Friday 6 June 2014

on Saturday 7 June 2014

Source : Christian Science Monitor


Source : Documentation Information Catholiques Internationales


Daily Beast
Bill O'Reilly, Muslim-Hunter
Bill O'Reilly isn't just an awe-inspiring successful television host, he's also “The Muslim Hunter.” His Islamadar is so strong he can instantly tell if a ...
Ahram Online
Muslim Brotherhood Voted Out
The preliminary results show a turnout of around 46 percent of the eligible voters, despite the boycott by the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi supporters.

Scribe Presents Muslim Voices of Philadelphia - Premiere Screening At International House ...
On Tuesday, June 24, 7:00PM, Scribe Video Center presents the world premiere of Muslim Voices of Philadelphia at International House Philadelphia.

Muslim teachers condemn continued seizure of students
THE Muslim Teachers Association of Nigeria (MUTAN), Lagos State chapter, has condemned the abduction and continued seizure of over 200 female ...

Muslim women call to end headscarf ban in Tatarstan
The Union of Muslim Women in Russia and Tatarstan have called on the Russian Education Ministry to remove the headscarf ban in schools in the ...

Toronto Sun
Former Scarborough Muslim cleric sentenced for US sex crimes
A former Scarborough Muslim cleric who terrorized his sexual abuse victims into silence with threats of stoning in their homeland is now serving a 35 ...
The Express Tribune
Islam does not sanction honour killings, says PUC
Honour killing is a criminal act of brutality forbidden in Islam, the Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC) declared on Thursday, urging the government to ...

Does Islam really condemn converts to death?
Both the Sudanese court and the man who claims to be Ibrahim's brother say the Islamic faith is clear: Apostasy, renouncing the religion, is a capital ...

Islam vs pluralism and democracy?
Hayrettin Karaman, professor emeritus of Islamic law and columnist for daily Yeni Şafak, is an important figure in Turkey. He is known to be deeply ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
Islam's Lawyers in Arms
The document promised respect for Syria's multiethnic makeup and a "state of justice, law and freedom," albeit one bound by the rules of Islamic law.

Islam and Dialogue in Northern Ireland
I was traveling with my professor, Ambassador Akbar Ahmed, the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University and the former Pakistani ...

Professors Shill for Islam
Merely ten people, including two imams and a reporter, heard University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, professor of religious studies Carl W. Ernst ...

NI preacher sorry for 'Islam is satanic' sermon
A controversial preacher in Northern Ireland who labelled Islam as "satanic" has apologised publicly for his comments. Pastor James McConnell, who ...

Myanmar nationalist group organizes anti-Islamboycott
Burmese Nationalist Youth to distribute leaflets and CDs urging boycott of Qatar-owned phone company because it is based in an Islamic country.
“Execute her,” says brother of Sudanese convert from Islam to Christianity
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
One would almost think that Islam had a death penalty for apostasy. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad's closest companions, maintained that the ...

On Sye Ten Bruggencate's response to Islam and the Outsider Test
The Atheist Experience  Russell Glasser
On Sye Ten Bruggencate's response to Islam and the Outsider Test ... not God's word, and then he goes on to give a “proof” that Islam cannot be true.

Islam, its consequences, infiltration and leftist allies of Islam for June 6 2014
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
Most of Iraq's 30,000 Shabaks follow a blend of Shia Islam and local beliefs viewed as heretical by Sunni extremists, and they have been periodically ...

'I' is for Islam and 'Indians'
A Quaker Stew  Stuart Masters
In particular I will look at Quaker engagement with Judaism, Islam and Native Americans. Finally I will look at the issue of slavery which seems to have ...

Muslims flee Northern Ireland to escape anti-Islam violence
JEWSNEWS  Eliyokim Cohen
Some Muslims in Northern Ireland have announced plans to leave the country to avoid anti-Islamic violence. The announcement comes after an attack ...

A few quotes from Obama on Islam and Christianity  TMH
#9 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, ...

Grad students put science and Islam together to promote good mental health
McMaster Daily News - Headlines  Wade Hemsworth
'When we said there's treatment and help available for you, they were so relieved,' said Kashmala Qasim, a member of the Healthy Active Living group ...

Unity council probes into claim that students used to propagate Islam in schools
Malaysia Today  admin-s
(TMI) – Sources in the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) said the claims were raised by a non-Muslim religious head at a dialogue with the ...

Building bridges between Judaism and Islam
Velveteen Rabbi (Velveteen Rabbi)
Building bridges between Judaism and Islam. MultifaithRetreatGarrisonfor5.31.11r post Several years ago, when I was still in rabbinic school, ...

Islam 2nd Largest Religion in 20 US States
Creeping Sharia  creeping
So the numbers are probably much worse now. via Islam 2nd Largest Religion in 20 US States - Americas - News - h/t TROP CAIRO ...

The daughter of a martyr, she turned against Islam, became a Christian, moved to the United States and has earned her place as one of the leading ...

Did Bergdahl convert to Islam while in captivity?
Did Bergdahl convert to Islam while in captivity? Jun. 05, 2014 - 4:53 - 'Special Report' All-Star panel weighs in. Interact with the Show. ← Back to ...

Shi'i Islam in the African American Community
While much has been written regarding the rise and experience of the African American Muslim community, western scholarship has paid little ..

