Wednesday 10 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Tuesday 9 September 2014

Spare a few minutes to learn about Islam

Source : Mubalighonline

Muslim radicals have begun enforcing Islamic Sharia law on the streets of Wuppertal, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, the state with the largest Muslim population in Germany.
In what government officials say is a blatant challenge to the rule of law and the democratic order in Germany, groups of young bearded Islamists — some wearing orange traffic safety vests emblazoned with the words "Sharia Police" — have declared parts of downtown Wuppertal to be a "Sharia Controlled Zone."

Source : Gatestone Institute


New York Exploring Settlement In NYPD MuslimSurveillance Lawsuits
NEW YORK -- In an about-face, New York City is exploring a settlement with the plaintiffs in two lawsuits against the NYPD's Muslim surveillance ...

Philippines Closer to Approving Autonomous Muslim Region
Murad Ebrahim, chairman of Muslim separatist group the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, met with Mr. Aquino last week to agree on a final draft of the ...

The question is: Does the civilization discourse of the AK Party, which ended the exclusion of religious Muslims and the Kurds from the public sphere, ...

Were they insisting it wasn't terrorism because the perpetrator wasn't Muslim? Or were they insisting that it wasn't terrorism because the perp was ...

US, Israel, real enemies of Muslim world: Professor
Izadi: Well I think if you read or listen to his speech today you will find out that the emphasis that he made was on the issue of unity among Muslims.

No, there is no 'Muslim campaign' to ban Peppa Pig
That a lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes was evident last week when a parody video about a Muslim man ...

Outraged Muslims flood web with 'Burn ISIS Flag Challenge'
One image posted on Twitter shows demonstrators in London torching an IS flag with the message: 'Arab World's version of the Ice Bucket Challenge.'.

Muslim leaders do condemn ISIS
They always do, I reply. The imams condemn them in the Friday sermons and say they are not of us, implying that terrorists are not Muslims.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood holds internal elections
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has conducted internal elections and reviews, but its General Guide Dr Mohamed Badie, will remain the leader so long as ...

'Muslim City' Project, Inteko Construction Firm: Real Estate in Brief
The spiritual administration of Muslims of the republic of Bashkortostan has started work on a real estate development project called Muslim City in the ...

Isis beheadings of journalists are againstIslam, says Abu Qatada
The radical Islamist cleric Abu Qatada has said the beheading of two American journalists by Islamic State (Isis) is against Islamic teachings. Speaking ...

Blow: Dallas church's sermon offers dangerous distortions of Islam
To my dismay, a preacher I have known and admired spent about five minutes running down all of Islam. He began: “One of the biggest lies in the ...

Iraqi Shiite militia fighters hold the Islamic State flag as they celebrate after breaking the siege of Amerli byIslamic State militants, September 1, 2014.

Charles Bronson in prison bust-up withIslamic extremists who warned 'We'll cut off your head'
Jailed Charles Bronson got in an argument with Islamicextremists who told him “We'll cut your head off”, his brother has revealed. Britain's most ...

KACND: Western media attacks on Islamswelled terrorist ranks
Secretary-General of King Abdul Aziz Center for National Dialogue (KACND) Faisal Muammar has said that linkingIslam to the events of Sept.

Disowning Sons? (in Islam?)
Therefore, this current trend in the Islamic world for a "father to disown his own son" for going off to fight a war or deciding to join a terrorist group ...

'Moderate Islam': Impotent, irrelevant? (Guest Voice)
Moderate Islam is a loose construction of Islamic law, which ignores certain portions of it for the sake of modernity. The Prime Minister of Turkey seems ...

In the early '90s, when some Western pundits declared that NATO's main mission in the post-Cold War era is the fight against radical Islam, many ...

PM: Isis a misnomer, does not do justice to Islam
PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia stands firmly together with the international community against the terror organisation,Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis) as it ...

An Islamic crusade
Since the 1970s, it has become virtually impossible to harness Western contempt for Islam and the increasingly radicalized views that have resulted in ...

