Friday 3 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Friday 3 October 2014

Eid Mubarak to all Muslims. May Allah give us the understanding to appreciate the beauties of the Holy Quran.

Austria on Thursday called for standardized German-language translations of the Koran and moved to prohibit foreign funding of Muslim organizations on its soil in a draft law aimed in part at tackling Islamic extremism.

Source :

So much ice has disappeared from West Antarctica in recent years that Earth's gravity is now weaker there, researchers reported in the Aug. 28 issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters. Earth's gravity fluctuates in small ways that are caused by changes in mass. When hefty ice sheets melt, there is less ice and thus less gravitational force pulling in that area.

Source : Christian Science Monitor


Muslim Teens Find Their Voices as First-Time Filmmakers
This summer, the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) launched their first-ever, three-year, six-city Muslim Youth Voices Project to offer free ...

Muslim inmate takes his case for a beard to the Supreme Court
WASHINGTON (RNS) It's not every day that a coalition of legal minds is rooting for a violent inmate convicted of stabbing his girlfriend in the neck.

Some Muslim Men Begin to Return to Bangui to Rebuild Lives
Muslims who fled attacks in the Central African Republic's capital Bangui over the past 10 months are starting to return, only to find their homes looted ...

Austria proposes new law on Islam
Vienna: Austria called on Thursday for standardised German-language translations of the Koran and moved to prohibit foreign funding of Muslim ...

In New Front Against Islamic State, Dictionary Becomes a Weapon
Muslims attended a gathering outside the Great Mosque of Paris last month to protest against the group known as the Islamic State. Credit Jacky ...

Why there's no such thing as IslamicState
'With the evolution of Islamic State, we have a neat case study in the power of ... “The term Islamic State ... blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims and ...

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan: Ebola Was Manufactured to Kill Blacks
Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation if Islam, is warning his acolytes that Ebola and AIDS were created by the US government to "depopulate" the ...

The war against Islamic State
WHEN America extended the war against the jihadists of Islamic State (IS) to Syria on September 22nd, it seemed to have a strategy: maximise Sunni ...

Indonesian Islam promoted as moderate, peaceful
A scholar, a poet and a comedian shared their opinions about what constitutes Indonesian Islam and how it differs from that adhered to by ...

Islam 'facing distortion' by ignorant minority
BAKU // Islam is being distorted by a minority who use “violence, murder and the destruction of communities” in the name of religion, said an adviser to ...

GORDON: Egypt, a key to defeating radical Islam
At this year's United Nations General Assembly in New York, it was good to see a focus on stopping the global threat posed by radical Islam. Yet the ...


In whose name? ISIS, Islam, and social media
Commentators routinely remark on the sophisticated use of media by the organization that calls itself the Islamic State, but in the past few weeks many ...

Netanyahu: Militant Islam Sees US 'As the Great Satan,'
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went “On The Record” to warn of militant Islam and nuclear weapons.
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Thursday 2 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Thursday 2 October 2014

Virtually everyone who has ever lived has looked up at the moon; and many of us have wondered, ‘How did those dark areas get there?’” says Maria Zuber, geophysics professor and vice president of research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. 

Source : Christian Science Monitor

If freedom of speech means that every has a right to express their views then why are those who want to put uncomfortable truths to the americans not extended this facility in the US. 

Source : Gatestone Institute



  1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's only claim was that he was a mujaddid. The Messiah and Mehdi were simple titles used for him by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) describing aspects of his reform. Qadianis believe that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a real prophet.
  2. All those who recite the kalima are Muslims and no one has the right to say that a reciter of the kalima is a heretic (kafir). Qadianis believe that in addition to reciting the kalima, to become a Muslim, a person has to take the baiat on their khalifa's hand.
  3. We believe that the verse Khatam an nabiyeen in the Holy Quran (33:40) means that no prophet shall come after the Holy Prophet (s),  whether he is an old prophet or a new one,  as the Holy Prophet said in hadith. Qadianis say that it means new prophets will be made with the Holy Prophet's (s) seal.


Muslims are speaking out but no one is listening
The truth is, Muslim leaders are speaking out, but their voices are drowned out by sensationalism, such as the comments made by Palmer United Party ...

