Tuesday 30 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Tuesday 30 September 2014



  1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's only claim was that he was a mujaddid. The Messiah and Mehdi were simple titles used for him by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) describing aspects of his reform. Qadianis believe that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a real prophet.
  2. All those who recite the kalima are Muslims and no one has the right to say that a reciter of the kalima is a heretic (kafir). Qadianis believe that in addition to reciting the kalima, to become a Muslim, a person has to take the baiat on their khalifa's hand.
  3. We believe that the verse Khatam an nabiyeen in the Holy Quran (33:40) means that no prophet shall come after the Holy Prophet (s),  whether he is an old prophet or a new one,  as the Holy Prophet said in hadith. Qadianis say that it means new prophets will be made with the Holy Prophet's (s) seal.


Walk around the Washington DC, capital of the richest and most powerful nation on earth, and you see vagrants, beggars and NAM veterans sleeping in a park, unwashed and starving. At one point stand and look up and you see the White House. They too can see the White House and Capitol Hill but the White House or Capitol Hill can't see them.

Source : Christian Science Monitor

.  .  .  but some Americans privately provide help to those who need it most .  .  .

Source : http://www.news.com.au/

Meet the Controversial Muslim Leader Who Has Advised the White House
In a speech last week laced with references to religion, President Obama called on Muslim leaders and youth alike to reject the barbaric ideologies of ...

Australia and the veil: burqa-cladMuslim women feel fearful for their own safety
There has been a recent hash out of an old debate about whether Australia should ban Muslim women from observing Islamic practices of face veiling.

Sectarian Violence in Myanmar Threatens the Livelihoods of Muslims
Workers replacing the windows of a Muslim-owned hardware store in Mandalay, Myanmar. Credit Mathieu Willcocks for The New York Times.

Muslim students devote time to feeding homeless
Twice a month, the Muslim Students' Association of MSU helps out the homeless of Lansing by hosting an event called “Project Downtown.” “What we ...

Living with the Enemy? No, they're just an average Muslim couple
Living with the Enemy (SBS On Demand), was particularly worth the watch on Wednesday. Ahmed and Lydia, a Muslim couple, invite Ben to live with ...

U.S. beheading suspect, Muslimconvert, to be charged Monday
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — A man accused of beheading a woman in Oklahoma will be charged Monday, authorities said. Charges against Alton ...

Muslim women don't deserve this
AND so it begins. Around Australia, Muslim women have come under attack: one is beaten, another is sworn at, another has her hijab pulled off her ...

Brother of Muslim preacher accused of radicalising teenage terrorist shares hateful Islamic State ...
It has emerged that the brother of WA Islamic preacher Mohammed Junaid Thorne has reposted a number of Islamic State propaganda messages on ...

Edmonton Muslim community holds symposium to keep youth from being tricked into violent ideology
Mohyuddin Mirza Ahmadiyyaya Muslim Jama'at Outreach director Mohyuddin Mirza pose for a photo at the Al-Hadi Mosque in Edmonton, Alberta on ...

Heroism of Indian Muslim woman in World War II inspires today
The quiet, unwavering heroism of a young IndianMuslim woman who sacrificed her life to fight against Nazi domination during World War II offers ...

Western leaders and Islam
But ever since September 2001, and especially over the last few weeks of intensifying conflict with IslamicState, it has been a question that Western ...

Erdoğan: ISIL has nothing to do withIslam
“Our religion, Islam, or any other monotheistic religion, does not legitimize such violence and murder. The world is rallying against the ISIL threat, ...

Netanyahu to Arabs: Work with us against militant Islam
Israel and Arab states face a common threat from Islamist extremists, and teaming up to defeat them and other enemies could lead to better relations ...

Islam-linked US beheading suspect to be charged
A US worker suspected of beheading a colleague after trying to convert his co-workers to Islam is to be formally charged on Tuesday, a police ...

'Boko Haram Is Not Islam'
Islamic insurgent groups such as Boko Haram use the Qur'an to justify their actions. This has led many non-Muslims to see Muslims - especially those ...