Islam, terror and leftism items post 1 for Sept. 7 – 2014
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
There is no moderate Islam in the mosques or in Mecca. You won't find it in the Koran or the Hadiths. If you want to find moderate Islam, browse the ...

Saudi official: Western politicians and media linked Islam to 9/11, thereby driving Muslims to ...
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
Of course, in the real world it wasn't Western politicians and media who linkedIslam to the 9/11 attacks. It was the hijackers and plotters themselves.
Lawrence Fisher - Beheading is Not a Part of Islam?  Israel Seen
U.S. journalist James Foley was brutally be-headed in a video broadcast to the world. This was taped by ISIS or Dayish or Islamic State or whatever ...

Islam in Britain: A conversation with the EDL and Abdullah al Andalusi [Video]
Abdullah al Andalusi  Abdullah al Andalusi
Bournemouth University arranged a filmed discussion between me and an articulate EDL spokesman, Gary Hazel, on the issue of 'Islam in Britain'.

Charisma Magazine, Islam, & Racist Op-Eds #CancelTheCrusades
Political Jesus  h00die_R (Rod)
Why Gary Cass Is Absolutely A Fascist Trigger Warning: White Supremacy, Islamophobia, Orientalism Recently as "not a reflection on the views of ...

Message to Obama from former Muslim: ISIS is pure Islam
Project Reason  mralstoner
“They are following Islam's prophet Mohammed in every detail” so says the Moroccan religious scholar, and former Muslim. Alas, he's also a Christian, ...

Geert Wilders: “Recognize that Islam Is the Problem”
Creeping Sharia  creeping
Indeed, my message had been the same during all these years. And today, I will repeat the same message about Islam again. For the umpteenth time.

How Islam Set Back Western Civilization
Creeping Sharia  creeping
Excerpted from How Islam Set Back Western Civilization. By Matthew Hanley … The Belgian historian Henri Pirenne asked a related question: what, ...

Is “Islam is a Religion of Peace”?
Moderate Islam is a loose construction of Islamic law, which ignores certain portions of it for the sake of modernity. The Prime Minister of Turkey seems ...

Top cleric: Islam can satisfy all doubts
Islamic Invitation Turkey  furkan furkan
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi has presided over a ceremony marking the beginning of the new educational year for the seminarians of the Islamic ...

Article Table of Contents. Preliminary considerations; Qurʾānic Islam; Bibliography. The infinitive of the fourth form of the Arabic triliteral root s-l-m ...

Tuesday 9 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Monday 8 September 2014

Forty years ago Zulfikar Ali Bhutto claimed credit for solving the 90-year-old problem relating to the status of the Ahmadiya community. History has not ruled in his favour, for the constitutional amendment adopted by parliament on September 7, 1974, declaring the Ahmadis to be outside the fold of Islam, only aggravated the problem.
Time has also proved wrong the late Maulana Shah Ahmad Noorani who had declared, on the eve of the parliament’s session that adopted the Second Amendment to the Constitution of 1973, that the Ahmadis were being declared non-Muslim to save their lives. From the day the amendment was passed the Ahmadis have been becoming more and more vulnerable. Regardless of the identity of the men who have killed hundreds of Ahmadis since 1974, the state’s culpability cannot be denied.

Source : The News on Sunday

Islamic State pamphlets and flags have appeared in parts of Pakistan and India, alongside signs that the ultra-radical group is inspiring militants even in the strongholds of the Taliban and al Qaeda.
A splinter group of Pakistan’s Taliban insurgents, Jamat-ul Ahrar, has already declared its support for the well-funded and ruthless Islamic State fighters, who have captured large swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria in a drive to set up a self-declared caliphate.