American flag hijab makes guy go off on Muslim women in front of Plaza Hotel
Muslim women shouldn't wear patriotic colors because America doesn't deserve their loyalty. “It doesn't matter where you're born,” the man yelled ...

'Muslim' Woman Thrown from Moving Train in Australia
The police have issued scant details about the identity of the victim, but local media outlet 7 News has described her as a “Muslim woman,” and that ...

Muslim activists in Melbourne claim 'massive' spike in racist attacks
A Muslim woman, 26, was racially abused by an offender who then slammed her head into the wall of the carriage as it approached Batman station.

Round Rock Muslim group's sign vandalized
ROUND ROCK, Texas (KXAN) — A highway sign dedicated to a local Muslim community in Round Rock was vandalized over the weekend. The sign ...

Saudi overhaul reshapes Islam'sholiest city Mecca
MECCA, Saudi Arabia (AP) -- As a child, Osama al-Bar would walk from his home past Islam'sholiest site, the Kaaba, to the market of spice and fabric ...

#BBCtrending: The Iraqis who laugh at Islamic State
Don't be afraid of Islamic State (IS), laugh at them instead - that is the message of an Iraqi sitcom that has aired on TV and been widely shared online.

NFL Hates Fun, Not Islam
Abdullah had slid down on his knees and bowed his head to kiss the field, a common gesture inIslamic prayer. The immediate reaction was knee-jerk ...

What do Muslim women want? Finding women's rights in Islam
The Koran proclaims equality between the sexes but also clearly indicates male superiority. In the fight for women's rights in Islamic societies, how do ...

Time For Islamic Law to Face The Bitcoin Question
Indeed, the financial climate around investing in Bitcoin is full of shadows in the Islamic world. No fatwa has been issued against the cryptocurrency, ...

Anti-Islam group sues NYC after 'Killing Jews' ads rejected
NEW YORK (AP) — An anti-Islamic group sued the city's transit authority on Wednesday, asking a court to force it to accept a bus advertisement ...

Lebanon needs to embrace moderate Islam: Saudi ambassador
BEIRUT: ISIS does not follow Islam and should not be called Islamic, the Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon said Wednesday, calling on Dar al-Fatwa to ...

Political Correctness on Islam Can Lead to More Killings
It's news to ISIL that they have nothing to do withIslam. Whatever you call them, ISIL (the IslamicState of Iraq and the Levant) or ISIS (IslamicState of ...


Reza Aslan: Radical Islam Is Still Islam
Reza Aslan: Radical Islam Is Still Islam. Sally Quinn, On Faith. President Obama, in his speech to the United Nations last week, spoke of a “lethal and ...

Book by Prof. Najam Haider offers new insights on ShÄ«'Ä« Islam
Najam Haider, assistant professor of religion, takes an uncommon approach in his new book Shi'i Islam: An Introduction, exploring the development of ...

Islam in Europe or European Islam?
Renison University College's Studies in Islam program presents this talk that explores the social and political history of Muslims in postwar Europe.

We are fighting a battle in the name of true Islam — King
The King noted that the Jordanian army is adhering to its Arab andIslamic legacy in defending the causes of the Ummah, adding that Jordan's ...

Wednesday 1 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Wednesday 1 October 2014



  1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's only claim was that he was a mujaddid. The Messiah and Mehdi were simple titles used for him by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) describing aspects of his reform. Qadianis believe that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a real prophet.
  2. All those who recite the kalima are Muslims and no one has the right to say that a reciter of the kalima is a heretic (kafir). Qadianis believe that in addition to reciting the kalima, to become a Muslim, a person has to take the baiat on their khalifa's hand.
  3. We believe that the verse Khatam an nabiyeen in the Holy Quran (33:40) means that no prophet shall come after the Holy Prophet (s),  whether he is an old prophet or a new one,  as the Holy Prophet said in hadith. Qadianis say that it means new prophets will be made with the Holy Prophet's (s) seal.


Accusations that a priest from the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese had been molesting children at orphanages in Central America on his annual visits went unheeded by the PA diocese for five years. The charity ProNino USA, which sponsors orphanages in several Central American countries, said it told former Bishop Adamec in 2009 that it had numerous reports that the Rev. Joseph Maurizio, Jr., had molested underage boys, the New York Times reports.
Maurizio remained a priest in good standing, however, until federal agents raided his home in mid-September and placed him under arrest after finding child pornography. 

