Monday 22 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Monday 22 September 2014

British politicians and the media seem to be trapped in an endless debate over the question of curbing both violent and non-violent extremism within the Muslim community. 

Source : Gatestone Institute

The MTA concluded it was reasonably foreseeable that displaying the advertisement would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate breach of the peace, and so harm, disrupt, or interfere with safe, efficient, and orderly transportation operations. Under the MTA's viewpoint-neutral advertising standards, the agency can prohibit advertisements that violate that standard.

Source :

Pamela Gellar who has paid for anti-Muslim advertisements.  


We are the ones being terrorised,Muslims say
A backlash of hate crimes against the Muslim community after the police raids last week has also sparked a rash of social media comments such as ...

Twin visions of Islamic Feminism Split Muslim Community
When Washington D.C.-based writer and feminist activist Jennifer Zobair decided to marry a Muslim man and convert to Islam 15 years ago, she was ...

Muslim body welcomes PM Narendra Modi's statement on community
A body of Muslim intellectuals, on Sunday welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement lauding the patriotism of Muslims in the country.

The Muslim Brotherhood and IS are not the same thing
The Muslim Brotherhood is the oldest and most influential Islamist movement in the Arab world. It was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan Al-Banna, ...

Rural wrestling marks Hindu Muslim brotherhood in Jammu and Kashmir
Rural wrestling, better known to some as 'Dangal', has become a symbol of Hindu-Muslim brotherhood and secularism in this part of Jammu and ...

Fears of Violence in Mixed Areas as Jewish, MuslimHolidays May Collide in Once in 30 ...
While both religions base timekeeping on a lunar calendar, Jewish law stipulates the day and length of the fast to the minute, while Muslim religious ...

Goulburn Jail prison riot sparked byMuslim inmates shouting 'Allah Akbar' days after terror raids
One of Australia's toughest jails was in lockdown on Sunday after Muslim inmates shouting 'Allah Akbar' sparked a riot. Prison officers at Goulburn jail, ...

Muslims beat terror group at their own game
Muslim youth from the UK and beyond have rushed to add their voices to the campaign, with tweets and Instagram posts calling IS “un-Islamic” and ...
Islam is a religion of enemies in pieces
According to the Bush protocol, any mention of Islamic terrorism must be followed by a disclaimer pointing out that Islamic terrorism is nothing to do ...

Twin visions of Islamic Feminism Split Muslim Community
When Washington D.C.-based writer and feminist activist Jennifer Zobair decided to marry a Muslim man and convert to Islam 15 years ago, she was ...

'Divisive' Anti-Islam Adverts Featuring Murdered Hostage James Foley Shown on New York Buses
"Controversial during its first run for calling jihadis 'savages', now this ad has been abundantly vindicated by the savagery of the Islamic State," she ...

Concern over government plan that may force Jewish schools to teach Islam
The move is designed to tackle Islamic extremism spreading in schools following the 'Trojan Horse' allegations in Birmingham earlier this year, when ...

The Ancient War Between the Judeo-Christian West and Islam
Would Islamic invaders demolish the Vatican, as the Taliban dynamited Afghanistan's Buddhas of Bamyan in 2001? Or would they settle merely for ...

Young Muslims Demand ISIS Stop Terrorizing in the Name of Islam With #NotInMyName
While history of how the Islamic State began is a complicated one, one thing is for sure: Their beliefs are twisted and completely misrepresent the ...

Stuttering Kerry Admits America is at War...With the 'Enemy of Islam'
Obama is so determined to separate his beloved and respected Islam from ISIS that he is torturing the truth, the language, and logic to make the ...

Islamic State recruiting women to 'have kids and cook'
Months after declaring an Islamic caliphate, IslamicState, which has seized large swaths of Syria and Iraq, is seeking to address a need of any viable ...

Former One Nation candidate likens Islam to Nazism
Wisdom and Truth is everywhere on Scotland decides If you take the time to look, if you open your ears and your eyes and if you look behind the ...

How Qatar is Funding the Rise of RadicalIslam
Few outsiders have noticed, but radical Islamists now control Libya's capital. These militias stormed Tripoli last month, forcing the official government ...

Tony Blair: Islamic State's ideology “based in a complete perversion of the proper faith of Islam”
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
He says that the free world must combat the ideology of the Islamic State, while retailing the usual soothing fictions about where its ideology comes ...

Fearing Political Islam: Why Was Gaza Betrayed
Cyrano's Journal Today  rowan wolf
Political Islam, especially that which is affiliated with moderate Islamic ideology known as al-Wasatiyyah (roughly translated as 'moderation') swept-up ...

Is the Religion of Islam Necessary?
The religions of the West – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – all believe that we are born with a soul that needs to be saved – the reason for many of ...

Leader of terrorist group Fata al-Islam Ali al-Hinawi assassinated yesterday in Lattakia
Islamic Invitation Turkey  Behesti Zehra
Leader of terrorist group Fata al-Islam Ali al-Hinawi assassinated yesterday in Lattakia. Assassinations of terrorist leaders have increased ten fold in ...

French Justice: Prison for Insulting Islam
The Eponymous Flower  Tancred
(Paris) Double standards of anti-Christian political correctness have been proven by French judge. They have condemned two women because they ...

The Islamic State . . . of Saudi Arabia
The Islamic State . . . of Saudi Arabia - Between beheadings, they'll help train the “moderate” Syrian rebels.

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