Sunday 19 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Saturday 18 October 2014

A challenge to the Woking Mosque which was illegally and forcibly taken from the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Association for the Propagation of Islam by the Sunnis. 

“Academia and belief don’t have to be compartmentalized,” Ordway concludes. “We can interact with people who oppose our views.”

Source : Christian Science Monitor


Group wants threats against Muslim candidate taken seriously
The Cincinnati chapter of the nation's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization is urging law enforcement to investigate threats made ...

Pig's Head, Hate Slogans at Athens' Muslim Center
Greek police say unknown attackers have placed a severed pig's head and painted anti-Muslim slogans outside an Islamic studies center in Athens.

The Reason You Can't Always Hear the Moderate Muslim Voices
Every day I hear and see the calls for moderateMuslims to speak out and stand up to extremism. And moderate Muslims should and do just that when ...

Why India's Muslims Haven't Radicalized
Though Muslims make up only 14.4 percent of India's total population, the country maintains “the world's second-largest Muslim population in raw ...

Ontario: Eid al-Adha Muslim Family Celebration
A variety of Muslim readings and artifacts were on display during the 2nd annual Eid al-Adha Family Celebration at the Ovitt Family Community Library ...

Watch: Muslim Women Attack Border Police near Temple Mount
The footage, posted on Tuesday, the day before the penultimate day of the eight-day Sukkot (Feast of the Tabernacles) holiday, shows Muslim women ...

Imam: It's 'code red' for AmericanMuslims
(CNN) -- The mosque in Roxbury was crowded past capacity, with about 1,200 college students, urban hipsters and East Africans lining the hallways ...

US seeks more from China, AsianMuslim nations, on Islamic State
WASHINGTON/JAKARTA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will seek greater cooperation from China and Southeast Asia's main Muslim ...

Qaeda Urges Worldwide MuslimSupport of Islamic State
Dubai: Al Qaeda's deadly Yemen-based franchise on Friday urged Muslims worldwide to support Islamic State jihadists in Syria and Iraq in the face of ...

Al Qaeda portrays US-led bombing campaign as 'Crusade' against Islam
The Islamic State, headed by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, has been warring with the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda's official branch in Syria, and other jihadist ...

The Washington Times Guide to 'Moderate' Islam: CAIR & a Flying Imam
Ms. Noble helped the Council on American-Islamic Relations and Omar Shahin along by airbrushing their backgrounds: CAIR is presented to the ...

Kerry: Extremism Not Linked To Islam; Factors Include Deprivation, Climate Change
By Patrick Goodenough, CNS News. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday night rejected any link between Islam and extremism practiced by the ...
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the real challenges confronting Islam
Her story is well known through two searing autobiographies — Infidel and Nomad — which recount a religious and philosophical voyage from Islam ...

Document Drop: MTA's 'hands are tied' on pulling down controversial Islam ads
Doesn't matter how upset City Council members -- of all backgrounds -- may be about anti-Islamicadvertising at MTA stations: The transit agency says ...

Islam: More 'Like the Mafia' than Bill Maher Knows
During a recent debate on HBO's Real Time, host Bill Maher declared that Islam is “the only religion that acts like the mafia, that will f***ing kill you if ...

Muslims who believe 'Allah' exclusive toIslam are 'confused', says scholar
Ulil, who was denied entry into Malaysia earlier this month for allegedly opposing its Islamic stand, said Muslims did not have a monopoly of the word ...

Maher: Pakistan Punishes Blasphemy with Death, but I'm Wrong on Islam?
Bill Maher has been getting a bit of flak recently for his views on Islam, and he followed up tonight by bringing up a case of a Pakistani high court ...

Islam for peace, or violence?
Now, curiously, the ongoing savagery of the IslamicState has prompted the high priests of “New Atheism” (for whom “moderate Muslim” is an ...

Husband Doesn't Practice Islam: What to Do?
After studying Islam for two years, I took my shahadah 4 months ago. I met my husband before I reverted and although he accepted Islam 5 years ago, ...


While the Islamic State is conquering whole swaths of the Middle East in the cause of Islam and millions of Christians and religious minorities are ...

Tiago Kosalabaro Dosunmu · 1 min ·. Gud maween fwenc en #‎Barika_Jumah 2 moi brodaz en 6taz in #‎Islam. ‎RaaheHaqq | راهِ حق‎ added 11 new ...

