Friday 10 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Thursday 9 October 2014

Find 15 minutes to learn about Islam

Source : Mubaligh online

Southeast Asia may give Europe a run for its money. For the first time, researchers have applied high-tech dating techniques to prehistoric art on the walls of seven limestone caves near the town of Maros on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The hand "stencils" and animal images that adorn the walls have minimum ages ranging from 35,400 to 39,900 years old. This falls within the range of dates assigned to the oldest cave art in Europe.

Source : Christian Science Monitor

Isn't this what Hazrat Miza Ghulam Ahmad said 125 years ago and Sunnis brothers have just realised it!
The handbook also offers advice for Muslims living in non-Muslim societies, specifically with reconciling their religious duties with incongruous local laws: "Muslims must obey the law of the land they live in," the book says, adding that local laws musn't restrict "fundamental requirements" of the faith.
"If any restrictions exist, Muslims must try and remove them within the legal means."

Source : Sun News (Canada)


The Sun's 'Unite against Isis' campaign is a proxy for anti-Muslim bigotry
Imagine your average British Muslim family sitting around the breakfast table with the papers this morning. On the front page of the Sun, an image of a ...

I'm a Muslim American Mom. And I'm Sorry.
I'm sorry for Kansas City Chief Husain Abdullah's prostration of gratefulness (or Sajdat al-Shukr) after intercepting Patriot Tom Brady's football pass ...

Muslim Decapitated, Corpse Burned in Central African Republic Unrest
BANGUI - An angry crowd killed a Muslim man in the capital of Central African Republic overnight, decapitating and burning his corpse, and in ...

Isil hostage Peter Kassig 'is now devoutMuslim who prays five times a day', says ex-captive
The Western hostage next in line to be murdered by Islamic State extremists is now a devout Muslim who prays five times a day and fasts twice a week ...

City fights appeal of lawsuit against NYPD's surveillance of Muslims
The city's brief opposes that appeal — but does not mean the mayor supports surveillance of Muslimcommunities, the Law Department said.

Muslim Woman Barred From Colorado Pool Over Dress
A Colorado city is promising to revise its swimsuit rules after a Muslim woman was turned away from its recreation center pool for wearing an Islamic ...

Supreme Court Likely To Allow MuslimInmate To Grow Out Beard
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court appeared likely Tuesday to side with an Arkansas prison inmate who says his Muslim beliefs require him ...

Growing oppression of Muslim preachers in Australia
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Wednesday that he was ordering a crackdown to preventMuslim preachers entering the country, amidst ...

Muslim youth summit told female genital mutilation is not part of Islam
A youth summit of more than 100 young Gambians has been told by an Islamic scholar that the practice of female genital mutilation is not Islamic.

NBC News Defends Radical Islam: American Christians Terrorize, Oppress Women, Hate Gays Too
The Right Scoop. Eric Michael Dyson of course defends Islam, calling it ancient and honorable, and saying we ignore the Christian terrorism all ...

Russia Risks Spread of Extremist Islam, Prosecutor General's Office Warns
With thousands of Russian Muslims pursuing religious education abroad, the country faces a proliferation of extremist Islamic ideology and increased ...

Converting to Islam 'helped' US hostage
As the battle for Kobane intensifies, the fate of western hostages still held by the group calling itself IslamicState (IS) looks even more uncertain.

Watch: Peter Kassig's former cellmate says Isil hostage's conversion to Islamwas 'natural'
He was attracted by Islam already since he started staying in the region." The Western ... He is next in line to be murdered by Islamic State extremists.

Scholar Discusses Democracy in Islamic States
Islamic states that govern themselves according to both religious and secular principles are not necessarily undemocratic, argued Islamic Studies ...

Musings on the Purpose of Higher Education
One such institution that Frank Islam is knowledgeable about because of his personal involvement is Western University in London, Canada.

14 Algerian Hajjis Die in Holy Places of Islam
Mecca — Fourteen Algerian hajjis have died in the Holy Places of Islam since the beginning of hajj 2014, the services of the Algerian Hajj Mission said ...

