Friday 5 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Friday 5 September 2014

Spend a few minutes to improve your knowledge of Islam.

Source : daily-mubaligh-online

The hypocrisy the Pakistan Government forces on its citzens, when it is a universal human right to choose your religion or none. That it is no business of government telling it's citizens what to believe. That it is risible to demand public statements of faith. That it is an abomination to deny what is a citizen's by birth alone. Not by bits of paper issued by theocratic bureaucrats.

Source : Huffington Post

Twelve garment workers and trade union activists of the Power Loom Mazdoor Union in Pakistan were finally acquitted on August 29, 2014 after a trial that had dragged on for more than two years.

Source :


Muslim America
America's Muslims differ from Europe's in both quantity and origin. The census does not ask about faith, but estimates put the number of Muslims in the ...

Learning from the 'Wrong Kind of Muslim'
Fewer than 40 years after the Nazis did it, Pakistan disenfranchised its Ahmadi Muslim Community. This Sunday is the 40th anniversary of that tragedy ...

why is the Muslim world in thrall to conspiracy theories?
But millions of Muslims across the globe have a soft spot for such hoaxes. Conspiracy theories are rife in bothMuslim-majority countries and Muslim ...

Local Muslims React To ISIS
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Even after President Barack Obama addressed the threat of ISIS, many wonder if it's too little, too late. There's growing ...

Muslim victims of domestic violence 'risk alienation if services cut'
Muslim woman 'Muslim women would prefer family restoration over separation, in situations where there was no risk of continued physical harm,' the ...

Pictured: 'Muslim convert' suspected of beheading woman in back garden of London home
He was named locally as Nicholas Salvadore, a 25-year-old would-be cage fighter who is believed to be aMuslim convert, who had been living a few ...

A Muslim Identity Crisis
A Muslim identity in Europe has become similar to identity politics among Christians in Northern Ireland: It has next to nothing to do with worship and ...

WATCH: Kerry Just Claimed The Bible Commands US To Join Muslim Nations For This Liberal ...
As one watches the video of what could be characterized as Kerry's “sermon,” it's also curious to note that, in referencing “Muslim-majority countries,” ...

Muslim nations can unite with US and...
In my view, strong military action against ISIS in Syria as well as Iraq is urgently needed, and Muslim participation and support will be crucial.

Islamic State claims Pakistan and Afghanistan for its 'caliphate'
The Islamic State is challenging the Taliban and al-Qaeda in its Afghanistan and Pakistan heartlands and claiming both countries as part of its ...

Muslim America
Yet the Islamic Society of North America's gathering, which took place in Detroit over the Labour Day weekend, served as a reminder of how well ...

The West's challenge with Islam
Finding ways for fundamentalist Islam to express itself peacefully is a bigger, tougher and more important project. In his remarks Tuesday following the ...

Men Arrested For Converting to IslamBecome Hindus Again
Bhopal: Four men of a family who were arrested on Wednesday in Madhya Pradesh's Shivpuri for converting to Islam have done a U-turn.

Obama Denies Existence of Fundamentalist Islam
Islam is not a monolith. Islam gives rise to different interpretations. Regrettably, with the infusion of oil money to sustain its most fundamentalist forms, ...

Our challenge with fundamentalist Islam
Destroying, degrading or containing the Islamic State — whichever goal President Obama chooses — will be the easy part. Finding ways for ...

In northeast Syria, Islamic State builds a government
Members hold up the province as an example of life under the Islamic .... "We are only implementing Islam, zakat is an Islamic tax imposed by God," ...

Chief foreign correspondent
Writing in The Washington Post, she argues that Muslims know that the conduct of Islamic State is notIslam, but, collectively, Muslims face a problem ...

Don Lemon Asks Guests: 'Is Islam More Violent Than Any Other Faith?'
Following the execution of a second American journalist by the Islamicextremist group ISIS, CNN's Don Lemon assembled a panel of guests in an ...

Four Men Who Converted To IslamArrested in Madhya Pradesh
Shivpuri: Four members of a family who have adoptedIslam were arrested last night in Madhya Pradesh, hours after they told a court that they had not ...

Catholic priest: Islamic State misunderstands Islam, Qur'an doesn't command beheading
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
Not only the Islamic State, but also Saudi Arabia, a kingdom that loudly proclaims its absolute fidelity to the Qur'an and Islamic law, regularly performs ...

Shock: CNN's Lemon Strongly Hints Islam is 'More Violent'
NewsBusters blogs  Matthew Balan
Don Lemon surprisingly shot down a common moral equivalency argument in defense of the Islamic faith during a panel discussion on Wednesday's ...

Telling the Truth About Islam on the Streets of LA – on The Glazov Gang
FrontPage Magazine » FrontPage
A courageous group confronts Islamic supremacism on 3rd Street Promenade.

The True Face of Islam
Bosch Fawstin  Bosch Fawstin
John Kerry, in a speech condemning ISIS, couldn't resist defending "the true face of Islam" as presumably something other than the ideology ...

