Thursday 3 July 2014

News around the Muslim World on Thursday 3 July 2014

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Local Muslim leaders reject Iraq extremists' call to arms
A Northeast Florida Muslim leader decried as “silly” an extremist group's recent call for Muslims worldwide to help build an Islamic state in conquered ...

China Bans Ramadan Fast in Muslim Northwest
Students and civil servants in China's Muslim northwest, where Beijing is enforcing a security crackdown following deadly unrest, have been ordered ...

Syria-Iraq 'caliph' incites Muslims to holy war
DUBAI (Reuters) - The leader of the al Qaeda offshoot now calling itself the Islamic State has called on Muslims worldwide to take up arms and flock to ...

Muslim shops and mosque damaged in Myanmar violence
Muslim shops and a mosque have been damaged by Buddhist mobs in Myanmar's second city of Mandalay. The incident was apparently triggered by ...

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood biding its time
One year after Egypt's military deposed Mohamed Morsi, the country's first Muslim Brotherhood president, members of the Islamist group say they have ...

Australian Muslim extremist who spreads Jihad by social media is off to Syria to preach hate in new ...
Cerantonio, who is known to capitalise on social media to recruit supporters for a world-wide jihad against the West and encourage Muslims to join the ...

Muslim cemetery development application in Marulan rejected by council
The Goulburn-Mulwaree Council in the New South Wales Southern Tablelands has rejected a development application for a Muslim cemetery in the ...

Muslim Aid distributes Ramazan food packets
Muslim Aid, a UK-based Muslim charity organisation, has distributed Ramazan food packs worth Rs7.8 million among 2,000 vulnerable and poor ...

Muslim properties: more rot exposed
In the second part of a three-part series on wrangles in Uganda's Muslim community, The Observer continues to report on the 60-page Joint Muslim ...

Muslims have deeper problems than Bill Maher's caustic critique
Can he be OK with Boko Haram, the Muslim rebel group in Nigeria that kidnapped hundreds of teenage girls and threatens to sell them into slavery?

Islam should be encouraged to find enlightenment
IF, as R. C. Warn says (Letters 2/7), Islam's problem is that it never had an Enlightenment, the answer is to give it one. Ireland's experience shows how ...

Islamic State's Baghdadi calls for Muslims to fight until Rome is conquered
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic State stretching across Iraq and Syria, has vowed to lead the conquest of Rome as he ...

Introducing Islam
The two main sources of Islamic teachings are the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran is the last revealed word of God to mankind, and it is the prime ...

Jaish al-Islam captures East Ghouta from IS
Jaish al-Islam captured the strategic village of Medaa in East Ghouta from the Islamic State on Tuesday, reported the monitoring group the Syrian ...

Islam in Africa
Fasting and giving to the poor are important because they fulfill two of the five pillars of Islam. The other pillars include praying five times a day, ...

What's in a name? Islamic banking rebrands in attempt to go mainstream
July 2 (Reuters) - Islamic banking is based on core principles of the religion. So it is striking that some banks are removing the word "Islam" from their ...

Hujjat al-Islam Farahzad speaks about rewards of fasting
Hujjat al-Islam Habibollah Farahzad spoke about the rewards of fasting from ahadith (narrations), in a sermon delivered at the Holy Shrine of Lady ...

Radically Queer Islam: An Interview with the Cast of Coming Out Muslim
Having roots within Islam as a queer activist, I was more than honored to invite castmates Wazina and Terna, to share a bit about themselves, their ...

Islam: Greece; Council of State allows for mosque in Athens
(ANSAmed) - ATHENS, JULY 2 - The Council of State gave the green light to the construction of a mosque in Athens, as GreekReporter website writes ...

Repression no cure for challenge of political Islam
The events in Iraq, where the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been mounting an offensive against the ill-prepared Iraqi army, raises important ...


Obama's Dance With Radical Islam
FrontPage Magazine » FrontPage  Daniel Mandel
Because he supports engagement with radical Islam – not merely moderate Muslims, Arab liberals, or secular reformers. Al-Qaeda notwithstanding ...

Is there room for pacifism in Judaism and Islam?
Jihadi Jew  Lee (Tzvi) Weissman
Judaism and Islam both decry the intentional attack on innocents and the wanton destruction of property. We are not pacifist religions in principle.

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