A Muslim woman, and human rights lawyer has taken her accusations of NYPD's abuse and racism to court, following her violent detention over ...

Muslim councillor Aicha Mesrar flees Italy in fear for her life after death threats
Italy's first Muslim councillor says she is fleeing the country after a series of death threats, in the latest example of racism suffered by the country's ...

Brooklyn man who attacked two Muslimwomen in hate crime has 34 prior convictions: DA
The bigoted Brooklyn man accused of attacking two women who work at an Arab American group is a drunkard with a long record of petty crimes, ...

NATO Allies Agree to Take on IslamicState Threat
The U.S. and nine key allies agreed Friday that theIslamic State group is a significant threat to NATO countries and that they will take on the militants ...

Ask About Islam (Live Session)
This session is dedicated to “Ask About Islam”; Dr. Mohsen Haredy will reply to general questions aboutIslam including interfaith issues, ...

CNN's Don Lemon asks if Islam may be 'more violent' than other faiths
We thought we had settled this back in 2010, when PBS' Tavis Smiley revealed to Ayaan Hirsi Ali that Christians commit terrorist acts “every single day ...

ISIL is 100 Proof Islam
The Koran says what it means and means what it says. When the Koran says, "And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to ...

Middle East Expert: 'Fight Islam Like Nazism'
Bukay argued that the world must understand the war today must not be against this or that terror group, but against extremist Islam as an ideology.

Thirteen years after 9/11, the debate about Islam is still dominated, on both sides, by hysteria
“Islam isn't necessarily a violent faith, and it is not markedly more acceptable to the Muslims of the world than, say, to the town of Collingwood, Ont., ...

al-Qaeda wants to portray Modi as enemy of Islam: US analyst
Al-Qaeda wants to portray Prime Minister Modi as an enemy of Islam," ex-CIA analyst Bruce Riedel, who is considered to be one of the US's top ...

ROBINSON: Our challenge with Islam
“Our objective is clear, and that is to degrade and destroy” the Islamic State, he said, although it sounded like two different objectives. He added that ...

Suspended Sharjah policeman converts toIslam
He said he was considering to embrace Islam since two years, after his compatriot – a medic with Sharjah Police - introduced him to the teaches of ...


UK: Black convert to Islam beheads elderly woman in broad daylight
Creeping Sharia  creeping
The man accused of beheading a great-grandmother in her back garden is a would-be cage fighter who converted to Islam five years ago, it has ...

Who is the leader of Islam?
The Christianity has the Pope, does Islam have someone similar? ... If you mean by an Imam who alone is a valid leader according to Shia Islam then ...

ASIA/PAKISTAN - Two Christian women abducted, forced to convert to Islam and marry Muslim men
Lahore – Recently light was shed on yet another case of women abducted from their families, forced to convert to Islam and to marry Muslim men: ...

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