Friday 4 April 2014

Around the Muslim World on Saturday 5 April 2014

Source : Christian Science Monitor


Source : Christian Science Monitor


Source : Peabody Awards Press Release



NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The imam of India's largest mosque endorsed the ruling Congress party on Friday ahead of a general election, a boost for the ...

The Sanatoga Post

Some Muslim parents are concerned about public schools in Dearborn handing out flyers to all students advertising an Easter egg hunt, saying it ...
The Guardian

LONDON – The Muslim Brotherhood has responded to the U.K. government's decision to initiate a review into the organisation by saying that they will ...

Jagran Post

From a messiah of oppressed sections to a vocalMuslim leader, from a socialist rant to a feminist brand, this London educated barrister is bringing it ...
Christian Post

Sisi played an integral role in the ousting of former President Mohamed Morsi, who was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood political party. Morsi's ...

mary-coptic-martyr On Friday, March 28, in Ain Shams, a suburb of Cairo,Muslim Brotherhood supporters attacked the Virgin Mary and Archangel ...
Indian Express

In a first, a Muslim woman is contesting as the Left candidate in this constituency, traditionally a pocket borough of Indian Union Muslim League, ...

The Brandeis Hoot
Islam Awareness Week seeks to promote positive understanding ofIslam on campus
This week on campus, Brandeis hosted its annual “Islam Awareness Week,” established to raise awareness about Islam and to remove ...
Christian Post
'Atheist Thought,' 'QuestioningIslam' Defined as Terrorism in Saudi Arabia; Human Rights Group ...
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah arrives at the the opening ceremony of the Organisation of IslamicConference (OIC) summit in Mecca August 14, 2012.

Syria is What Happens When IslamWins
Money and weapons are only the symbols. What they represent is Islam. And what Islam represents is the intersection between identity and power.
Daily Star
David Cameron promises to crack down on Islam fanatics who want to take over schools
Cameron promises to crack down on Islamfanatics who want to take over schools. DAVID Cameron has vowed “swift action” to crack down on an ...
The Cat Looks Back: Yusuf Islam on His Rock Hall of Fame Honor
The announcement of my enrollment into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will certainly bring happiness to a lot of my loyal fans, and fulfillment to all ...
The Way
Is Britain providing the foundations for an Islamic state?
Fraser Nelson who writes for the Telegraph leads with this statement on the 4th of April: “The integration of mainstream Islam in the UK is one of our ...

Illiterate Islam | The New Oxonian
The New Oxonian  rjosephhoffmann
Islam is illiterate. Its teachers are illiterate. Its educational system, to the extent it calls itself Islamic, is impoverished. Not particularly in its faithful, who ...

Raymond Ibrahim believes in Moderate Muslims but not in Moderate Islam says Daniel Pipes ...
Dialogue Ireland  dialogueireland
The Middle East Forum Debates Moderate Islam by Daniel Pipes Mar 30, 2014 Cross-posted from National Review Online, The Corner ...

BBC, 'Free Speech' and Islam (Epic Fail) | Creeping Sharia
Creeping Sharia  creeping
via BBC, 'Free Speech' and Islam: A Potent Mix. 'Fear' is the main modus operandi of political correctness, and in the Western World, many live in fear ...
The False Dichotomy: Moderate Muslims vs. Radicals | FrontPage Magazine
FrontPage Magazine » FrontPage  Majid Rafizadeh
islam-will-dominate-the-world The liberal mainstream media has long portrayed the picture of moderate (good) Muslims versus extremist Muslims.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Around the Muslim World on Friday 4 April 2014

Was World War I a just war? Part 3



The cast and production team behind “Honor Diaries,” the new documentary that probes violence against Muslim women including genital mutilation ...

DUBAI (Reuters) - The Muslim Brotherhood has urged Britain not to bow to foreign pressure in conducting a review of the group over concerns about ...
Cardinal Francis George was recognized Wednesday by Chicago-areaMuslim leaders for helping improve dialogue between Muslims and Catholics ...
The Hindu

Speaking to a TV news channel, Imam Bukhari's brother Yahya Bukhari was quoted as saying, “Today's Muslims don't take such appeals and ...

NORTHAMPTON — When Mehlaqa Samdani of Longmeadow told her friends in Pakistan that she was organizing a discussion on whetherMuslim ...