Source :

The Ahmadis are active translators of the Koran and proselytizers for the faith; converts to Islam in many parts of the world first discover Islam through the Ahmadis. However, in a number of Islamic countries, especially Sunni-dominated nations, Ahmadis have been considered heretics, and subjected to persecution and systematic oppression. Ahmadis are constitutionally declared to be non-Muslims in Pakistan. - See more at:

Source :


Muslim advisors help clients invest in Islamic way
Shortly before the start of Ramadan—the Muslim holy month, marked by sunrise-to-sundown fasting, which fell in July this year—the calls to Naushad ...

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AUSTRALIA'S top Muslim leaders have betrayed us again. ... And both times, prominent Muslim leaders here have not defended us but attacked, like ...

China Will Help Send 14000 MuslimCitizens to Mecca in 2014
The trips will all fly out of Ningxia, a central Chinese province with a significant Muslim population. According to Jin Pu of the Ningxia Regional ...

One Woman, Many Surprises: PacifistMuslim, British Spy, WWII Hero
Noor Inayat Khan, one of the heroines of World War II, had a short, astonishing life, one that took her from a pacifist childhood to a daring career in ...

Muslim leaders condemn al-Qaeda's plan
A delegation of Sunni Markzi Seerat Committee and other local Muslim groups have condemned the terror outfit al-Qaeda for announcing to establish ...

Former Muslim, son of an Imam, tries to talk some sense into Obama
A former Muslim calling himself “Brother Rasheed” says Islamic followers have been “brainwashed” to hate America and that President Obama has to ...

Atheist Ireland invites Muslim schools in Ireland to be inclusive
In a statement Atheist Ireland pointed out that theMuslim schools to which it referrred were part of the national education system and, given Dr Selim's ...

Russian agents raiding homes of Muslimsin Crimea
Around 300,000 Muslims in Crimea, mainly native Crimean Tatars, are having to adjust to new laws enforced by Russia after their homeland was ...

Modi's silence on divisive campaigns cause of concern:Muslim body
Muslim organisation Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Saturday said while Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks of development, his silence on the divisive ...

Bosnia Muslim top cleric urges British hostage release
Bosnia's most senior Muslim leader, Grand Mufti Husein Kavazovic on Friday urged the Islamic State to liberate a British hostage threatened with ...

Monday 8 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Sunday 7 September 2014

Spend a few minutes to improve your knowledge of Islam.

Source : Mubaligh online

Battle for India’s soul: Allegations spread of Islamist ‘Love Jihad’ to convert Hindu women through seduction, marriage and money

Source :

Contributor : Dr Zahid Aziz, Midlands (UK)

". . . Muhammad has important lessons, not only for Muslims, but also for Western people. His life was a jihad : as we shall see, this word does not mean "holy war", it means "struggle". Muhammad literally sweated with the effort to bring peace to war-torn Arabia, and we need people who are prepared to do this today. His life was a tireless campaign against greed, injustice, and arrogance. . . "
Karen Armstrong in Muhammad - Prophet for our time.

". . . the Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles has continued to be one of the most disputed of early Christian texts. It has been depicted by scholars as anything between the original of the Apostolic Decree (c. 50 AD) and a late archaising fiction of the early third century. It bears no date itself, nor does it make reference to any datable external event, yet the picture of the Church which it presents could only be described as primitive, reaching back to the very earliest stages of the Church's order and practice in a way which largely agrees with the picture presented by the NT, while at the same time posing questions for many traditional interpretations of this first period of the Church's life." 


Comedian Fools Muslim Council of Britain with Hoax Campaign to Ban Peppa Pig
Children's global TV sensation Peppa Pig has been used by pranksters for an elaborate 'haram pig' hoax which apparently took in the Muslim Council ...

The nation hangs in the balance, and making excuses for the destructive conduct of President Barack Hussein Obama and his American Muslim ...

SC order to release undertrials will come to aid of Muslim prisoners
NEW DELHI: Muslim prisoners are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries of the government's decision to facilitate release of undertrials languishing in ...

Report: Islamic State Training MuslimBrotherhood Arm in Sinai
A senior commander from the Egyptian MuslimBrotherhood-connected jihadi group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (ABM) spoke with Reuters about how the ...

