Tuesday 26 August 2014

News around the Muslim World on Mon 26 August 2014

Spare five minutes and invest in your next life.

The Daily Lesson on Islam in Urdu

Source : Mubalighonline


In a free business monthly magazine entitled WUWO Woking", in its February-March 2014 issue, there is an item about The Islamic Review of October/November 1918 and its coverage of Eid-ul-Adha of that year. The article refers to our Jamaat and gives the address of the centre's website.

I am attaching here the cover of the magazine and the page with the article.

We don't know how this information came to the notice of this magazine.

Interestingly, this is the occasion of which there is a newsreel film clip which I had highlighted on the home page of www.wokingmuslim.org in the top left corner.

Source : WUWO Woking

Contributor : Khalid Iqbal Sheikh 


Relatives of Mr. Curtis said in an interview that . . . the panicked family was introduced by Samantha Power, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, to her Qatari counterpart after learning that Qatar had successfully won the release of Europeans kidnapped by Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen. As soon as Qatar became involved, the relatives said, they felt as if an avenue of communication had been opened. For the first time, they were able to send a proof-of-life question which only Mr. Curtis could have answered: What was the subject of your Ph.D. dissertation? (Answer: a museum started by the mother of the novelist Anthony Trollope.)

Source : The New York Times

Theo Curtis


Brown’s body lay on Canfield Drive for hours afterward . . . Over the weekend, supporters of Wilson (the white officer who shot dead the unarmed black man - Browne) gathered at a St. Louis tavern. As the pro-Wilson rally and fundraiser entered its second day Sunday, dozens of them lined both sides of the street in front of Barney’s Sport Pub, holding handmade signs in support of the officer.

Source : The Washington Post



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Islam is not a religion of national boundaries. If it were, the territory of Islamwould be limited to the general vicinity of what is today Saudi Arabia.
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Over at the New York Post, a columnist rightly took the president to task by saying, “You can't divorce the Islamic State from religion.” Unfortunately, the ...
NewsBusters blogs  Tim Graham
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Alisina.org  Ali Sina
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I have been thinking of this timeless scriptural story, in relation to the West's current existential struggle against Islamic barbarism. Nahash, an early ...
southern orders  Fr. Allan J. McDonald
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Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam. Question: Assalam 'aleykum,. I have heard that dyeing hair with non permanent hair dye is not aloud in Islam as it ...

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