Islam's growing inertia: Links 1 for Sept. 4 – 2014
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
Al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL or ISIS) have significantly stepped up their recruiting efforts in Pakistan and other South East ...

Is ISIS performing under Islamic rules?
There is a lot going on around the world right now, the thing that makes us think more about Islam as for example is the case of Islam act or they do it to ...

Perspective: The war within Islam
Ahmadiyya Times  Staff Reporter
It is a well-known fact that Ahmediyyas are one of the most persecuted groups, who are subject to violence and exclusion in many Islamic countries .

Islam and its miscibility with the Western world links 3 for Sept. 3
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
BOSNIAN police arrested 15 people Wednesday on charges of joining or aiding the flow of European-based Islamists to the wars in Syria and Iraq.


Crescent (symbol of Islam)
In the Islamic lunar calendar, the crescent of the new moon (hilāl) defines many aspects of Muslim religious life, ranging from the date of the pilgrimage ...

Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs
The Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs was established in 1993 to help modern society understand and comply with Islam.

As a proud follower of Islam I wholeheartedly reject the barbaric #IS & all it stands for. Do not justify your evil in the name of my faith. Reply; Retweet ...

@David_Cameron @SkyNews Good then congrat him on having upset Alex Salmond and encourage him to do it again...AS will be frit & not agree.

News around the Muslim World on Thursday 4 September 2014

In a 55-minute video posted online, al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahri said the new branch of his militant group will spread Islamic rule and "raise the flag of jihad" across the subcontinent, including Assam, Gujarat and Kashmir.

Source : Hindustan Times

During the past ten years and two days, the ostrich cabinets did nothing. Every warning was ignored. They lied to the people.
Do not prevent jihadists from leaving our country. Let them leave. I am prepared to go to Schiphol [airport] to wave them goodbye. But let them never come back.
Madam Speaker, war has been declared against us.

Source : Gatestone Institute

Death Valley's Racetrack Playa is the scene of an enduring scientific mystery: Rocks of all sizes seem to move uphill on their own, leaving tracks in the mud behind them.

Source : Christian Science Monitor


Md. Muslim leaders condemn Islamic State militants
Saying they've been sickened by the murders of American journalists at the hands of terrorists, representatives of local Muslim groups gathered ...

Chief foreign correspondent
Writing in The Washington Post, she argues thatMuslims know that the conduct ... At the time of the overthrow of Muslim Brotherhood-backed Egyptian ...

Muslim pilgrims leave for Hajj
Muslim woman pilgrim cries as she hugs her son at the airport before leaving for the annual hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in New Delhi.

American Muslim Organizations Condemn ISIS Terrorism
A coalition of major American Muslim organizations issued the following press release denouncing the ISIS for the murder of American journalists.

PCB to investigate 'you turn Muslim' advice from Shehzad to Dilshan
Dilshan was born to a Muslim father and a Buddhist mother and was known as Tuwan Mohamed Dilshan. He shed his Muslim name shortly after his ...

A Sly Defense of Muslim Grooming Gangs
To be honest, I was expecting an unmitigated apologia on Muslim sexual-grooming gangs from Slavoj Žižek (even if a theoretical and canny one) in ...

No place for al-Qaida among IndianMuslims: All India Muslim Majlise Mushawarat
LUCKNOW: The apex body of Indian Muslim organizations on Thursday condemned the alleged statement of al-Qaida chief Ayman Al-Zawhiri that his ...

Muslim advocacy group seeks apology from Oklahoma lawmaker for Facebook post
“Anti-Muslim bigotry and statements that promote misunderstanding and incite hatred toward a minority group have no place in the Oklahoma ...

Wednesday 3 September 2014

News around the Muslim World on Wednesday 3 September 2014

May be this will encourage the Pakistani parliamentarians to clamp down on misuse of the Blasphemy Law

Source : Economic Times

This situation is detrimental not just to the rights of children, but ultimately to the state's ability to combat extremism. ICG suggest that this neglect can only be reversed by overhauling a Pakistani curriculum that cultivates intolerance and xenophobia in young people.
The International Crisis Group recommends a number of urgent measures that would enable the Pakistani public education system to foster a more tolerant citizenry, encouraging peaceable attitudes both domestically and towards the outside world.

Source :

it was a maverick British official, who helped embed the gene into the new state. The British official attached to Aziz, was one Harry St. John Philby (the father of the MI6 officer who spied for the Soviet KGB, Kim Philby). He was to become King Abd al-Aziz's close adviser, having resigned as a British official, and was until his death, a key member of the Ruler's Court. He, like Lawrence of Arabia, was an Arabist. He was also a convert to Wahhabi Islam and known as Sheikh Abdullah.
St. John Philby was a man on the make: he had determined to make his friend, Abd al-Aziz, the ruler of Arabia.

Source : The Huffington Post

Contributor : Mr Hameed Jahangiri, Our Staff Reporter California (US)

Whom shall British Shi'ites heed? Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani (left) has called on Iraqi Shi'ites to take up arms against Sunni jihadists, while Iranian Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (right) has called on Shi'ites around the world to form armed forces in Iraq.

