Thursday 19 June 2014

on Friday 20 June 2014




Islamist group calls for Muslim states to protect Sunnis in Iraq
Qaradawi is one of the Muslim world's pre-eminent preachers and maintains close links to the MuslimBrotherhood, which was overthrown and ...

Sunni Muslim Refugees Fear Airstrikes
Hundreds of thousands of Sunni Muslims have fled Mosul and other northern Iraq towns captured by fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the ...

Egypt Court: Death for MuslimBrotherhood Leader
Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed El-Beltagy (R) stands with other senior figures in a cage in a courthouse on the first day of their trial in Cairo ...

Muslim groups condemn atrocities on Muslims in Sri Lanka
New Delhi: All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, the apex body of IndianMuslim organisations, condemned the continuing attacks on theMuslim ...

Muslim-run shops shut in Colombo to protest riots
Several shops across Sri Lanka, many of themMuslim-owned, went on a strike on Thursday as a mark of protest against the disturbing clashes in ...

Muslim extremist attack leaves seven Philippine soldiers dead
Muslim extremists with links to the Al-Qaeda network killed seven soldiers and left 13 others wounded in an attack in the lawless southern Philippines ...

Muslims seek exemption for women pillion riders from wearing helmets
New Delhi: After Sikh community sought exemption for women pillion riders from wearing helmets, some Muslim groups have also demanded the ...

World Muslim body vows to combat 'sectarian policies'
The Saudi-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, which represents more than 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, affirmed Thursday a commitment to ...

scholars urge protection for Sunnis in Iraq
Doha: Muslim scholars led by influential Qatar-based cleric Yousuf Al Qaradawi urged Arab and Islamic states on Thursday to protect Sunnis in Iraq, ...

Bratton pledges cooperation asMuslim holy month of Ramadan nears
Bratton spoke to an auditorium filled with Muslimcommunity and religious leaders Wednesday at the NYPD's annual Pre-Ramadan Conference at ...

Islam demonstrators attacked football fans and shouted abuse at fellow Muslims, court hears
A pair of Islamic protestors who abused fellow Muslims and picked a fight with a group of football founds have been convicted of affray. Mohan Uddin ...

History shows that Islam is a religion of war
ISLAM is described as a religion of peace, yet 1400 years ago it spread rapidly by the sword across the Middle East under the leadership of the ...

'War on Islam' in Egypt could unite clashing groups
Outcry against the Interior Ministry's stance, commonly interpreted as being not only anti-Islambut also anti-religion, is coming from diverse quarters.

Iraq crisis: How struggle in the heartland of Islam may redraw borders
(CNN) -- They came in their thousands. Old women in chador, zealous young men, in battered minibuses and family cars: Shia from Iran on a ...

Iraq war: Do answers & solutions lie in Islam?
Islam is not just a religion; it is also a system of accumulating and consolidating political power. Its ideology is perfectly suited for these goals.

WHAT BRAND OF ISLAM IS THIS? Still defiant Mais cites Sultan's name in Bibles issue
The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) said its stand not to return the Bibles seized from the Bible Society of Malaysia last January has the ...

Boko Haram's war on the World Cup
An attack presumably carried out by Boko Haram targeted viewers of a World Cup match Tuesday night in eastern Nigeria. Though the Islamic ...

Hezbollah Official: ISIL Violates Axioms of Islam
TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed that the Arab and the regional countries which have ...


Real Benghazi Story Ignored As Clinton Flip Flops On Anti-Islam Video
Prison  kurt_nimmo
Kurt Nimmo Prison June 18, 2014. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has followed Obama's showy capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala ...

Fr Georges Massouh: Is Takfir an Islamic Phenomenon?
In his recently published book, "Takfir: Its Regulations in Islam and Its ... This book is very timely, given the rise of takfiri movements in all Islamic ...

Secular or Islamic state? Neither, says Dr M
Malaysia Today  Super Admin
(Malay Mail Online) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who once declared Malaysia to be an Islamic country, now says it is neither an Islamic nor a secular ...

Isma says president's charge opens floodgates against Islam's defenders
Malaysia Today  Super Admin
(Malay Mail Online) – Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman's sedition charge today heralds ”many other charges” against the self-professed defenders of Islam, ...

Imaginary Islamophobic Strawman: Isn't Islam a violent religion?
askanislamicist  askanislamicist
So I've been considering for a while doing a series of blog posts on “conversations with an imaginary Islamophobic strawman.” The problem I run in to, ...

Apostasy, Islam and Meriam
Wheat and Tares  Hedgehog
Meriam's case was recently discussed in the wider context of what apostasy means in Islam on the BBC radio 4 programme Beyond Belief, available ...

Seminar "Islam and Democracy in post 2014 Indonesia: A comparative perspective"
On 26 June the KITLV, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesia Nederland Society jointly organise a seminar entitled "Islamand ...

Mosque Construction in Stavropol Sparks Debate Over Role of Islam in Region
On June 8, residents of the village of Vinsady in Stavropol region's Predgorny district rallied against government plans to allow the construction of a ...

From Sufis to Taliban: The Trajectories of Islam in Afghanistan
Providing idioms and organizations for both anti-state and anti-foreign mobilization, Islam has proven to be a vital socio-political resource in modern ...

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