Sunday 25 May 2014

On Saturday 24 May 2014

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Daily News & Analysis
Remembering Qazi Nazrul Islam, a sensitive revolutionary
"What can one say? Qazi Nazrul Islam was a poet, writer, musician philosopher and revolutionary all in one," senior musician Dr Chandrnath ...

Tzortzis: Islam can cure the inequalities in the world
Hamza Tzortzis, a British Muslim of Greek origin, underlined that Islamic values present the ultimate solution for problems caused by inequality in the ...
Belfast Telegraph
Why you cannot dismiss Islam as 'spawned in hell'
So what do you think of Pastor James McConnell's anti-Islam sermon in the Metropolitan Tabernacle last Sunday?

The art of Islam
The DMA announced in February the 15-year renewable loan of one of the largest private holdings of Islamic art. The Keir Collection is recognized by ...
Belfast Newsletter
Religious leaders' views divided on Islam comments
Three denominations appear to have distanced themselves from a Belfast pastor's controversial comments on Islam – however a former Free ...

Catholics to study Islam
The Catholic Church has introduced a one-year course on Islam and the Arabic language through a university college in Nairobi. The course comes ...

Islamic hijab hits in Iran
Islamic hijab has been forced on Iranian women since the advent of theIslamic regime. Unveiled women will be harassed or arrested by the Morality ...
FrontPage Magazine
The myth that Islam is anti-Jewish
Islamophobes are fabricating the myth that Islampromotes Jew-hatred by taking out ads on D.C. buses. Take a look at the ad, linked above, does ...
The Independent
Iran prepares for Western invasion as thaw in relations with the outside world boosts tourism industry
Dressed in robes and Shia turban, he explains in flawless English the differences between Islam'stwo dominant sects and why the religion tells ...

Do Muslims Follow the Teachings of Jesus?
The Quran, then, according to Islam and Muslims, was revealed to set the record straight about what God had actually said. The Quran said that ...

Useful information about Islam | Finsbury Park Mosque
Muslim Organisations which gives FREE Information about Islam in different ... WAMYUK Material about Islam in English, Polish, French, Spanish.

Islam: Only peaceful when in the minority? | The Muslim Debate Initiative Blog
Critics of Islam allege that Islam is a only a peaceful religion when Muslims are in the minority, however once Muslims become the majority and ...

Sharia Egypt: Christian gets four years prison, $1400 fine for insulting Islam by drawing cartoon of ...
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
“A Coptic man charged for insulting Islam and the ex-president,” by Abu Ezz Tawfik, Copts United, May 24, 2014 (thanks to Maged): The court of Tama ...

Death Penalty, Whipping of Christian Woman in Sudan Consistent with Islamic Law
Morningstar News  Elizabeth Kendal
In a case that has drawn international condemnation since Morning Star News first broke the story, Ibrahim was sentenced to death for leaving Islam ...

Exposing Islam links for May 24 2014 – 1 | Vlad Tepes
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
A leading Islamic charity is being investigated by the official watchdog amid allegations that its leaders promote anti-Semitism and have called for ...

Tulsa Police Capt Paul Fields Loses Lawsuit Over Not Attending “Discover Islam Classes for Non ...
Maggie's Notebook  Maggie
City of Tulsa, addressing his refusal to attend the Masjid al-Salam mosque for their self-described “Discover Islam Classes for Non-Musims.” Captain ...

Terrorist Leader Says Islam's Flag Will Fly Over Washington… – Conservative Hideout 2.0
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Making a rare threat against the United States, a senior member of Somalia's Islamic insurgent group that has carried ...

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