Jeter, Rice , Nolen and Islam: Classic examples of media bias
If you kill, maim, behead, rape and murder innocent people you are extreme, but it has nothing to do withIslam. But in a fit of anger, if you hit someone ...

Oklahoma beheader 'represents realIslam'
But those are the “radicals,” not really representingIslam, Obama administration officials, and others, repeat. President George W. Bush said Islam is a ...

On Islam
This refers to the article, “Islam and its interpretations” (Sept.29). Extremists have misinterpreted Islamic doctrines to suit their own agenda. It is easy to ...

Netanyahu to UN: Stop Militant Islam before it's Too Late
United with Israel  Atara Beck
Militant Islam is on the march around the globe and must be stopped before it's too late, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged leaders at the ...

In Defense of Islamic State
Alisina.org  Ali Sina
In his speech addressed to the UN general assembly, Barak Hussein Obama said, “ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones killing innocents.” He also ...

Liberals Giving Islam a Pass…
Bill Maher (HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher) recently scolded liberals for giving Islam a pass on all sorts of human rights violations. I think he's right ...

Why Islam Does not Allow Boyfriends and Girlfriends?
Answers  Souphienne Goufi
The wisdom behind the strict rules pertaining to gender relations in Islam owe to core values of haya' (modesty) and 'iffah (chastity), legal principals ...

Fight Against Islam
Cagle.com Premium Cartoon News  Stavro Jabra
Fight Against Islam, Political Cartoons, Comics, Editorial Commentary on the latest news, politics, cartoon memes and events around the world.

How Facebook Rescued Children From Islam
Shaun Groves  Shaun Groves
This is the story of how three Americans and one Facebook message rescued Ugandan children from Islam. It all started when Jody shared a post of ...
Google PlusFacebookTwitterFlag as irrelevant

Moscow Seeks to Contain Islam in Regions Adjacent to the North Caucasus
Multiple appeals by the Muslims there remain unanswered and the experts warn that the government's attempt to contain the spread of Islam in the ...

Monday 29 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Monday 29 September 2014



  1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's only claim was that he was a mujaddid. The Messiah and Mehdi were simple titles used for him by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) describing aspects of his reform. Qadianis believe that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a real prophet.
  2. All those who recite the kalima are Muslims and no one has the right to say that a reciter of the kalima is a heretic (kafir). Qadianis believe that in addition to reciting the kalima, to become a Muslim, a person has to take the baiat on their khalifa's hand.
  3. We believe that the verse Khatam an nabiyeen in the Holy Quran (33:40) means that no prophet shall come after the Holy Prophet (s),  whether he is an old prophet or a new one,  as the Holy Prophet said in hadith. Qadianis say that it means new prophets will be made with the Holy Prophet's (s) seal.

“No one has been put to death for the blasphemy laws by the state. But the number of people who have been targeted, murdered, burnt alive by mobs baying for blood, is huge. That’s why I believe what Mr. Khan and Mr. Qadri are doing is so dangerous. They are conflating Islam and the anger of the youth about corruption and no jobs – and unleashing it.”

Source : http://www.cbc.ca/

 Pakistans founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, spoke of his vision for a state in which “we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.” Sadly, his dream was never realized. Pakistan remains a place where freedom and social justice are as unattainable for the masses as basic needs like food, clean water and education.

Source : New York Times

Pakistan Monument Islamabad 


For Muslims, Social Media Debate on Extremism Is Reflected in Dueling Hashtags
But the campaign has spawned a satirical reaction from Muslims who say it presumes that they are somehow collectively responsible for Islamic ...

The Rites Of Hajj, Explained In 6 Minutes, As Annual Muslim Pilgrimage Approaches
MECCA, SAUDI ARABIA - SEPTEMBER 26: Muslimpilgrims gathering for the annual Hajj pilgrimage circle counterclockwise toward the Kaaba, ...

Muslim rebels start difficult disarming process
KUALA LUMPUR - The difficult process of disarming Philippine Muslimrebels after a decades-long insurgency has started, negotiators said Sunday, ...

The Antichrist and the Muslim Mahdi (Part 1)
Many people—religious and non-religious—are asking questions about a word they hear the media use when referring to ISIS and other Islamist ...