Muslim leaders condemn al-Qaeda's plan
NASHIK: A delegation of Sunni Markzi Seerat Committee and other local Muslim groups have condemned the terror outfit al-Qaeda for announcing to ...

Is secularism to blame for the rise in antisemitic and anti-Muslim sentiment in Britain?
"This can happen in many ways – from the Jewish andMuslim groups issuing an unprecedented joint statement last week condemning anti-Semitism ...

Muslim lawyer sues NYPD after arrest for 'blocking the sidewalk' during pro-Palestinian rally
A Muslim woman, and human rights lawyer has taken her accusations of NYPD's abuse and racism to court, following her violent detention over ...

Muslim councillor Aicha Mesrar flees Italy in fear for her life after death threats
Italy's first Muslim councillor says she is fleeing the country after a series of death threats, in the latest example of racism suffered by the country's ...

Brooklyn man who attacked two Muslimwomen in hate crime has 34 prior convictions: DA
The bigoted Brooklyn man accused of attacking two women who work at an Arab American group is a drunkard with a long record of petty crimes, ...

NATO Allies Agree to Take on IslamicState Threat
The U.S. and nine key allies agreed Friday that theIslamic State group is a significant threat to NATO countries and that they will take on the militants ...

Ask About Islam (Live Session)
This session is dedicated to “Ask About Islam”; Dr. Mohsen Haredy will reply to general questions aboutIslam including interfaith issues, ...

CNN's Don Lemon asks if Islam may be 'more violent' than other faiths
We thought we had settled this back in 2010, when PBS' Tavis Smiley revealed to Ayaan Hirsi Ali that Christians commit terrorist acts “every single day ...

ISIL is 100 Proof Islam
The Koran says what it means and means what it says. When the Koran says, "And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to ...

Middle East Expert: 'Fight Islam Like Nazism'
Bukay argued that the world must understand the war today must not be against this or that terror group, but against extremist Islam as an ideology.

Thirteen years after 9/11, the debate about Islam is still dominated, on both sides, by hysteria
“Islam isn't necessarily a violent faith, and it is not markedly more acceptable to the Muslims of the world than, say, to the town of Collingwood, Ont., ...

al-Qaeda wants to portray Modi as enemy of Islam: US analyst
Al-Qaeda wants to portray Prime Minister Modi as an enemy of Islam," ex-CIA analyst Bruce Riedel, who is considered to be one of the US's top ...

ROBINSON: Our challenge with Islam
“Our objective is clear, and that is to degrade and destroy” the Islamic State, he said, although it sounded like two different objectives. He added that ...

Suspended Sharjah policeman converts toIslam
He said he was considering to embrace Islam since two years, after his compatriot – a medic with Sharjah Police - introduced him to the teaches of ...


UK: Black convert to Islam beheads elderly woman in broad daylight
Creeping Sharia  creeping
The man accused of beheading a great-grandmother in her back garden is a would-be cage fighter who converted to Islam five years ago, it has ...

Who is the leader of Islam?
The Christianity has the Pope, does Islam have someone similar? ... If you mean by an Imam who alone is a valid leader according to Shia Islam then ...

ASIA/PAKISTAN - Two Christian women abducted, forced to convert to Islam and marry Muslim men
Lahore – Recently light was shed on yet another case of women abducted from their families, forced to convert to Islam and to marry Muslim men: ...

Sunday 7 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Saturday 6 September 2014

Shehzad was shown in footage, telling Dilshan: "If you are a non-Muslim and you turn Muslim, no matter whatever you do in your life, straight to heaven."

Source BBC Sport

In the documentary, the narrator introduces Pakistan as 'one of the most important Muslim populations, a democracy, a nuclear power and a supporter of the Western bloc.' But it soon reveals the silence and denial on one of the most taboo topics: pedophilia.
The documentary alleges that 9 out of 10 children in Peshawar have been victims of pedophilia.

