Saturday 3 May 2014

Around the Muslim World on Saturday 3 March 2014


Source :


Eleven Muslim settlers killed in militant attacks in India's Assam
Bodo people have frequently clashed with Muslims they say have illegally entered from neighboring Bangladesh and encroached on their ancestral ...

Islamist group condemns Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood death sentences
DUBAI (Reuters) - An association of Muslim scholars led by influential Qatar-based cleric Youssef al-Qaradawi has condemned death sentences ...
Washington Times
Muslim radicals in Syria mount bloody bodies on crucifixion pole as example to enemies
“These violent acts are part of a fundamentalist revival campaign, but these forms of ancient punishment were rarely is ever seen in the Muslim world ...

American Muslims get 'Happy' with Pharrell dance
Following in the footsteps of the recent British Happy Muslim video, the American version aims to share a snapshot of American Muslim diversity.
Muslim scholars condemn Egypt'sMuslim Brotherhood death sentences
An association of Muslim scholars led by influential Qatar-based cleric Youssef al-Qaradawi has condemned death sentences passed by an Egyptian ...
Islam gives privileged status to women: Speaker
RAWALPINDI - A philosophical and intellectual lecture on "Character and Role of Women in Islam" was organised by the Student Affairs Office of ...
Guardian Liberty Voice
Islam Creates Monsters Says Psychologist
Sennels says Islam is different from other religions because the way it is taught brainwashes its youth with violent messages. Parents inflict violence ...
Islamic Relief Celebrates 30 Years of Giving
CAIRO – A Birmingham Islamic charity has marked 30 years of providing international aid to people in need worldwide, growing from a small ...
International Business Times UK
Women in Islam: Prophet Muhammad's Wife 'Edited Koran'
The Prophet Muhammad's fourth wife, Hafsa bint 'Umar, helped edit and codify the Koran, an American professor has claimed. In Did a Woman Edit ...
BBC News
Dutch free killer of anti-Islampolitician Pim Fortuyn
Fortuyn was an openly gay sociology professor who scorned Islam as a "backward culture". He wanted to drastically cut the numbers of immigrants ...
The Times (subscription)
Islam school plot 'spreads to other cities'
Attempts to introduce strict Islamic practices into schools may have spread from Birmingham to other cities, according to a head teachers' leader.

Is Islam 'a way of life'?
I spoke at several university campuses about my book, “Islam without Extremes,” and argued for what seemed like a very novel idea for many: that ...
Conveying message of Islam: Back to basic principles — Dr Nur Faridah Zulkhaini
MAY 2 — Islam unlike other religion, it does not only cover personal worship but it defines every living aspect, hence providing complete guide to ...
Ammon News
Jordanian Christian kills daughter for converting to Islam
He added that the woman was killed by her father on Wednesday a short time after she converted toIslam when she attended a lecture by prominent ...
Khaleej Times
Sharjah's Islamic Park becoming popular
The Islamic Park gives a boost to the 'Capital ofIslamic Culture 2014' title the emirate has recently won. — Supplied photo. The Islamic Park at the ...

This is not Islam | Malaysia Today
Malaysia Today  admin-s
Replacing a system that has served us well, with one that has not been proven to work elsewhere is irresponsible. Disguising it in the name ofIslam is ...

Sen. James Inhofe: "Obama praising Islam, suppressing Judeo-Christian Values" |  Emperor
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) all but accused President Barack Obama Wednesday of promoting Islam while "suppressing our Judeo-Christian values."

Paperback $18: The Penguin Dictionary of Islam by Azim Nanji | Ismailimail
Ismailimail  Ismailimail Blog
Islam is truly a global faith, with millions of followers all over the world. However, to many it remains an enigma. The Penguin Dictionary of Islam ...

Dr. Bill Warner: For our purposes, it isn't Islam but rather, Mohamedanism | Vlad Tepes
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
This entry was posted in Bill Warner, Islamic rhetoric and twisted logic, West ... Apostate from Islam explains how every muslim is a potential terrorist 6.
Ode to Islamic Studies: Its Allure, Its Danger, Its Power: Reflections On Islamic Studies | Bulletin for ...
by Edward E. Curtis IV. By any measure, Islamic studies is a vibrant field. In the last several decades, the number of tenure-track positions dedicated to ...

