Wednesday 5 March 2014

Islam on the Internet; Wednesday 5 March 2014

Washington Post

Muslim Tatars Of Crimea Lie Low Following Russia's Seizure Of Ukrainian Peninsula
But now, with Moscow's military forces having unexpectedly seized control, the indigenous Muslim people of the isolated Black Sea peninsula have all ...
Muslim women find a place for prayer on campus
Without a place to call their own, Muslim women at Shippensburg University used to pray between rows of books in the library, empty lounges in the ...

At Weekly Exorcisms, Egypt's Muslims and Christians Unite Against the Demons
Father Sama'an Ibrahim performs an exorcism on a group of devotees -Muslims and Christians - inside Cairo's St. Sama'an Cathedral, Feb. 28, 2014.

Muslim groups in Hyderabad wary of seeking controversial qazi's services
HYDERABAD: Shafai and Arab Muslims seeking the services of a qazi in the city have landed in confusion over approaching a controversial qazi Ali ...

In Jerusalem, Jews, Muslims clash over mosque loudspeakers
JERUSALEM — A long-standing row between the Jerusalem municipality and Muslim officials over the decibel level of prayers emanating from the ...

Anti-Islam party to contest next election
AN anti-Islam party based on the hardline views of Dutch politician Geert Wilders plans to field candidates at the next federal election, raising fears ...
Islamic museum opened in Melbourne, Australia
The opening of the museum was attended by many notables including Yusuf Islam, formerly known as the musician Cat Stevens. “It is a fantastic ...

China's female imams carrying on ancient Islamictradition
China isn't the heartland of Islam, but it's the only country in the world to ...Henan Province is China's religious heartland of Islam, and home to the ...
S.Africa Islamic Party Campaigns for Virtue
Skip to content. _. Tuesday, Mar 04 , 2014 ( Jumada Al-Awwal, 1435). Updated:05:16 AM GMT. S.Africa Islamic Party Campaigns for Virtue. 469907.
Updated News

Australia: Anti-Islam party to contest next poll
Australia - Anti-Islam party to contest next poll An anti-Islam party based on the hardline views of Dutch politician Geert Wilders plans to field ...
Washington Post

Crimea Muslims Fear Separation, Exile
“After their invasion of Crimea on 18 May 1944, the Russians expelled the Crimean Tatars from the region,” Idil Izmirli, an expert on Islamic identities in ...

Indian Express

Nationalist's Rise Worries India Muslims
“Modi survives on hatred,” Shakeel Ahmad, chairman of the Islamic Relief Committee of Gujarat, said in an interview last year. Luring Muslims.
Is Stomach Stapling Surgery Allowed?
I want to go for stomach stapling; is it allowed in Islam to do that surgery?... Dear sister, thank you for your question that shows your interest inIslam ...


US Hispanics urged to convert to Islam and become 'social ambassadors' for the 'religion of peace'
The Freethinker  Barry Duke
Islam is practical. It's social. It's very easy to translate it into Hispanic culture, and it's even easier to communicate it in the Spanish language. So says ...
'Anti-Islam party to contest next election' — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
AN anti-Islam party based on the hardline views of Dutch politician Geert Wilders plans to field candidates at the next federal election, raising fears ...
| Understanding Islam | Diocese of Bristol
Diocese of Bristol » Latest news  Rachel Williams
A good understanding of Islam is a must in Britain today, where Muslims number by far the biggest religious group after British Christians. In many of ...

France, and that “very strong bond between Islam and the Republic, for the defense of the ...
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
Take a close look: there are some whites – all the way in the back on the left, and possibly the woman up front with a black scarf. Not an unusual sight ...

of Islam'. Details below: Date: 4th March ...

The Facts About Islam: Why do some converts toIslam later leave Islam?
The Facts About Islam  Yahya Snow
I was recently alerted to this Kristiane Backer interview in which she gives her opinion as to the reason why some converts to Islam find it tough and ...

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Islam on the Internet; 4 March 2014

Anti-Islam MP's new Aussie party
CONTROVERSIAL anti-Islam Dutch MP Geert Wilders has revealed that a new party defending western values will be launched in Australia.

Charisma News
Islam and Respect for Pluralism. By Waris Mazhari
Islam is the religion of nature. It is also the answer to man's inner quest. It aims at establishing the right relationship between the Creator and His ...