اوحش انواع الحقد ان البنت تحقد على صدر صحبتها #‎Islam ... U can hate #‎ISLAM but u can't stop it even if u have the whole world under ynur control.

Street Prophets Open Thread: A Word About Islam and Revelation
Okay, your question presupposes that Islam is a single, monolithic thing. Which is just not factual! No religious tradition is only one thing. All religious ...

Defeating Islam
I believe there is a way to defeat ISIS and militant Islam. But they're fighting an asymmetrical war, which is why we're having such a time with them.

Saturday 18 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Friday 17 October 2014

Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer, questions some cherished views.

Source :

Qadianis exposed

Source :

Pakistani people continue to persecute and kill Ahmadis.

Source : The Express Tribune

Christians persecuted by false accusations of apostasy and balshpemy.

Source :

Is there an ocean under the frozen wastes of Saturn?

Source : Christian Science Monitor


Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
In the debut of Reality Check, Ben Shapiro takes on Ben Affleck and the myth that only a tiny minority ofMuslims worldwide are radical.

Right-wingers in Italy protest Muslimwomen's swimming course
A swimming pool in northern Italy has supported an initiative by the local Islamic center and announced courses, specially designed for Muslim ...

Islamic State struggles to reconcile terrorist tactics, Muslim law
In the time since the Sunni Muslim group split from al Qaeda in Iraq in February, it has distinguished itself among terrorist organizations by embracing ...

For One Black Muslim, a Prison Sentence for Refusing FBI Informant Recruitment
11 provided a 21st century mandate to fight the threat of Muslim“radicalization,” The Nation argues this week in its report about Ayyub Abdul-Alim.

Bombs Go off at Muslim Festival in Egypt, Wound 11
An Egyptian health official says two bombs have exploded at a Sufi Muslim religious festival in a city in the Nile Delta, wounding 11 people.

'Alchemiya' digital television channel aims to show best ofMuslim world
The project was born out frustration, Akhtar said, adding that he has decades of experience in British television with a focus on global Muslim identity.

Reza Aslan: If ISIS Says It's Muslim, Then It's Muslim
Many critics of the Islamic State -- President Obama included -- have argued that the militant group cannot claim to be Muslim in the way it has ...

Confusion may have affected Muslim turnout
"Multiple choices of secular candidates confused Muslim voters. If there was a Congress-NCP alliance, the percentage of voting in Muslim-majority ...

Muslims Feel Violent Backlash After Australian Anti-Terror Raids
Islamic groups are reporting a rise in anti-Muslimattacks in Australia since counter-terror raids in Sydney and Melbourne, and threats made by Islamic ...

Book highlights Pope Paul VI's view of Muslim martyrs
(by Elisa Pinna). (ANSAmed) - ROME, OCTOBER 16 - During his trip to Uganda in 1970, Pope Paul VI put the blood of Muslim martyrs on a par with ...

Slavery in Islam To have and to hold
This is pretty much the advice that the fighters ofIslamic State (IS) seem to have followed in the Sinjar area of northern Iraq, peopled largely by ...

When the West wanted Islam to curb Christian extremism
The tiresome debate over whether Islam is somehow more violent than other religions unfortunately won't go away. Recent spats between outspoken ...

'There is no alternative to a reform ofIslam' 16.10.2014
The main thing is that we show young people an Islamthat has nothing to do with radicalism. Islam needs to be freed from fear and the idea of a ...

Islamic State 'being driven out of Syria's Kobane'
The Islamic State (IS) militant group has been driven out of most of the northern Syrian town of Kobane, a Kurdish commander has told the BBC.

'Reforming' Islam?
Notwithstanding its stated agenda, ISIS has managed to put the conversation on Islam right at the centre. From celebrities to con artists to apologists ...

Is the Islamic State Islamic?
For example, President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron, noted Muslim scholars both, were the first to assure us that the Islamic ...

Christianity and Islam: The Question of Reconciliation
Christianity and Islam, together with Judaism, are usually called the Semitic religions, and they cover much common ground, because their prophets ...

Basel III Sales Build With Oldest Malaysia Bank: IslamicFinance
Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd., established in 1983, set up a 1 billion ringgit ($305 million) program under the stricter capital standards, according to an ...

Muslims who believe 'Allah' exclusive toIslam are confused, says Ulil
Ulil, who was denied entry into Malaysia this month for allegedly opposing its Islamic stand, said Muslims did not have a monopoly of the word “Allah” ...

'Project the true face of Islam'
Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, director general of IslamicEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Rabat, has called upon Muslim ...