Source : Religion Dispatches

A frequently levelled allegation against the Holy Quran is that it teaches Muslims to hate the Jews. Nothing could be further from the truth! Over the centuries, it is the Christians who have persecuted the Jews for crucifying the Son of God. Here a Jewish professor defends the Holy Quran.

But anti-Semitism is not found in the Qur’an.
This may be difficult to fathom given the recent heated public discussion. Some people cite what appear to be obviously angry and seemingly hateful negative references to Jews in the Qur’an. Others argue that these verses are taken out of context. They cite counter-verses from the same Qur’an that appear to respect Jews and even refer to Jews using the same positive language reserved for followers of Muhammad.

Source : The Jewish Daily

Internet abuse of women in Pakistan is triggering real world violence against them, but large social media companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, are moving too slowly to stop it, internet rights group Bytes for All said.

Women face online threats globally, but they run a unique risk in conservative Muslim Pakistan, where there is a tradition of men killing women seen as having injured a family's honor, besides punitive laws against blasphemy.

Source : Reuters US edition

Pakistan's constitution was amended 40 years ago to declare Ahmadis to be non-Muslims. Regarded by orthodox Muslims as heretical, Ahmadis are not allowed to refer to their places of worship as mosques or to publicly quote from the Koran - acts punishable by imprisonment of up to three years.

Source : www.BBC.CO.UK


KFC leaves Muslims baffled after branch drops alcohol hand-wipes in halal mix-up
Muslim leaders have voiced bewilderment after a branch of Kentucky Fried Chicken refused to give customers hand-wipes containing alcohol for fear ...

The Silent Reason You're Not Hearing More From American Muslims
The buildup to this new war against IS has brought a burst of anti-Muslimsentiment. It started in the deep annals of the Internet -- hardly a bastion of ...

The Muslim effect on immigrant integration in France
This summer, the Monkey Cage ran a series of posts debating whether the news about Muslim integration in France was good or bad. On one hand ...

The myth of collective Muslim responsibility
Muslims across the political and ideological spectrums have been condemning ... The vast majority of the victims of these groups are Muslim. As such ...

US anti-Islam ad showing murdered journalist James Foley to be taken down
An anti-Islam ad depicting American journalist James Foley immediately before he was beheaded is being removed from New York City buses and ...

Anti-Islam, but pro-gay? How mosque opponents tie themselves in knots
Wherever Islam spreads, homophobia follows – that's the rhetoric mosque opponents use against their leftwing foes. The real issue is the bigots' own ...

One of the greatest weaknesses of the Islamicworld today is the lack of critical introspection. Centuries-old unjust treatment from the West made it ...

Why is Theresa May pretending thatIslam is a 'religion of peace'?
'This hateful ideology has nothing to do withIslam itself. And it is rejected by the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Britain and around the world.

Azhar: the evolution of a beacon of moderate Islam
Nestled in Cairo's medieval quarter, the centuries' old al-Azhar mosque is set to be renovated following pledges this month by Saudi Arabia and the ...

Reza Aslan takes down Bill Maher's “facile arguments” on Islam in just 5 minutes
Comedian Bill Maher recently made some comments about Islamiccountries that characterized them as more prone to violence, misogyny and bigotry ...

Filipino of Saudi origin embracesIslam
“He visited our office, expressing his desire to become a Muslim. We taught him the basics ofIslam and he converted two days ago,” an official at the ...

On Islam
The statement that the Islamic mindset remains awkwardly out of step with historical progress and therefore with modern times is a painful fact (“Islam ...

What Islam can do for the West
Given some of our supposed partners in this war were the people who helped create IslamicState, we should ask what they are going to do for us in ...

Firoza Begum: Singer who popularised the work of Kazi NasrulIslam and was known as 'The ...
Firoza Begum was 10 years old when she brought before the poet and composer Kazi Nazrul Islam and asked to perform some songs. "Did you know ...


Netanyahu: Militant Islam Aims to 'Dominate World;' State Dept.: 'No'
The Obama administration does not share Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's view that the forces of militant Islam, whether Sunni or Shi'ite, ...