Political and Missional Approaches to Islam | Whole Reason
Whole Reason  danielg
We have (at least) two main arenas in which we attempt to diffuse, if not conquer Islam – the Public Marketplace, and Personal Missions. And you can't ...

Irtiqa: Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity in Science and Islam at Hampshire College
Irtiqa  Salman Hameed
We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow in Science and Islam at Hampshire College. It is a one-year position and the the postdoc will spend half ... | Is Christian growth keeping pace with Islam?
Christian growth has stagnated globally while Islam's numbers have almost doubled, according to one researcher. In a report by Dick Slikker, of the ...

Sharia patrols (London) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A second video, beginning with a logo saying "Islam will take over the world", showed the gang directing homophobic abuse at a man walking in ...

BBC News - Dutch free killer of anti-Islam politician Pim Fortuyn -
The Dutch authorities release the man who murdered the flamboyant anti-immigration politician Pim Fortuyn in 2002, now that he has served 11 years ...

Lori Saroya: From Fear to Understanding Islam in Little Falls, Minnesota - CAIR blog - CAIR
CAIR's mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that ...

Thursday 1 May 2014

Around the Muslim World on Friday 2 May 2014

source : DNAIndia


Source : HuffingtonPost


The Hindu
Muslim voters back strong BJP rivals
PATNA: As was the trend during the first three phases of polling in Bihar on April 10, 17 and 24,Muslim voters in five of the seven constituencies that ...
Daily Mail
Muslim harassed neighbours by dressing up like panto Englishman
An Muslim man dressed up like a 'panto' Englishman to taunt his neighbours boasting of his 'joy' over 9/11 and the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby ...

Religion News Service
Former Muslim Alom Shaha on why atheists should care about anti-Muslim prejudice
Dawkins, whose tweets about Islam and Muslimshave repeatedly stirred controversy, has dismissed the phenomenon. On the other hand, a number ...
Turkish Press
ICC rejects Muslim Brotherhood call to probe Egypt
The International Criminal Court said on Thursday it had rejected a bid by the Muslim Brotherhood of deposed president Mohamed Morsi to probe the ...

The Malay Mail Online
Muslim marriages make history
Speaking at a cermony also attended by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe, the Muslim leaders said the move would also aleviate the pressure at ...

Muslim Brotherhood forming a political party here in America
With the huge influx of Muslims into the United States and their vow to take over the nation, it should be no surprise to learn that the Muslim ...

NBC Chicago
Illinois Muslim community leaders to meet with governor, lawmakers in Springfield
SPRINGFIELD, Illinois — Illinois Muslimcommunity leaders plan to meet with Gov. Pat Quinn and state legislators 
Daily Mail
Musician Cat Stevens, now Yusuf Islam, sang his hit song Wild World
Musician Cat Stevens, now known as YusufIslam, who flew in from the US for the funeral, sang an acoustic version of his hit song Wild World. Camilla ...
Turkish Press
Islamic scholars approve visit to Jerusalem
A conference held in Amman, courageously tackled this issue and produced a surprising number of supporters, including many among Islam's most ...
Ask Ali: Islam's holy fruits and its respect for older people
Dear BH: Putting parents or grandparents in a nursing home is seen as disgraceful in Islamic culture, because it demonstrates a lack of appreciation ...
Nigerian Kidnapped Schoolgirls Forced Into Islam, Marriage (2)
A poster showing a photograph of Boko Haram Leader Abubakar Shekau sits by the road in Maiduguri. Shekau said in a video, “In Islam, it is allowed ...

Why issuance of ad should not be declared illegal
... University authorities to explain by May 15 why issuing an advertisement over an employee's conversion to Islam should not be declared illegal.

Major Islamic conference in Paris accused of hosting hate speaker
A speaker at France's biggest Islamic event, the annual meeting of the Union of Islamic Organisations (UOIF), told the crowd that “all the misery in the ...
Is Christian growth keeping pace withI slam?
Christian growth has stagnated globally whileIslam's numbers have almost doubled, according to one researcher. In a report by Dick Slikker, of the ...
Islam and Jesus, Son of Mary
So that's all right then. Or is it? The news story is written to the theme thatIslam and Catholicism share much in common—two sides of the same coin, ...