10 Ways ISIS Is Violating The Laws OfIslam
Islamic scholars and Muslim leaders around the world have come together to condemn ISIS and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, issuing a letter ...


MSNBC host: Islam is ancient and honorable, Christians terrorize just as much as Muslims!
Eric Michael Dyson of course defends Islam, calling it ancient and honorable, and saying we ignore the Christian terrorism all around us. I didn't ...


Ben Affleck and Bill Meher Are Both Wrong About Islam
Ben Affleck's and Bill Maher's recent squabble over Islam reveals a fundamental misunderstanding about Islam. Maher claims Islam is “the only ...

The Best Of The Dish Today
There is so much more to Islam than this – but this tendency is so widespread, and its fundamentalism so hard to budge, and the destruction wrought ...

Struggle between moderate, radical Islam
When moderate groups reject the actions of IS, they also speak in the name ofIslam. The rise of IS, which claims it is trying to bring back the Islamic ...

History of Islamic Conquests
Tarikh-e Futuhat-e Islamiyah (History of Islamic conquests) is a two volume work chronicling Islamic historical events, particularly wars, battles, and ...

Politics in Contention: Historicizing Islam as the political in Somalia
Natasha Issa Shivji, NYU, proposes to re-conceptualize and historicize the notion of so-called political Islam in her lecture on "Politics in Contention: ...

Wednesday 8 October 2014

News around the Muslim World on Wednesday 8 October 2014

A Question for the Qadiani Khalifa sahib.

Source :



  1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's only claim was that he was a mujaddid. The Messiah and Mehdi were simple titles used for him by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) describing aspects of his reform. Qadianis believe that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a real prophet.
  2. All those who recite the kalima are Muslims and no one has the right to say that a reciter of the kalima is a heretic (kafir). Qadianis believe that in addition to reciting the kalima, to become a Muslim, a person has to take the baiat on their khalifa's hand.
  3. We believe that the verse Khatam an nabiyeen in the Holy Quran (33:40) means that no prophet shall come after the Holy Prophet (s),  whether he is an old prophet or a new one,  as the Holy Prophet said in hadith. Qadianis say that it means new prophets will be made with the Holy Prophet's (s) seal.


Ben Affleck Confronts Bill Maher's Muslim Problem
Bravo to Ben Affleck and Nicholas Kristoff for telling Bill Maher off about his chronic case of Muslim-hating bigotry. (He would say he doesn't hate ...

I'm a Muslim American Mom. And I'm Sorry.
I'm sorry if head scarves make you uncomfortable; if modest dress makes you think Muslim women are oppressed; and, I'm sorry for all the birthday ...

Justices Signal Support for Muslim Inmate's Beard
Supreme Court justices appeared united Tuesday as they picked apart prison rules in Arkansas that allow full Afros and mustaches, but no beards, ...

ISIS's Gruesome Muslim Death Toll
What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims.

An Open Letter to Moderate Muslims
You're feeling more misunderstood than ever, as Islamic fundamentalists hijack the image of Muslims, ostentatiously presenting themselves as the ...

Two men rescue Muslim women from verbal attack while driving in Newcastle
Two Muslim women have been left shaken after they were verbally attacked about their religion while driving through Newcastle. A 26-year-old ...

'Muslim hate in Australia' social experiment will make you proud
“As a Muslim student organisation, we were concerned with the recent influx of islamaphobic attacks we've witnessed in Australia over the past few ...

Polio becomes 'public health emergency' in Pakistan as number of cases soars
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — As world health officials struggle to respond to the Ebola epidemic, Pakistan has passed a grim milestone in its efforts to ...

Pakistan, Afghanistan Confront IS Threat
ISLAMABAD—. There are signs the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization is making inroads among militants operating in Pakistan. The Pakistan ...

LoC firing: Pakistan approaches UN military observer group
NEW DELHI: A day after it lodged a protest with India on alleged ceasefire violations along the border,Pakistan on Tuesday approached UN military ...

