Thursday 21 August 2014

News Around the Muslim World on Thursday 21 August 2014

Source : Jamaateahmadiyyaalamgheer

Octopuses and squid possess the amazing ability to blend in with their surroundings, but now, researchers have created a man-made system that mimics this form of camouflage. The team developed flexible sheets of light sensors, containing a temperature-sensitive dye, that can automatically sense and adapt to the color of their surroundings. The technology could have consumer, industrial and military applications, according to the study, published today (Aug. 18) in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Source : The Christian Science Monitor


. . . religious persecution in Pakistan: the 2011 assassinations of the Christian religious minorities minister and the Muslim Punjab governor for opposing the blasphemy laws; the Badami Bagh riots in Lahore in March 2013; kidnappings and forced conversions to Islam of Hindu women in Sindh; the bombing of All Saints Church in Peshawar in September 2013, when 128 Christians were killed and about 170 wounded. In February of this year the Pakistani Taliban warned the Kalash, a polytheistic people in mountainous Chitral, to convert to Islam or face death. 

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To "believe in" Islam requires action on our part. What are those actions?

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Tony Abbott calls some Muslim groups 'petty' and 'foolish' for meetings boycott
Tony Abbott There is increasing disquiet within theMuslim community at the tenor of the debate regarding counter-terrorism. Photograph: Dan ...

Young Muslims seek careers correcting media misrepresentations
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Muslim Leaders Have Roundly Denounced Islamic State, But Conservative Media Won't Tell You ...
Conservative media figures have wrongly accusedMuslim groups and leaders of failing to denounce the violent acts of the terrorist group the Islamic ...

Violence, threats, prompt more Muslim women in Britain to wear a veil
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can you hear them now? Where's the moderate Muslim majority? Right here on the internet
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, American right-wing blowhards and Islamophobes used an insidious question to tar all Muslims with the ...

There is nothing Islamic about a beheading: Muslims v extremists
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Tony Abbott says Muslim leader called him captain of team Australia - audio
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Muslim scholars discuss their role in guiding the community
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'Psychopathic violence': British Muslimorganizations condemn ISIS extremism
British Muslim organizations have condemned self-professed 'Jihadists' responsible for the murder of US journalist James Foley, and along with ...

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