Source :

Researchers suspect that, more than 300 million years ago, a species of synapsid, a group that includes mammals and their extinct relatives, was active during nighttime.

Source : Christian Science Monitor

Our challenge with Islam
Finding ways for fundamentalist Islam to express itself peacefully is a bigger, tougher and more important project. In his remarks Tuesday after the ...

Al-Qaida wants to portray Modi as enemy of Islam: US analyst
Al-Qaida wants to portray Prime Minister Modi as an enemy of Islam," ex-CIA analyst Bruce Riedel, who is considered to be one of the US's top experts ...

Sunni religious authorities turn againstIslamic State
THE institutional voices of Sunni Islam have been slow to respond to the orgy of beheadings, mass-executions and sectarian cleansing promoted by ...

ISIS Is Not Just Un-Islamic, It Is Anti-Islamic
Despite misappropriating and misusing the name “Islamic State,” ISIS is little more than a criminal gang that attaches itself like a leech to revered ...

ROBINSON: Our challenge with Islam
##WASHINGTON — Destroying, degrading or containing the Islamic State — whichever goal President Obama chooses — will be the easy part.

Isis 'ice bucket challenge': Lebanese activists burning flag sparks anti-IslamicState hashtag ...
Pictures of Lebanese activists burning flags in Beruit in protest against Islamic State militants have sparked a hashtag campaign against Isis.

Al-Qaeda wants to portray Narendra Modi as enemy of Islam: US analyst
Al-Qaeda wants to portray Prime Minister Modi as an enemy of Islam," ex-CIA analyst Bruce Riedel, who is considered to be one of the US' top experts ...

Former President Jimmy Carter Reveals His Spots, Lauds Islam Despite Its Genocide of Christians
Former President Jimmy Carter's advocacy of Islambrings to mind something my grandfather used to say: "A leopard can't change its spots." Little did I ...

CNN's Don Lemon: “Is Islam a more violent religion than other faiths?”
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
Even at Fox, commentators routinely affirm that the problem is that “radicals” who have “hijacked” Islam. But once one has been pounded on the head ...

Ex-Muslim and son of imam: Islamic State following “steps of Islam's prophet Muhammad to the letter”
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
Ex-Muslim and son of imam: Islamic State following “steps of Islam's prophet Muhammad to ... Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11 ...

Franken, McFadden slug it out over Minnesota's connections to radical Islam
The Blotter  Aaron Rupar
On the same day news broke about the second Minnesotan who died fighting for ISIS in Syria having a security clearance at MSP, Sen. Al Franken ...

John Kerry wants YOU to know that “The real face of Islamis a
JEWSNEWS  Eliyokim Cohen
John Kerry wants YOU to know that “The real face of Islam is a peaceful religion based on the dignity of all human beings”. Posted on 9/5/2014 by ...

Its just Islam. Staring down the obvious – links for Sept. 4 – 2014
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
While newspapers and authorities stubbornly refuse to give the man who beheaded a woman in the UK's name, locals say he converted to Islam last ...

FBI-approved Islam: ISNA
"The only overt hostility to Israel [in the Islamic ISNA conference] came from two Hasidic Jews in fur shtreimelhats, who had come from Brooklyn to ...

Four Family Members Arrested In India For Converting ToIslam Without Government Approval
JONATHAN TURLEY  jonathanturley
There is a bizarre case out of India this week where four people were arrested after they allegedly converted to Islam without state approval. In India ...

CNN's Don Lemon Wants to Know Whether Islam Is Most Viοlent Religion
Black Like Moi  yvette
“Is Islam more violent than any other faith?” Lemon asked his panelists. Author Tawfik Hamid said “other religions” also have verses that can lead to ...

Want To Know What Causes Islamophobia?
2.0: The Blogmocracy  Flyovercountry
While the Muslims who make up ISIS establish their Islamic Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, further promising to fly their flag one day on the top of the ...