'14000 Fata men to join Pakistan Army'
“Pakistan Army will work hand in glove to garner maximum support for relief and early rehabilitation of the IDPs," he added.

MahaPolls2014: PM Narendra Modi busy campaigning for assembly polls whilePakistan violates ...
Today, on the occasion of Eid, we sent sweets toPakistan and in return they are sending us bombs. What was happening during the UPA regime, ...

Next Eid in 'Naya Pakistan', says Imran Khan
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Monday told his supporters here that the next Eid would be celebrated in " Naya ...

Pakistan: The Allure of ISIS
It is now official. The Pakistani Taliban, a jihadist group that has concentrated its efforts in the tribal areas ofPakistan, has announced its support for ...

Turkey's President Calls for Ground Troops to Fight Islamic State
Turkey's president warned the Syrian border city of Kobani was in imminent danger of falling to IslamicState and pressed the U.S. and its allies to ...

Bill Maher, Ben Affleck and Islam
It was rare because it involved criticism of Islam, one of the many taboo subjects that are labeled "politically incorrect." And it took place on the program ...

Islam not to blame for execution of young Sydney father, Coroner says
A young Lebanese Muslim executed in a hail of bullets on a south-west Sydney street in 2008 was killed because of his links with serious organised ...

Establishment Islam's spiritual leaders start to hit back at ISIS
When radical Jihadists of the Islamic State, formerly knows as ISIS or ISIL, captured the city of Mosul in northern Iraq in early August and began driving ...

What Ben Affleck Doesn't Understand About Islam
But he is wrong in comparing accusations of Islamic violence to those who say Jews are shifty. Some Jews no doubt are shifty, as are some non-Jews.

Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL or Daish: What's behind the jihadist group's many monikers?
Imam Yusuf Peer, chairman of the Queensland Council of Imams, says the group's behaviour is against the laws of his religion and Islam should ...

Lupe Fiasco Says Islam Will Become The World's Religion
In an impromptu Twitter Q&A taking place this Saturday, the Muslim emcee expressed his belief that Islam is on its way to becoming the world's ...


Muslims must engage with Islamic ideas that give rise to terrorism
THOSE Muslims who cry Islamophobia repeatedly when asked about terrorism and Islam do themselves a disservice by not engaging with the ideas ...
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Gutfeld: Radical Islam and the American left
Gutfeld: Radical Islam and the American left. What happens when liberal orthodoxy faces off with real attacks on liberal orthodoxy?
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Richard Dawkins on Twitter: "Jerry Coyne (@evolutionistrue) on "Islam Osculation" ...
@RichardDawkins Is Jerry Coyne sort of like the Darwin's bulldog of our time? Or, may be the question can be reversed. @Evolutionistrue.

India, Pakistan trade gunfire in Kashmir. What happened to the relationship reset?
Indian and Pakistani soldiers traded fire over the disputed Kashmir border, killing nine and causing thousands to flee. The altercation comes just ...

In Pakistan, Going Beyond 'Potential'
I first wrote about Pakistan's entrepreneurial potential for NextBillion back in January 2012, when the ecosystem was still relatively nascent. As the ...

ASIA/PAKISTAN - The Islamic State makes its way inPakistan
Lahore - The group of Pakistani Taliban "Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan" has announced its open support to the Islamic State, the jihadist formation that ...

CRESS/ ESSE Seminar: Dr. Khalid Malik PakistanMeteorological Department
Dr. Khalid Malik National Agrometeorological Center, Pakistan Meteorological Department. Seasonal weather outlooks using tuned data based ...

Admiral Zakaullah assumes command of Pakistan Navy
ISLAMABAD: Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah on Tuesday assumed command of the Pakistan Navy at an impressive ceremony at PNS Zafar located at ...

News around the Muslim World on Tuesday 7 October 2014

Moon may look red tonight because of the eclipse. Look at it and marvel at Allah's creation.

Source : Christian Science Monitor

Every day we discover more and more amazing things about the world we live in.

Fish with human teeth or is it us who have fish teeth?