Radical Kenyan Muslim cleric Abubaker Shariff Ahmed, better known as Makaburi, predicted his own violent death barely a month before being ...
Islam and the teachings of 'extremism'
CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 2, 2014 — Islam is a religion that is, by definition, extreme. What is regarded as extreme by Western standards is, more often ...
Islam faces challenges, writes former Indian envoy to the UAE
Islam now faces very serious challenges, like the nature of state, the place of sharia in legislation, the status of women and minorities and the nature ...
'Clusters of Light' delivers tolerant, moderate message of Islam: Sharjah ruler
The operetta delivers the message of Sharjah to the whole world to see how the tolerant Islamic faith does not make any distinction between people ...

Council of Islamic Ideology Declares Women's Existence Anti-Islamic
Islamabad -- Sharia Correspondent: The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) concluded their 192nd meeting on Thursday with the ruling that women are ...
Times of India

British woman jailed in Tehran for insulting Islam and Iranian government on Facebook fears ...
A British woman has been locked up in Iran for five months after posting derogatory comments about the country's government on Facebook and fears ...
Need for promoting Islamic Social Order
They said the Pakistani nation is under solemn obligation to strive for a just social order based on the eternal message of Islam as reflected from the ...

Breaking off ties strongly discouraged in Islam
Maintaining the bonds of kinship (silatur-rahim) indeed enjoys extraordinary importance in Islam. Conversely, severing the ties (qata-ur-rahim) is very ...

Finnish Muslims Want Police Hijab
STOCKHOLM – Seeing her dream of joining police shattered over her hijab, a Finnish Muslim has urged the government to allow Islamic headscarf in ...

Students and Faculty wear hijabs to raise awareness about Islam
To raise awareness and foster dialogue about the hijab and Islam, students and faculty from across religious and cultural backgrounds wore hijabs ...
Koenraad Elst: A quarter century ago: my first criticism of Islam
Koenraad Elst  Koenraad Elst
Just a quarter century ago, I published my first article criticizing Islam. It described the history of the death sentence by Ayatollah Chomeini on the ...
Selective News Coverage of Islamic Violence | Crisis Magazine
Crisis Magazine  William Kilpatrick
Take the matter of Islamic terrorism. The media is by and large committed to the narrative that Islam is a religion of peace. Hence, they tend to ...

Moderate Muslims, Hard Line Islam | Pak Tea House
Pak Tea House  razaraja
Raza Habib Raja. Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) is a body whose job is to give recommendations to the government for making the legal framework ...

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Around the Muslim World on Thursday 3 April 2014




This is with reference to the report “Extremists have hijacked Islam, says Madani” (April 2). I feel that OIC Secretary-General Iyad Madani is partially ...

The 55-year-old who battered a Muslim woman with a shoe in Malmö was on Wednesday handed a suspended sentence for assault. He also attacked ...
The authoritative Encyclopaedia of Islam's entry for “jihad” states that the “spread of At a time when terrorism committed in the name of Islam is ...

The Independent

Instead of producing a neutral description of sharia, it has effectively issued a declamation on behalf of a regressive, reactionary version of Islamic ...

Wall Street Journal
Myanmar Muslims Face Checkpoints, Cite Growing Isolation
The government has put up the checkpoints recently, a few months after allegations Muslimswere killed in a massacre have rocked the area.
Economic Times
Muslim quota, upper caste commission promised in Akhilesh Yadav led-Samajwadi Party manifesto
SummaryAkhilesh Yadav led-Samajwadi Party manifesto promised to release 'innocent' Muslim youths lodged in jail on terrorism charges.
Washington Post
Radical Muslim leader shot dead in Kenya
NAIROBI, Kenya — A radical Islamic leader who had been sanctioned by the United States and the United Nations for supporting an al-Qaida-linked ...

Muslim Group's Lawsuit Against Author Proceeds
(CN) - A Muslim-American group can press some, but not all, of its claims against the men who allegedly spied on it and then wrote a book based on ...
Daily Mail
Muslim couple claim they were victimised by Morrisons after they were refused holiday during ...
A married couple claim they were victimised at work due to their religious beliefs after being refused holidays during the Muslim holy month of ...
Kenyan Muslim groups threaten protest over Islamist shooting
MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) - Two prominent Kenyan Muslim rights groups threatened on Wednesday to stage street protests in the port city of ...
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Muslims Remain Trapped
In western Central African Republic, entire towns have been emptied of Muslims. Some have been killed, while thousands of others have fled the ...

Florida professor: “As memories of colonialism fade, the idea that Islam is linked to violence will ...
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
And to assert that the association of Islam with violence with fade with those memories of colonialism ignores the fact that it is not “Islamophobes,” but ...

Saudi Arabia declares atheists terrorists, sets 20 years prison for criticism of Islam : Jihad Watch
Saudi Arabia's Islamic religious authorities have spoken out against Saudi fighters going to Syria, but the Interior Ministry estimates that around 1,200 ...