Thursday 18 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Thursday 18 September 2014

Give a little time to your religion and learn what it teaches.

Source : Mubaligh on-line

The U.S. is home to a multitude of religious believers who seek, in good conscience, to honor both the tenets of their own religion and the practices of others. However, confusion about the nature of religious liberty seems poised to allow a quiet slide towards a tyranny of the minority over the bodies, legal rights, and consciences of well-intentioned religious faithful.

Source : Religion Dispatches


How one Twin Cities group is fighting radicalization of Muslim youths
The recent reports about the deaths of two Muslim men with ties to the Twin Cities, Douglas McCain and Abdirahman Muhumed — the first Americans ...

New information in case of Rochester man accused of supporting ISIS, Muslimcommunity reacts
He was arrested back in June accused of planning to attack returning U.S. soldiers in Western New York and members of the local Muslim community.

Muslim rebels in Philippines vow allegiance to IS
The influence of the Islamic State may be further expanding, this time in Asia. Video clips of Muslimextremists from the Philippines pledging allegiance ...

Erdogan says Turkey could take in Muslim Brotherhood leaders ousted from Qatar
ANKARA, Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Turkey could take in leaders of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood group who have been ...

Police investigating anti-Muslim hate crimes in Fort Saskatchewan
A Fort Saskatchewan home that's often used as a place of prayer for the community's small Muslim population has been targeted twice. On Monday ...

Listen, Muslim Parent
SALAAMS! You cannot but be aware that these are troubling times for the ummah¯in India, across the globe, and especially in Muslim majority ...

No Muslims allowed: Forget love jihad, we now have 'Garba jihad'!
According to the Indian Express, the newly formed Hindu Asmita Hitrakshak Samiti will create a team of “volunteers” who will ensure no Muslim youth ...

Does the Muslim headscarf boost body image?
(RNS) In non-Muslim societies, a woman in a headscarf is often perceived as less approachable and sociable, according to past research, and some ...

Saudi Muslim Scholars Back Al-Saud Fight With Islamic State
The statement comes more than a week after senior Saudi scholar Abdulaziz Al Al-Sheikh called on Muslimsto fight Islamic State to “rid people and ...

Kerry: We Must 'Put Real Islam Out There'
Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that to counter the ideology of theIslamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its claim of a "religious ...

Al-Qaeda urges unity against US-led 'war on Islam'
An unprecedented joint statement from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb urged their “brothers” in Iraq and ...

Cat Stevens to tour US for the first time since 1976
Cat Stevens - also known as Yusuf Islam - is to perform a series of dates in the US for the first time since 1976. The musician, who converted to Islam in ...

Islam is a religion of peace – Really David Cameron?
'Islam is a religion of peace' from the lips of David Cameron when reacting to the murder of ... And so does David Cameron, and yet he defends Islam.

Rep. John Bennett stands behind 'threat of Islam' statements at Sallisaw Republican meeting
Rep. John Bennett speaks on his position of Islam to over 100 of his constituents during the regular meeting of Republicans at the Western Sizzlin' ...

Saudi Arabia's U-turn on Islamicradicalism - political irony or Greek tragedy?
The cradle of Wahhabism - an ascetic and radical interpretation of Sunni Islam - Saudi Arabia has often been understood as the nurturer of radical ...

Playing on a widespread fear of Islam in Germany
Both politicians and leading Islamic associations have criticised their actions as "illegal parallel justice" and have warned of repercussions. By Stefan ...


ISIS is What Islam Is Getting Paid To Become
RedState  Repair_Man_Jack (Diary)
To properly understand ISIS; realize that they've exploited a similar niche in The Islamic Religion. They've discovered the joys of profit through ...

How the Vatican created Islam
JEWSNEWS  Eliyokim Cohen
How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at ...

Kerry: US Must Help Push 'Real Islam'
John Kerry's 'strategy' for defeating the Islamic State involves proselytizing to push what he and his pals at the White House consider 'real Islam.'

Pandaemonium  Kenan Malik
This third extract is from Chapter 8, and looks at the battle between the Rationalists and the Traditionalists in early Islamic philosophy.

Podcast: Islam, Isis and democratic change in Tunisia
Podcast: Islam, Isis and democratic change in Tunisia. In this podcast, NGO leader Ons Ben Abdelkarim discusses democratic change in Tunisia.

Islam and present day Muslims: Two separate Things!!!!
The advent of Islam indeed ushered in a new chapter for mankind, which brought about a huge revolution in the thinking of a normal human being.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Wednesday 17 September 2014

A Muslim academic is vowing to push ahead with the launch of his woman and gay-friendly mosque in South Africa, despite receiving death threats. Taj Hargey, director of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford, a group of "forward thinking" Muslims, said his Open Mosque will welcome all genders, religions and sexual orientations when it opens in Wynberg, a Cape Town suburb, on Friday.