Source : Christian Science Monitor

"I believe that churches should respect other religions’ history and traditions, and we should not start crossing boundaries and making demands. (As a side comment, I note that the Catholic Church itself is not happy when other faiths do this, e.g., the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its policy of baptism for the dead, including Catholic ancestors.)"

Source : Religion Dispatches

Sharia4Belgium, a radical Salafist group, was founded in 2010 with the purpose of implementing Islamic Sharia law in Belgium. The group generated controversy in September 2011, when it announced the opening of a Sharia Law court in Antwerp, the second-largest city in Belgium.

Source : Gatestone Institute


She, her sister Sahra, and other Muslim students at MATC used to scramble at prayer hours, searching for an empty office, a quiet spot in the library or ...

Washington Post (blog)

Even domestic institutions seem to be vulnerable; Operation Trojan Horse revealed a detailed plan by hardline Muslim community leaders in ...



Like many victims of hate crimes against British Muslims, Asma Sheikh never reported what happened to her to the police. It was the summer of 2013, ...

ABC News

The group opposed the legal prohibition at universities of a Muslim face covering called the niqab. Yilikal Getnet, chairman of the opposition Blue ...

Daily Mail

He wrote that the scene was an example of 'Muslims in our time' and ... the Muslims, we see the flag that carries the picture of a dog uniting Sunnis, ...

Daily Mail

The U.S. Supreme Court opens on Monday a new term in which the nine justices will decide issues such as whether a Muslim prison inmate can have ...

NewsBusters (blog)

Remember this the next time you see a report by Ayman Mohyeldin. The man NBC sends to report on doings in Muslim countries around the world is ...

New Statesman

Everyone seems to know that the moderate Muslim exists, but nobody seems to really agree on what he or she looks like, how he or she acts, behaves ...


Muslim pilgrims pray around the holy Ka'bah at the Grand Mosque, during the annual hajj pilgrimage in Makkah, September 30 2014. (Reuters).

Yahoo News

(Reuters) - The parents of an U.S. aid worker held hostage by Islamic State militants on Sunday released photographs of their son and parts of a letter ...

Wall Street Journal

To ISIS, which considers Shiites kafir or infidels who must be killed, Sunnis serving in the LAF are murtadin, or apostates, who have abandoned Islam ...

BBC News

It's estimated that some 50-60 women from the UK have travelled to Syria via Turkey to join the militant extremist movement Islamic State (IS).

Jerusalem Post

According to Sh'ia Islam, the Mahdi is the “hidden Imam”, who has already been born and is in “occultation”, hidden from the world until he returns ...

Daily Mail

The US hostage formerly known as Peter Kassig has converted to Islam, changed his name to Abdul-Rahman and prays five times a day, his parents ...


ISIS claims to be Islamic. Now, a letter signed by over 100 highly respected Muslim scholars has decisively condemned ISIS's rhetoric and behavior, ...

JENISON, Mich. (WOOD) — A high school lesson on religion's role in history, including Islam, has hit a sour note with at least one parent in Jenison.


Twitter user @Aubi_chon asked the “B---h Bad” rapper if he thought “one day Islam would be the world's religion and conquer the world,” and Lupe ...

Arab News

A Belgian convert to Islam who performed Haj this year for the first time as a guest of the Makkah-based Muslim World League (MWL) said that it was ...


Criticizing Islam for the policies of, say, the Saudi Arabian government, or of the lunatic fringe of ISIS, is like blaming Christianity for the ghastly ...


Daily Kos

When asked if Islam is a violent religion he rightfully pointed out that no religion is violent or peaceful. He pointed out a violent sect of Buddhism.

Fox News Video

Is Islam a destructive force in the world? Oct. 06, 2014 - 6:16 - Talking Points 10/6. Interact with the Show. ← Back to Browse Live. ADVERTISEMENT ...

"Gone Girl" star Affleck took umbrage at the pair's contention that Islam is, in Harris' words, a "mother lode of bad ideas" and that liberals are ...

Aljazeera - Al Jazeera

The latest media "debate" about Islam stems from American chat show host Bill Maher's criticism of Islam, and the surprisingly passionate response of ...