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: Islam and Jesus, Son of Mary
The name "Jesus son of Mary" written in Islamic calligraphy followed by "Peace be upon him" (Wikipedia Commons) Islam and Jesus, Son of Mary ...

Islam Museum to Compete with Ground Zero Museum | FrontPage Magazine
FrontPage Magazine » The Point  Daniel Greenfield
Now the Ground Zero Mosque is becoming a Museum of Islam. There's certainly no local need for such a thing. It's a blatant exploitation of the location ...

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Around the Muslim World on Thursday 1 May 2014


Muslims to meet with lawmakers in Springfield
The Muslim leaders plan to hold private meetings during the day with state legislators to present their legislative agenda. They support an increase in ...
Radio Australia

India's Muslim community divided on prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi
More than 140 million Muslims call India home - only Indonesia and Pakistan have more believers of the faith - but in the vast nation of 1.2 billion ...
New York Daily News

Afghan couple cuts off Muslim cleric's ears, nose for allegedly raping their daughter
A married couple in northern Afghanistan invited aMuslim cleric to their house and then attacked him in revenge for allegedly sexually assaulting their ...

Muslim convoy ambushed in CAR
Muslim convoy ambushed in CAR Gunmen attacked an evacuation convoy carrying hundreds of Muslims north from Central African Republic's capital ...
New York Daily News

Developer Scales Back Plans for Muslim Center Near Ground Zero
The developer whose proposal to build a Muslim community center and mosque near the World Trade Center failed amid a national controversy three ...
Muslim Brotherhood leader among 683 sentenced to death in Egypt
CAIRO — A court in southern Egypt on Monday decreed a mass death sentence for nearly 700 people, including the spiritual leader of the Muslim ...
Vandal admits painting 'Islam' on war memorial days after murder of Lee Rigby
A man daubed 'Islam' on a war memorial days after murder of Lee Rigby during a £50,000 vandalism spree. Andrew Patterson, 31, daubed the word ...

When critique of Islam goes too far
Regarding “An honor rescinded at Brandeis” (Letters,April 15): Brandeis University rescinded an invitation to Ayaan Hirsi Ali to receive an honorary ...

Asian Image
'I had a twisted version of Islam'
'I had a twisted version of Islam'. Shoe-bomb plotter Saajid Badat admits he was once in the thick of al Qaida's plans, winning a hug from Osama bin ...

Nigerian Kidnapped Schoolgirls Forced Into Islam, Taken as Wives
Schoolgirls in Nigeria abducted by suspected members of Boko Haram are being converted to Islam and taken as brides in forced marriages, said ...
New York Daily News
Developer behind 'Ground Zero mosque' plans Islam museum near World Trade Center
The developer behind the scrapped “Ground Zero mosque” announced Tuesday that he plans to build a museum dedicated to Islam on the same ...

The Malay Mail Online
Non-Muslim students asked to name prophets of Islam at scholarship interviews
Two non-Muslim students were allegedly asked questions about the Islamic faith as part of a scholarship interview in Sarawak. ― File picKUALA ...
Islamophobia vs dislike of Islam « Why Evolution Is True
Why Evolution Is True  whyevolutionistrue
There have been an increasing number of articles in the media portraying those who criticize Islam as "Islamophobes," and about the pressure ...

UKIP candidate compares Islam to Nazism |  Amago
A UKIP candidate has defended tweets in which he said comedian Lenny Henry should emigrate to a “black country” and compared Islam to the Third ...

Prison » Criticizing Islam Now a Thought Crime
Prison  admin
Political party leader Paul Weston was arrested by police and faces up to two years in jail for criticizing the religion of Islam during a public speech in ...

Christian Zionist Baroness Cox Tells Israeli Audience, 'Islam is using the freedoms of democracy to ...
Islam is using the freedoms of democracy to destroy it,” as some of its adherents try to “inhibit criticism,” said Cox, speaking at the Green House next to ...

RealClearReligion - Get the Hell Out of Islam
Earlier this month I asked a Muslim friend to help resolve an important question: Does Islam teach that hell is eternal? It started as a simple ...

EAS Seminar - Japan and Islam between Two World Wars — Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern ...
East Asian Studies Seminars. Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. Easter Term, 2014. The University of Cambridge Department of East Asian Studies ...