Source :

The Pakistan Federation of Wood Workers (PFBWW) has scored a major victory in a case
  1. filed with the Muzzafarabad High Court in Pakistan. The case pertains to the violation of the right to freedom of association by Chinese consortium, CGGC-CMEC – the contractor at the Neelam Jhelum Hydro Power Project in the Azad Jammu & Kashmir area of Muzzafarabad

Source : Building and Wood Worker's International

fore he came to Colombia, all that Mohammed had ever heard about the country was "violence, drugs, and war." Certainly, when the 28-year-old Syrian fled Damascus just over a year ago, Colombia did not register as a possible place to resettle. "I never thought about South America at all," Mohammed says,

Source :

The structure's crescent shape stood out in the landscape, Wachtel told Live Science in an email. The shape may have had symbolic importance, as the lunar crescent is a symbol of an ancient Mesopotamian moon god named Sin, Wachtel said. An ancient town called Bet Yerah (which translates to "house of the moon god") is located only a day's walk from the crescent-shaped monument Wachtel noted. As such, the monument may have helped mark the town's borders.

Source : Christian Science Monitor


Muslim academic gets death threats over women and gay-friendly mosque
A Muslim academic is vowing to push ahead with the launch of his woman and gay-friendly mosque in South Africa, despite receiving death threats.

Muslim youths barred at garba venues in Godhra
The samiti claims it issued the diktat as Muslim youths enter the garba venues with the intention of luring Hindu girls. "Muslim boys luring Hindu girls at ...

German Muslim community announces protest against extremism
Mosques across Germany are planning to unite against Islamist extremists this week. The country's Central Council of Muslims wants to reframe the ...

The Muslim Brotherhood's Inter-Faith Charade
Dr. Christian, an Egyptian-born Christian convert from Islam related to high-ranking leaders of the MuslimBrotherhood, is now engaged in a battle to ...

Women's rights activist speaks out at Yale against Muslim 'indoctrination'
NEW HAVEN >> Ayaan Hirsi Ali, known worldwide for her crusade on behalf of women's rights in Muslimregions, brought her message to Yale ...

Qatar orders expulsion of EgyptianMuslim Brotherhood leaders
Qatar has pledged to expel exiled leaders of Egypt'sMuslim Brotherhood as one of the conditions of an agreement forced on the wealthy Gulf state by ...

Erdogan offers to host MuslimBrotherhood leaders ousted from Qatar
Turkey would welcome senior figures from Egypt's outlawed Muslim Brotherhood after they were asked to leave Qatar under pressure from other Gulf ...

Muslim Students Association offers cultural flavors
The Muslim Students Association sought to share both flavors and culture at their event on Monday. At their Islamic Cultural Food Lounge event on ...
Cameroonian football team converts to Islam
DUBAI // Twenty-three young African footballers converted to Islam at the end of a two-month training camp in Dubai. The men, all in their twenties, are ...

Russia: We warned the Yanks aboutIslamic State
They will create "Islamic State 2", a bigger and better armed group, and let it deal with the original IslamicState group. And what happens when ...

Moderate Islam: A MYTH!
interview, by proclaiming “there is no such thing as a radical or moderate form of Islam. You know, a woman is either pregnant or not pregnant”.

John Esposito Takes 'Islam' Out of ISIS
"He's the head apologist," read a note passed to this reporter from a liberal friend during Georgetown University professor John Esposito's August 28 ...

Hear Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) Cover Edgar Winter's 'Dying to Live'
Last December, not long after the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced that it would be inducting him in its class of 2014, Yusuf (the ...

Iran won't join US in Islamic State fight
PARIS — Iran on Monday spurned an American request for cooperation in the fight against IslamicState militants, but the United States said the door ...

Australia's Imam Council Rebuffs Abbott Decision To Send Troops; Wants 'Islamic' Dropped From ...
Australia's Grand Mufti slammed militant group IslamicState of Iraq and Syria for their barbaric actions following the release of beheading videos to ...

Minister: Haines murder 'has nothing to do with Islam'
The murder of British aid worker David Haines byIslamic State militants has "nothing to do with Islam", the Immigration Minister has said.

Teaching US Officials About Radical Islam
When American forces first began fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, criticisms abounded about the lack of troops' cultural awareness when they entered ...

UK: Beheaded aid worker's brother says Islam “not to blame”
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
They will swear to their last dying gurgling beheaded breath that Islam is a religion of .... I never mentioned that Brother Rashid was critical of Islam.

No True Islam
Senior Muslim scholars are beginning to push back against Islamic State propaganda. Britain's Faith Associates consultancy organized a four-minute ...

Why are all the excuses made for Islam?
neo-neocon  neo-neocon
From Bush to Obama, and around the world, Western leaders are falling all over themselves to proclaim that ISIS is not Islamic, whereas ISIS declares ...

Will Arab States Help the Shine the Light on “PoliticalIslam”?
True North Reports  TrueNorth
By Robert Maynard. The Arab League recently announced that it would join in opposing the Islamic State, or IS, both militarily and politically. Now 10 ...

Islam is a peaceful religion, according to John Kerry
The Minority Report Blog  Michael Becker
the face of Islam is not the butchers who killed Steven Sotloff,” he continued, to immediate applause. “That's [ISIS].” “The face of Islam is not the nihilists ...

Which Islam?
My latest blog post for Al-Akhbar English: "Which Islam?" Posted by As'ad AbuKhalil at 6:54 AM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to ...

