Thursday 6 March 2014

Islam on the Internet; Thursday 6 March 2014


Hassan Shibly, chief executive director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil liberties group, described Matusitz's statements ...
Slate Magazine (blog)

Last week, I wrote about the use of Muslims as bogeymen in the campaign against Arizona's religious freedom bill. The bill would have shielded ...
Judge Halim Dhanidina, with the Los Angeles Superior Court, is the first Muslim judge in the state of California and one of only three in the United ...
Fars News Agency

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani strongly condemned the genocide of theMuslim population in the Central African Republic, ...
Are immigrants from Muslim-majority countries bringing violence and threatening values to Canada and other Western countries, or are they following ...

relationship with Muslims has been fraught; and India is a country long riven by religious divisions. “I'm inclined to support Modi,” Shah said quietly.
PUTRAJAYA: Muslims groups from around the country have gathered outside the Palace of Justice here to show their support in the maintaining the ...
Central Michigan Life

The MSA exists as an official presence on campus for the Muslim community, focused on increasing awareness about Islam and to strengthen ties with ...
For young Muslim leaders, the young men at Musa Mosque are victims of a terrorist witch hunt. MOMBASA – A recent attack on Masjid Musa mosque ...

Islam guarantees women's rights, say speakers
A seminar was held to observe International Women's Day in the Jinnah Hall where speakers said that no other religion but Islam has provided ...
Al-Manar TV

Islamic militants threaten Syrian Christians
According to a March 3 statement from State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, the IslamicState of Iraq in the Levant (ISIL) announced last week in ...
Militants defame Islam: Bilour
Islam is a religion of peace and brotherhood. It rejects violence and bloodshed. It is a religion of love and affection,” he said in his speech on National ...
Human Events

Islamic Jihad and the doctrine of abrogation
The standard view is that in the early years of Islam, since Muhammad and his community were far outnumbered by their infidel competitors while ...
Radical Islam's Intimidation in Kosovo
"Society in Kosovo has two options, either to fight the evils within it of crime and corruption, or to remain on the margin of democratic countries.
"The Message of Islam from Oman" Exhibition Kicks-Off in Kuwait
Kuwait, Mar 5 (ONA) ----"The Message of Islam from Oman" exhibition started today in displaying the experience of the Sultanate and its role in the ...

Fox & Friends Foments More Fear Of Islam With 'Security Expert' From Anti-Islamic Group
Fox News has been described, in the Center for American Progress' report "Fear Inc.," as an echo chamber for America's cottage industry of ...

Indonesia Fatwa Bans Wildlife Trafficking
JAKARTA – Indonesia's highest Islamic authority has issued a fatwa that bans illegal hunting and trafficking endangered animals, an edict widely ...
Senior Shia cleric: “Boosting Islamic unity is a necessity”
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Grand Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought met with ...


Answering Muslims: Islam, the Kaaba, the Black Stone, and Idolatry
Answering Muslims  David Wood
Yet Muslims bow down to a pagan temple called the "Kaaba" (which is what the pagans of Arabia did before the rise of Islam); they take a pilgrimage ...
Islam is Not the Enemy | Brown Political Review
Brown Political Review  Sara Erkal
Sara Erkal '16 discusses the disparity between Islam and the west from a feminist-minded perspective.

The Shepherd's Dilemma: Speaking Out Against Islamic Terror | Crisis Magazine
Crisis Magazine  William Kilpatrick
I don't remember the source of the quotation, but it succinctly captures the dilemma that world leaders face in deciding how to respond to Islamic ...
The Hesperado: Islam Amok, Asian Style
The Hesperado  Hesperado
Islam Amok, Asian Style. The photo above is a shot of a deserted street in Kuala Lumpur where, in May of 1969, the Chinese who lived in that ...
Salmaan Al-Farisi's Conversion to Islam - Islamic Literatures
Islamic Literatures  Aiman
The following is a lengthy hadeeth about the story of how the great Sahaabi Salmaan al-Faarisi (may Allaah be pleased with him) came toIslam.
Pakistan 1973 Constitution is not Islamic | New Civilisation
New Civilisation  NewCiv
Earlier this week the federal government of Pakistan obtained a Fatwa declaring the constitution of Pakistan to be completely in accordance withIslam ...

An Obama Quote On Islam That Will Shock You - JEWSNEWS
An Obama Quote On Islam That Will Shock You. Posted on 3/4/2014 by admin · Share · Tweet · 5 · Share · Tweet ...
In Islam, Did God create evil? - Christian Forums
Christian Forums  steve_bakr
I came across a verse in the Qur'an which makes me ask this question. The Surah is Al-Falak (The Dawn), #113. "Bismi 'llahi Rahmani Raheem. Say ...

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Islam on the Internet; Wednesday 5 March 2014

Washington Post

Muslim Tatars Of Crimea Lie Low Following Russia's Seizure Of Ukrainian Peninsula
But now, with Moscow's military forces having unexpectedly seized control, the indigenous Muslim people of the isolated Black Sea peninsula have all ...
Muslim women find a place for prayer on campus
Without a place to call their own, Muslim women at Shippensburg University used to pray between rows of books in the library, empty lounges in the ...