Boris Johnson: Children at risk of Islamic extremism should be taken into care
The mayor of London believes that children at risk of extremist Islam should be treated in the same way as those at risk of paedophilia or female ...
Politics and the way of Islam
In Islamic worldview, the framework of maqasid al-Syariah (the intentions of the Syariah) should be the best guidance for political leaders to make ...

Dutch Muslim politician launching new Islamic party
Arnoud van Doorn, a former far-right Dutch politician who later acceptedIslam and became a Muslim, has announced his plans to launch a new ...


Child Brides Have Nothing To Do With Islam? — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
If you listen to Islam apologists, not even Islam has anything to do withislam: Child brides have nothing to do with Islam, apart from the fact they do.
Islam & ACE | Mancultural
Mancultural  Stephen Terence Welsh - Curator of Living Cultures
In 2013 Arts Council England decided to support a new Subject Specialist Network (SSN) for museum professionals responsible for collections of ...

Monday 3 March 2014

Islam on the Internet; Monday 3 March 2014


Islam and Social Justice (Part 2)
Indeed, Islam was the first to declare all human beings as equal regardless of religious, racial or caste differences. No discrimination whatsoever on ...
Women in the Islamic city
When Marawi City became an Islamic City as proposed by Parliamentary Bill No. 261 during the Marcos regime, the lifestyle of the community has ...

NL Times

Former PVV-er aims returns with anti-gay, pro-Islam party
A former PVV politician from The Hague who once helped produce a film depicting Islam as evil and extreme, Arnoud van Doorn sings a totally ...
USC professor talks submission to God in Discover Islam Week keynote
A University of Southern California professor and Islamic scholar spoke Friday night about Islam in the age of modernity in front of a packed room in ...

Community shows up in hundreds to Islamic Center open house Saturday
Women participate in a midday prayer at the Islamic Center of Fort Collins on Saturday. The center held an open house where members of the ...

Answering Muslims: Islam, Apostasy, and Abdullah Ibn Sa'd Ibn Abi Sarh
Answering Muslims  David Wood
Muhammad ordered his followers to kill apostates. Yet people who leaveIslam often do so for very good reasons. Abdullah Ibn Sa'd Ibn Abi Sarh, ...
Is it sinful if we develop a mental image of Allah when we talk about Him? - Islam - Stack Exchange
If we think about hell, which we haven't seen, we tend to draw a mental image of hell. Does that mean there is no Allah? Or does it mean thatIslam is ...
Studied Rejection vs Ignorant Rejection of Islam -
start: :salams If you know a person A, who is rejecting Islam or won't consider Islam because of preconceived ideas usually from media sources or ...

Jinn (demons?) According to Islam - Islam News Room .com
Islam News Room .com  Dr. Umar Al-Ashqar
Islam Newsroom - News Muslims Need - When We Need It! ... And let not Shaitan (Satan) hinder you (from the right religion, i.e. IslamicMonotheism), ...
Lauren Booth - My Journey to Islam | Dalkayaga
Dalkayaga (Dalkayaga)
Lauren Booth - My Journey to Islam. By Dalkayaga Published: 3/02/2014. Tony Blair dumaashidiis oo Muslintay kana warantay ...
Leo Lyon Zagami – The Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Jesuits and Islam | Follow The Money
Follow The Money  seeker401
short video..he makes some very interesting points..we know of the jesuits..but he believes islam will be the religion of the NWO..i cant see that at all..i ...

Sunday 2 March 2014

Islam on the Internet; Sunday 2 March 2014


Indonesia Islamic parties have possibility to coalesce
Bengkulu (ANTARA News) - Islam-based political parties in Indonesia have the possibility to join forces in the presidential race next July, according to ...
Papuan children taken to Jakarta to be converted to Islam
To him it seemed an adventure, but when he arrived in Jakarta the young Christian boy would be converted to Islam and taken to a strict religious ...
Ahlul Bayt News Agency -
London Students Discover Islam Message
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Inviting their colleagues to know more about Islam monotheism, London Imperial College Islamic Society opened the ...
GCCI for Islamic banking promotion
GUJRANWALA -The GCCI office-bearers have said that there is dire need for Islamic Banking System to improve the economy of the country.