Saif Ali Khan
Saif Ali Khan speaks about his disillusionment with religion. He said, just like he doesn't believe in Santa Claus he doesn't know what he feels about ...

Returning home, Alexandra Paul & Mitchell Islam to debut new programs in Barrie
Canadian bronze medalists Alexandra Paul and Mitchell Islam see their world opening up this season, having finally snared two Grand Prix events ...

Should Humanists Criticize Islam?
sam harris reza aslan islam islamophobia muslim exmuslim ... I don't claim to know much about Islam, but I do know it's not monolithic, any more than ...

Thursday 16 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Thursday 16 October 2014

Many Muslims insist that they can only eat zabiha (correctly slaughtered) meat which is generally incorrect called halal (lawful) meat. In this article we look how halal is meat sold under the halal label.

Source :

Latest research shows that there are living organism at the bottom of earth's oceans. 

Source : Christian Science Monitor

A Young Pakistani Muslim lady speaks about beauties of the Holy Quran.

The man with two gardens.

Source :


These Candidates Are Courting the Muslim Vote
Typically news stories about American politicians and the Muslim community run along the lines of: “Republican Official Demonizes Muslims.

How One Man Refused to Spy on FellowMuslims for the FBI—and Then Lost Everything
Black Muslims—branded the “extremists” of the day—were seen as especially politicized, and prominent community figures such as Muhammad Ali ...

Malaysia Detains 13 Suspected MuslimMilitants
Malaysian police have detained another 13 Muslim men suspected to be linked to the militant Islamic State group. Head of the national police ...

Na'ima B Robert: Where are all theMuslim characters in children's fiction?
I started writing books about Muslim children 15 years ago because I couldn't find any books in our local library that featured Muslim children or ...

Muslim group sues over Wayne Co. man's passport delay
A local chapter of a Muslim advocacy group filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday asking the U.S. Department of State to process a passport application of a ...

DOCUTAH to present “Muslim Journeys”
The Utah Humanities Council and Dixie State University-DOCUTAH are proud to collaborate on “Muslim Journeys” — a festival of films, discussions, ...

Muslim Leaders Denounce Islamic Extremism
The Islamic Leadership Council of Metropolitan New York represents about 60 congregations and Muslimcommunity organizations in the city.

Even Vox's Max Fisher Finds Muslim Support for Killing Apostates 'Disturbing'
Vox's Max Fisher continues to claim that Islamophobia is unfairly paintingMuslims with a broad brush, but just last year Fisher himself said he found ...

NYC Muslim Leaders Denounce Violent Extremism
Muslim leaders across New York City publicly condemned Tuesday acts of terror being perpetrated in the name of their religion and also unveiled their ...

The playlist: Middle Eastern and North African – EEK & Islam Chipsy, Souad Abdullah and more
Regardless of how it happened, we should be glad it did, because when confronted by preternaturally talented keyboard player Islam Chipsy, flanked ...

I'm a feminist, and I converted to Islam
(CNN) -- I am a Muslim, but I wasn't always. I converted to Islam in November 2001, two months after 9/11. I was 21 and living in Baton Rouge, ...

Islam in America Do unto others
IN THE 1930s, Father Charles Coughlin was among the most popular figures in America. Roughly 30m listeners, at his peak, tuned in to hear his ...

Is the Islamic State the Islamic'Reformation'?
The slick Islamic infiltrator Tariq Ramadan has always reminded me of the deceiving manipulator Grima Wormtongue from Tolkien's novel The Lord of ...

Guantanamo prison guard converts toIslam
Former prison guard in Guantanamo Bay Holdbrooks Jr. converted to Islam “after months of midnight conversations with the Muslim detainees.”.

US Senator Bennett defends hateful words on Islam
But later on, Senator John Bennett told host Alyona Minkowski that he never said “Muslims were a cancer” and “I said Islam ... I would even submit to ...

Islam, Muslims and the cheap politics of fear
It is unfortunate that discussion about Islam and Muslims only finds traction when politicians decide to use them in the cheap politics of fear. The result ...

Gains for anti-Islam PVV in latest poll of polls
An opinion poll compiled from four separate polls shows increased support for Geert Wilders anti-Islam PVV, which would take 23 seats if there were a ...

Does Islam oppress women? A feminist says no
It's hard to believe that a young woman growing up in America's Deep South would choose to convert to Islambecause she is a feminist. With bad ...