At Weekly Exorcisms, Egypt's Muslims and Christians Unite Against the Demons
Father Sama'an Ibrahim performs an exorcism on a group of devotees -Muslims and Christians - inside Cairo's St. Sama'an Cathedral, Feb. 28, 2014.

Muslim groups in Hyderabad wary of seeking controversial qazi's services
HYDERABAD: Shafai and Arab Muslims seeking the services of a qazi in the city have landed in confusion over approaching a controversial qazi Ali ...

In Jerusalem, Jews, Muslims clash over mosque loudspeakers
JERUSALEM — A long-standing row between the Jerusalem municipality and Muslim officials over the decibel level of prayers emanating from the ...

Anti-Islam party to contest next election
AN anti-Islam party based on the hardline views of Dutch politician Geert Wilders plans to field candidates at the next federal election, raising fears ...
Islamic museum opened in Melbourne, Australia
The opening of the museum was attended by many notables including Yusuf Islam, formerly known as the musician Cat Stevens. “It is a fantastic ...

China's female imams carrying on ancient Islamictradition
China isn't the heartland of Islam, but it's the only country in the world to ...Henan Province is China's religious heartland of Islam, and home to the ...
S.Africa Islamic Party Campaigns for Virtue
Skip to content. _. Tuesday, Mar 04 , 2014 ( Jumada Al-Awwal, 1435). Updated:05:16 AM GMT. S.Africa Islamic Party Campaigns for Virtue. 469907.
Updated News

Australia: Anti-Islam party to contest next poll
Australia - Anti-Islam party to contest next poll An anti-Islam party based on the hardline views of Dutch politician Geert Wilders plans to field ...
Washington Post

Crimea Muslims Fear Separation, Exile
“After their invasion of Crimea on 18 May 1944, the Russians expelled the Crimean Tatars from the region,” Idil Izmirli, an expert on Islamic identities in ...

Indian Express

Nationalist's Rise Worries India Muslims
“Modi survives on hatred,” Shakeel Ahmad, chairman of the Islamic Relief Committee of Gujarat, said in an interview last year. Luring Muslims.
Is Stomach Stapling Surgery Allowed?
I want to go for stomach stapling; is it allowed in Islam to do that surgery?... Dear sister, thank you for your question that shows your interest inIslam ...


US Hispanics urged to convert to Islam and become 'social ambassadors' for the 'religion of peace'
The Freethinker  Barry Duke
Islam is practical. It's social. It's very easy to translate it into Hispanic culture, and it's even easier to communicate it in the Spanish language. So says ...
'Anti-Islam party to contest next election' — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
AN anti-Islam party based on the hardline views of Dutch politician Geert Wilders plans to field candidates at the next federal election, raising fears ...
| Understanding Islam | Diocese of Bristol
Diocese of Bristol » Latest news  Rachel Williams
A good understanding of Islam is a must in Britain today, where Muslims number by far the biggest religious group after British Christians. In many of ...

France, and that “very strong bond between Islam and the Republic, for the defense of the ...
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
Take a close look: there are some whites – all the way in the back on the left, and possibly the woman up front with a black scarf. Not an unusual sight ...

of Islam'. Details below: Date: 4th March ...

The Facts About Islam: Why do some converts toIslam later leave Islam?
The Facts About Islam  Yahya Snow
I was recently alerted to this Kristiane Backer interview in which she gives her opinion as to the reason why some converts to Islam find it tough and ...

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Islam on the Internet; 4 March 2014

Anti-Islam MP's new Aussie party
CONTROVERSIAL anti-Islam Dutch MP Geert Wilders has revealed that a new party defending western values will be launched in Australia.

Charisma News
Islam and Respect for Pluralism. By Waris Mazhari
Islam is the religion of nature. It is also the answer to man's inner quest. It aims at establishing the right relationship between the Creator and His ...

Boris Johnson: Children at risk of Islamic extremism should be taken into care
The mayor of London believes that children at risk of extremist Islam should be treated in the same way as those at risk of paedophilia or female ...
Politics and the way of Islam
In Islamic worldview, the framework of maqasid al-Syariah (the intentions of the Syariah) should be the best guidance for political leaders to make ...

Dutch Muslim politician launching new Islamic party
Arnoud van Doorn, a former far-right Dutch politician who later acceptedIslam and became a Muslim, has announced his plans to launch a new ...


Child Brides Have Nothing To Do With Islam? — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
If you listen to Islam apologists, not even Islam has anything to do withislam: Child brides have nothing to do with Islam, apart from the fact they do.
Islam & ACE | Mancultural
Mancultural  Stephen Terence Welsh - Curator of Living Cultures
In 2013 Arts Council England decided to support a new Subject Specialist Network (SSN) for museum professionals responsible for collections of ...