Jersey Armory Hosts Prayer After Mosque Fire
“We all saw how the Jersey City community really came together today,” Ibrahim Eldewak, president of Islamic Center Board of Trustees, 59, told ...
The Guardian
Keep Your Aid: Uganda Tells West
Same-sex relationship and marriage are totally prohibited in Islam... Islam teaches that believers should neither do the obscene acts, nor in any way ...
Divorce Should Be the Final Resort
What does Islam say about divorce? I mean if there are some qualities which the husband does not like in his wife, should he divorce her? Jazakum ...
ITV News
US court orders YouTube to take down anti-Islam video
A US appeals court has rejected Google's request to put on hold an order requiring the company to remove an anti-Islamic video from YouTube while ...
Salim Mansur: “I come to you from within the wreckage of Islam"
The most telling thing about the Macdonald-Laurier Institute's debate on Thursday evening was not the topic – Muslim immigration – but that it took ...


Poll: Danish Islam-critical party now biggest : Jihad Watch
Jihad Watch  Nicolai Sennels
The Danish People's Party recently said that Denmark should end Muslim immigration, and is famous for its outspoken, critical stance on Islam.
Why the petition against Katy Perry's video doesn't serve Islam | Morocco World News
Morocco World News  Atiqa El Alami
I believe that advocating the censorship of the video and bombing Katy's house are not the appropriate way of defending Islam. One of the petitioners ...
Syria: Islamists Force Christians to Submit to Islamor Die,... - Care2 News Network
Care2 News Network  Rob and Jay B.
Christians were given three options: convert to Islam; remain Christian but pledge submission to Islam; or “face the sword.” They opted for the second ...

Saturday 1 March 2014

Islam on the Internet; Saturday 1 March 2014

Man pronounced dead by the coroner comes back to life

In one his books Hazrat Mirza Ghulam has written that it seems that, at times, a bug appears dead but if you place it on warm ash and salt it seems to come to life again. This statement was much ridiculed on Facebook but the above news item shows that, even today it is possible for even a human being to appear dead to us while they are alive. Why is it that what is true for humans cannot be true for other creatures?

Saudi Gazette

Islam Flourishing in Belgium
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - A leading Islamicacademy in the city of Ghent, Belgium, has celebrated its 25th anniversary, marking a quarter century of ...
Islamic group asks Embry-Riddle to cancel event featuring UCF Professor Jonathan Matusitz
The Council on American-Islamic Relations is seeking a review of courses taught and statements made by Jonathan Matusitz, an associate professor ...
The Express Tribune

YouTube may reopen after anti-Islam film is removed on US court order
ISLAMABAD: In a major development, YouTube has removed blasphemous and anti-Islam film and 1,000 links from its website in the aftermath of US ...
Daughter aims to spread 'true Islam' of executed Sudan activist
They took his life but Taha's message of a tolerant Islam and equality for all Sudanese lives on among a devoted and intellectual group of followers led ...
Targeted Islamic outreach to Hispanics achieving results
22, 2013, Lopez took the “shahada” — the profession of the Islamic faith — and joined the ranks of what the American Muslim Council estimates is a ...
Toronto Sun

Google loses bid to keep anti-Islamic video online
GOOGLE ISLAM Cindy Lee Garcia (L), an actress in the "Innocence of Muslims", an anti-Islam movie that has spawned violent protests across the ...
Washington Post

Central Asia is home to moderateIslam
For more than a decade, the United States has been reaching out to the Muslim world, courtingIslamic moderates even as it wages war with religious ...
The Typewriter

NY Students Don Hijab For A Day
Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one's affiliations. The Union College's event copied the idea of World ...

Apparently, Islam Owns the Rights to Words Like "Believer" and "Prayer"
Use of any of the words could result in a $4,000 fine and a year in prison, Hj Hardifadhillah Hj Mohd Salleh, a senior Sharia legal officer of the Islamic ...
“You don't know what Islam is…” — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
The report is here. The official story is that it is an accident. That could well be. But it could also be a message to Qatar from the Syrian regime, that this ...
Dhimmi Actor Liam Neeson: 'Islam Is The Answer - JEWSNEWS
Movie star Liam Neeson has admitted he's afraid to convert to Islambecause of how locals in his home town would take it. The Northern Irish actor ...
islamic rules - Is human spritesheets for game development allowed? - Islam Stack Exchange
Assalamu'alaykum I Just want to ask, I am a stand alone indie game developer (programmer+designer+etc). I heard there are a lot of hadiths that told ...
How Islam & the Muslim Brotherhood Helped Transform America - The New Media Journal
In part two of this series, I focused on Obama, and how his ties to SunniIslam have influenced his actions and inactions in the Middle East during the ...