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki, Boston Bomber's Mosque
The FBI documents also found that “Webb and Awlaki may be associated with the Muslim American Society,” which is a group described by the ...

Press Using Older Photos of Alton Nolen Over Recent One in Muslim Garb
During the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman saga, the press was widely and deservedly criticized for repeatedly and almost exclusively using a ...

PH Muslim rebels start difficult disarming process
KUALA LUMPUR — The difficult process of disarming Philippine Muslim rebels after a decades-long insurgency has started, negotiators said Sunday, ...

Denmark: Christians flee Muslim-dominated areas
(Jihad Watch) Christians with Middle Eastern backgrounds in Denmark experience harassment, verbal attacks and in some cases direct violence from ...

SG50 Kita to drive Malay-Muslim SG50 initiatives
Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs Dr Yaacob Ibrahim unveiled the members of SG50 Malay-MuslimCoordination Committee or SG50 Kita on ...

Life under the Muslim veil: Our reporter's day shrouded in afraid on familiar streets
And this is what Muslim women have to deal with every day in Sydney. Adrenaline was pumping and I wanted to rip off my Muslim garb and be me ...

Sometimes one comes across a news story that makes one happy and at peace without thinking about it in detail. The freeing of the 49 hostages and ...

Islam and its interpretations
What is Islam? I know Islam's critics will be dying to answer this question, but it is more important to hear it from Muslims themselves because, after all, ...

Takfiris false representation of Islam: UAE FM
The official further noted that such heinous crimes committed by the terrorist groups are against the teachings of Islam, saying the Takfiri groups are ...

Air strikes on Syria 'war against Islam'
The Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda's Syrian franchise, has said that foreign air strikes on the country constitute a "war against Islam", and threatened to ...

Islamic State crisis: Coalition bombs Syria refineries
US-led coalition aircraft have targeted four makeshift oil refineries under Islamic State (IS) control in Syria, as well as a command centre.

Blogger pulls anti-Islam MTA ads depicting James Foley before his beheading after criticism from ...
The ad featuring Foley was paid for by firebrand blogger Pamela Geller, as part of her long-running crusade against radical Islam, a campaign that ...

Obama: "Islam Is A Religion That Preaches Peace"
Islam is a religion that preaches peace and the overwhelming majority of Muslims are peaceful. But in the Muslim world right now, there is a cancer ...

Isis in Syria: Militant group al-Nusra claims US air strikes are a 'war againstIslam'
The Syrian terror group al-Nusra Front has denounced US air strikes against Isis as “a war against Islam” and vowed to take revenge against the ...

Air strikes on Syria war against Islam: Al Qaeda
Beirut: Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda's Syrian franchise, said Saturday that foreign air strikes on the country constitute a "war against Islam", and ...

Two videos on Islam: Bill Maher and Hitchens
Why Evolution Is True  whyevolutionistrue
Here are two videos that deal at least partly with the claim that violentIslamic radicals aren't "really Muslim." The first is a new video from Bill Maher's ...

Godlike Productions - General Discussion  Anonymous Coward (UID 56786167)
Isn't islam just a blessing to this world? ... This is it, if according to the bibleIslam is the beast of revelation then there is hope. If not we are doomed.

Islam Comes to Moore, Oklahoma
Warning Signs  Alan Caruba
There was nothing peaceful about Islam from its earliest days when the citizens of Mecca came to the conclusion that Muhammad and his followers ...

We must decapitate Islam!
GalliaWatch  tiberge
Bloggers and commenters are outraged at the French media that have capitulated to Islam once again, proclaiming that the people who perform such ...

09/28 Links: Radical Islam, Israel and Agitprop
Radical Islam, Israel and Agitprop. Many Europeans who would laugh at the idea of negotiating with ISIS or al-Qaeda say that Israel should negotiate ...

Michelle Bachmann, Republican Congresswoman calls on Obama to declare war on Islam Print ...
At the 2014 Value Voters Summit, Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann (R) claimed that there is no such thing as “moderate” Islam, and that ...

Taking care of Islam
Jim's Blog  jim
Every US intervention against Islam backfires. Progressives believe that all religions, rightly understood, are Progressivism. Viewed as a cynical lie, ...