Sunday 11 May 2014

Around the Muslim World on Sunday 11 May 2014

Source : Voice of America



Prague Post

Ministry says raid on Muslim centers appears lawful
Prague, May 9 (ČTK) — The raid carried out by the Czech police squad for uncovering organized crime (ÚOOZ) on Muslim centers in Prague two ...

Religion aside, Muslim mayor of Paris is making a name for himself
Dr. Arjumand Hashmi is a cardiologist as well as the mayor of Paris. When he's not monitoring hearts, as he did with Missy Clark earlier this month, ...
Ahram Online

Senior Muslim Brotherhood chief fined for libel
Senior Muslim Brotherhood figure Mohammed El-Beltagy, who is in prison facing a number of charges, has been fined LE20,000 ($2,800) and ...
Indian Express

Mumbai body asks Muslims to vote for Kejriwal
MUMBAI: The Bombay Muslim Federation, an umbrella body of Muslim organizations, has sent 35 of its volunteers to campaign for AAP candidate ...
Muslim-Americans denounce Boko Haram kidnappings
A group of Muslim-American organizations on Thursday condemned the abduction of a group of nearly 300 schoolgirls in Nigeria by Boko Haram ...
Daily Mail

Australian Muslim 'Ahmed Shaheed III' shares startling vision of gunfire and bombing raids from the ...
'By performing jihad, bithni'lah it will liberate the muslims from oppression and restore back our honor. Support the mujahideen and don't fear the ...

Washington Post

Catholic leaders in Israel call for crackdown on attacks targeting Christian, Muslim property
Either way, Israeli law enforcement officials said this week patrols were being stepped up in Jerusalem and in the country's north, where Muslims have ...
Bombay Muslim Federation asks Muslims to vote for Kejriwal
MUMBAI: The Bombay Muslim Federation, an umbrella body of Muslimorganisations, has sent 35 of its volunteers to campaign for AAP candidate ...
Ammon News

Muslim Brotherhood "Separatist" Escalate their Demands
Ammon- The Muslim Brothers Leadership was warned against internal devisions caused by MB's court decision to expel the three members of the ...
ABC News

Islamic bloc chief: Nigeria kidnappings barbaric
JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — The secretary-general of the world's largest bloc of Islamiccountries said Saturday that the kidnapping of more than 270 ...

Islam, Saudi and apostasy
It is a commonly held belief that Islamic law dictates the death penalty as an absolute punishment for apostasy. However, this reading of the Islamic ...

Extremist Islam is scared of little girls
Meaning that night more than three weeks ago when a caravan of trucks and buses descended on a boarding school in rural Nigeria and more than ...
Vancouver Sun

Nigerian Islamic extremists blow up 2nd bridge, kill many in village attack, abduct 2 kids
YOLA, Nigeria - Islamic extremists blew up a bridge, killed an unknown number of people and abducted the wife and two children of a retired police ...

Standard Freeholder

Boko Haram reflects flaws in Islam— Casely-Hayford
This Boko Haram has brought fundamentally to bear, the weakness in Islam as a religion to control its insurgents and its fundamentals,'' he said on ...

Boko Haram misguided, kidnapping anti-Islamic, says Saudi top cleric
DUBAI: Saudi Arabia's grand mufti, the top religious authority, has condemned Nigeria's Boko Haram as a group “set up to smear the image of Islam” ...


The leftist TV host is willing to admit Islam is a serious problem: Bill Maher went after Islam Friday night on his HBO show “Real Time.” With the ...

The Battle of Tours: Women are equal in Islam... except when they aren't
The Battle of Tours  Peter
Apologists for Islam tie themselves into pretzels trying to excuse its misogynist texts. Here's a good example from The Muslim Times, by one M. Imran ...

The Battle of Tours: "If any state prevents us from spreading Islam on its soil we will wage Jihad on ...
The Battle of Tours  Peter
Apologists for Islamic Jihad say that jihad is only "defensive". But defensive includes fighting those who simply oppose the spread of Islamor Islamism.

Malala Tells Boko Haram to Learn Islam | DeenTV
DeenTV  News Room
LONDON – Pakistani young rights activist Malala Yousafzai has advised Nigeria's Boko Haram to “go and learn Islam”, saying the dreaded extremist ...

(The Economist) Malaysia, Turkey and Islam – Paragons, piety and politics | Mediarakyat
Mediarakyat  admin
MALAYSIA and Turkey have quite a lot in common. They are both countries where Islam is the most widely followed religion. Both countries have been ...

Islam, Saudi and apostasy - Al Jazeera English
It is a commonly held belief that Islamic law dictates the death penalty as an absolute punishment for apostasy. However, this reading of theIslamic ...

Islamic Dua - 40 Rabbana Duas from Al Quran, 100 Dua's of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) ( Islam ...
Dua (supplication) is one of the most excellent forms of worship in Islam, one of the deeds most beloved to Allah (SWT), one of the best gifts that a ...

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad - Get 20% Off on Normal Price Menu at Burger King
Bank Islam further reserves the rights to vary, amend, delete or add the Terms and Conditions for this promotion upon giving adequate notice.

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