The folly of taking Islam out of ISIS
Tuvia Brodie  Tuvia
Its goals center on Islam. Its mission is to establish a caliphate, “a state ruled by a single political and religious leader according to Islamic law, ...

Islam's Nightclub Brawl
Islam's Nightclub Brawl - Jihadis from Britain are acting out a brutality learned at home.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Tuesday 16 September 2014

A big storm erupted on the sun today (Sept. 10), and Earth was in the crosshairs. The sun unleashed an X-class solar flare — the most powerful type — at 1:45 p.m. EDT (1745 GMT) today from an Earth-facing sunspot known as Active Region 2158, which also fired off another intense solar flare yesterday. 

Source : Christian Science Monitor

Shoaib Sarwar, a death row prisoner convicted on murder charges in 1998, is reportedly set to be hanged in a Rawalpindi jail on 18 September 2014. If carried out, it would be the first civilian execution in Pakistan since 2008 and the first execution in the country since 2012. 

Source :


The Shocking Display Seen at NYC'sMuslim Day Parade
New York City's Madison Avenue was the site of the 29th annual Muslim Day Parade on Sunday. Last year's Muslim Day Parade sparked some ...

29th annual Muslim day parade in New York
NEW YORK — New York's prominent Madison Avenue staged on Sunday the 29th annual Muslim Day parade, organized by a large number of ...

British Muslim Leaders Want Everyone to Stop Calling the Terror Group the 'Islamic State' and ...
British Muslim leaders have called on Prime Minister David Cameron and other politicians to stop referring to the militant jihadist group as the “Islamic ...

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Leader Badie Gets Life in Jail
CAIRO—. Mohamed Badie, top leader of Egypt's outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, was sentenced to life in jail along with 14 others on Monday on ...

Children Now More Likely to beMuslim than Christian in Some British Cities
There are now more Muslim children than Christian children growing up several British towns and cities. Figures from the 2011 census show that in ...

Texas Sheriff: "Muslim Clothing, Koran Books" Found At Border; "ISIS Cells Active"
"There's always a way to get across... we have found Muslim clothing. They have found Koran books that are laying on the side of the trail. So we know ...

Will play an active role to clear doubts on Muslim laws: AIMPLB
In the wake of a raging controversy over the issue of 'Love Jihad' raised by right wing outfits, All India Muslim Personal Law Board has decided to ...

China 'rescues' 190 children fromMuslim madrasas
Chinese authorities are cracking down on religious activities following deadly unrest in the country's Muslim northwest, “rescuing” 190 children and ...

Does moderate Islam exist?
Until the leading Islamic scholars provide a peaceful theology that clearly contradicts the violent views of the IS, the existence of a “moderate Islam” ...

Islamic State recruiting women from US heartland
US law enforcement is investigating a new phenomenon of women from the American heartland joining Islamic State as President Barack Obama ...

Compromise with political Islam is impossible
He was amazingly prescient about the rising threat of political Islam. The day after this article appeared a campaign of fundamentalist assassinations ...

Arab countries 'offer to join air campaign against Islamic State'
Several Arab countries have offered to join the United States in air strikes against Islamic State targets, US officials said on Sunday, indicating a ...

John Esposito Takes 'Islam' Out of ISIS
Holocaust quasi-denier Ken Meyercord, Zainab Chaudry from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and an elderly woman who, at past ...

Cameron on Islamic State's claim to be Islamic: “Nonsense, Islam is a religion of peace”
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
Western leaders are so anxious to dissociate the Islamic State fromIslam because they want to reassure their non-Muslim citizens that the Muslims ...

Men Going Their Own Way vs. Islam part 2: It crawls, it creeps, it eats you alive!
A Voice for Men  AVfM Video Source
Here we bring you Part 2 of the series on gender dynamics in Indonesia by Ayam Sirias. Please sub and support Ayam for continuing this work, which ...

Respecting the faith of non-Islamic terrorists
RedState  John Hayward
It hasn't been pretty watching the political culture of the United States beat itself senseless over the cruel realities of Islamic terrorism for the past ...

ISIS contradicts Islam
The Commonwealth Times  Executive Editor
Terrorism is not Islam. Murdering human beings is not Islam. TheIslamic State of Iraq and Syria is not Islam. The individuals of ISIS believe that they ...

TRUTH: Jordanian-Palestinian Politician Says There Is No ISIS Ideology
JEWSNEWS  Eliyokim Cohen
TRUTH: Jordanian-Palestinian Politician Says There Is No ISIS Ideology – It's Islam. Posted on 9/14/2014 by Eliyokim Cohen. Tweet. Email This Page ...

Yusuf Estes LIVE tonight Reseda Mosque California
Exposing True Islam (dawah) & Youth programs - DVDs - Food too! BROADCASTING LIVE on TV Channel for real Islam. Yusuf Estes says, 'Support ...

Canadian Prime Minister thanks Ismaili Muslims for 'demystifying Islam'
Ismailimail  Ismailimail Blog
Speaking to a full room, Harper praised the Ismaili community for its role in “demystifying Islam,” which he said was often “violently distorted” in the ...