Thursday 5 June 2014

on Friday 6 June 2014

Source :


Source : Christian Science Monitor


AP PHOTOS: Muslims at C. African Republic church
In this Wednesday, April 16, 2014 photo, Muslim refugee children carry firewood for cooking at the Catholic church compound in Carnot, Central ...
Scotland's Muslim community, like the rest of the country, is divided over independence referendum
Among those to whom the Scots-born Brown (and the SNP) are hoping to appeal are Scotland's 77,000 Muslims, who in a country of just 5.2 million ...
FrontPage Magazine
Muslims Complain When Burma Does the Same Thing Muslim Countries Do
It's routine in the Muslim world. It's not always punished by the death penalty, but there are usually laws against it or laws making it difficult. That's the ...
Belfast Telegraph
Support of my Muslim friends helped me cope with mother's death: Rev Dr Johnston McMaste
"The Muslim community have accepted it in terms of moving on. ... made a lot easier by the kindness, goodness and generosity of my Muslim friends.
Radical Myanmar monks urge 'Muslim' phone company boycott
Radical Myanmar Buddhist monks are urging a boycott of telecoms firm Ooredoo because it hails from Muslim-majority Qatar, despite its promise to ...
FrontPage Magazine
Libyan General: MuslimBrotherhood is the Driving Force Behind Extremists Arriving in Libya.”
And the Muslim Brotherhood has been trying to take over Libya. The Brotherhood's ghoulish madman Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Al Qaeda have ...
From the Archive | Muslim celebration honors Muhammad Ali
From the Archive | Muslim celebration honors Muhammad Ali. Ali was honored with the "Lifetime Humanitarian" award during the dinner Saturday ...
CBS News
9 condemned in China's crackdown in restive region
... 29 new arrests in a huge crackdown in the far west following deadly attacks blamed on Muslimextremists, state media and officials said Thursday.

Muslim bizmen urged to explore Halal market amid ASEAN Integration
Davao del Norte, June 5 (PIA) - - - With ASEAN Integration in the offing, a government agency here based in the province encouraged Muslim ...
Daily Mail
Islam and apostasy
The condemned woman, Maryam Yahya Ibrahim, was born to a Christian mother and a Muslim father and so, under Sudan's version of Islamic law, ...

Nigerian Tribune
Studying Islam
Interest in Islamic studies has expanded in recent years, but not always for the best of reasons. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the powers of ...
The Standard Digital News
"Islam was my sanity in jail", says Dola
I converted to Islam while in prison,” said Dola, whose phone call-back tune is a Qaswida (XXX). “I have not yet legally changed my name but I am in ...
Islam 2nd Largest Religion in 20 US States
According to the Washington Post, Islam came as the largest non-Christian faith in 20 states, mostly in the Midwest and South. On the other hand, ...
Website Offers Muslims Relationships Advice
“It provides marital and sexual aids that are within the realm of Islam, so they have to be acceptable by Islamic guidelines – anything for sexual ...

Kyrgyzstan 'Secular' Institute Teaches Islam
BISHKEK – Kyrgyzstan's first Islamic research centre has opened its doors to promote moderate values of Islam and fight extremism in the ...
Austria: Imam alleged to recruit Islamic fighters
VIENNA (AP) — An Islamic preacher has been arrested on suspicion of recruiting young Chechens living in Austria to fight for Islam in Syria.
Washington Post
Bowe Bergdahl: Conversion to Islam and Bomb Instructions for the Enemy?
The two possibilities are that, while in Afghanistan, Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam and taught Taliban fighters how to make bombs. The Daily Mail ...

Jamil Khir: Jais played its role in safeguarding Islam
Malaysia Today  Super Admin
(Bernama) – The Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) played its role in safeguarding the interests of Islam in the state in the case of a Hindu ...

On Egyptian TV, 2 women debate Islam, calmly at first...
Althouse (Ann Althouse)
Muslims are colonists. It's in the Koran, Allah's final and perfect word. The House of Peace (Dar al-Islam) shall conquer the House of War (Dar al-Harb ...

austria has a law protecting islam
"The external legal conditions of the adherents of Islam shall be regulated on the basis of an autonomous administration, due consideration being ...

Biography of Muhammad (pbuh) by a Non-Muslim
877-WHY-ISLAM  Admin
by By Prof. K. S. Ramakrishna Rao, Head of the Dept. of Philosophy, Govt. College for Women. University of Mysore, Mandya-571401 (Karnatika, ...

Islam, its consequences and its leftist enablers for June 5 2014 – 2
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
In the past he has been more honest when he explained that in Islam, no non-muslim is innocent as they are guilty of being unbelievers while all ...

Bergdahl converted to Islam, declared himself a “mujahid”
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
Bergdahl converted to Islam, declared himself a “mujahid”. by sheikyer mami on June 6, 2014. We know that already. Its not a secret. But the Obama ...

Islam and leftist allies awareness links June 4 2014 – 2
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
Which country has the fastest-growing Muslim population? No, it's not Canada, it's Ireland. But Canada is a close second. From 2010 to 2030, the ...

The Women of Islam and the Language of Submission
Quiet Mike  Sean Everett
Women of Islam The Prophet Muhammad (570-632) established a system of religious thought that permanently transformed society around the world.