Source : GATESTONE Institute

This scene of a Christian student leading a class in protest against a supposedly anti-Christian educator isn’t an isolated event. A week earlier, a professor at the University of Central Florida sent an open letter to his class after a student allegedly stood up in class and called on his fellow students to refuse to participate in a discussion of “religious bigotry.”


Barack Obama looks to Muslim countries for help in crushing Isis
"What we have got to make sure is that we are organising the Arab world, the Middle East, the Muslimworld, along with the international community to ...

France's new Muslim education minister calls for respect after slurs in media
PARIS (AP) — France's new Muslim education minister called for more respect Wednesday after becoming the target of slurs, while a top Socialist ...

Southern California Muslim group condemns journalist's killing
ANAHEIM – Southern California's Muslim leaders on Tuesday decried the actions of the Islamic State terrorist group, the same day a video was ...

A Muslim inmate's beard isn't a security risk. It's his constitutional right
In my communications with Muslim prisoners, many of whom have converted to Islam while in detention, I came to understand their struggles: ...

Muslim groups speak out against beheading
WASHINGTON -- Area Muslim groups are speaking out against the beheading of journalist Steven Sotloff by ISIS militants, the group that similarly ...

Thailand picks team for talks with Muslimrebels
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand will assemble a peace negotiating team by the end of the week to revive talks with Muslim separatists whose ...

Travelblog: 3 things Indonesia can teach the Muslim world
Sure, they may be Muslims acting in the name of Islam, but the Muslimleaders I've met here are clear that it's not a form of Islam that they recognize, ...

Study finds despite stereotypes, Muslim nations take nuanced approach to 'haram' imports
Bhala and Keating analyzed the tariff schedules of every Islamic country in the world with a majority Muslim population who are members of both the ...

Watch Live: Kerry To Honor US Special Representative ToMuslim communities
John Kerry hosts ceremony to honor the appointment of U.S. Special Representative to Muslim Communities Shaarik Zafar. About Us · Careers ...

Here's how 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson would fight the Islamic State: 'Convert them or kill them'
Hannity, who invited Robertson on his show to weigh in on “the rise of radical Islam” and to plug his new book “unPHILtered: The Way I See It,” went ...

16 Suspected Islamic Militants Arrested in Bosnia
Bosnian police have detained 16 people suspected of having fought in Syria and Iraq or of recruiting and funding other Balkan men to join the Islamic ...

Saudi court upholds 10-year term for blogger who insulted Islam
Raef Badawi had been convicted of creating an anti-Islam website, criticizing senior scholars and mocking national symbols, Al-Madinah newspaper ...

Brutal Efficiency: The Secret to IslamicState's Success
Islamic State's stunning success this summer as it swept across northern Iraq and Syria flows from a highly organized structure controlled by a tightknit ...

Islamic State to Putin: We Are on Our Way to Russia
Youssef Boudlal / ReutersIraqi Shiite militia fighters hold the Islamic State flag as they celebrate after breaking the siege of Amerli by Islamic State ...

Yazidi girl tells of escape from IslamicState kidnappers
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When Adeba Shaker arrived at a house in Raabia, Iraq, after being kidnapped by Islamic State militants ...

How Dissimulation about Islam is Fuelling Genocide in the Middle East – Part III
An extreme example is Yale theologian Miroslav Volf's preposterous claim that the use of military force to expand Islam is 'rejected by all leading ...

Sabah politician charged with allegedly insulting Islam on Facebook
Orok who was produced before judge Ummu Kalthom Abd Samad was accused of posting a statement insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad on his ...
Ayesha's Age at Marriage
Islam News Room .com  Historical
Ayesha's Age at Marriage Was she 6, or 9? Too young? Big story.

India: Two Dalit Youth Arrested For Converting to Islam  Mooneye
Shivpuri police have booked two Dalit youths for allegedly converting to Islam without seeking permission from the district authorities as mandated by ...

Christianity, Islam and the Future
Mary Victrix  Fr. Angelo M. Geiger
Our options are to ignore the fact that Islam by its very nature is subject to fanaticism and radicalization of the worst kind, or to symbolically take the ...

Islam 101: What is a Caliphate?
Jerusalem Dateline  Chris Mitchell
For some Muslims, the announcement of a Muslim caliphate by Al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – which became the Islamic State ...

Marrying Someone Younger in Islam?
Answers  Souphienne Goufi
Marrying a younger man is permissible in Islam, as seen by the example of Prophet Muhammad (upon him be blessings and peace) and his first wife, ...

barbarity of islam
VENITISM  Basil Venitis
A new video shows Islamic State militants beheading American journalist Steven Sotloff. The Islamic State has posted the video of the execution ...

Why Islam bollixes the Left
Sense of Events  Donald Sensing
Why the Secular Humanists Cannot Cope With Islam. The Qur'an states. Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to ...

Coexist with Islam? Is Cardinal Koch Smoking Crack?
DavidLGray.INFO  David L. Gray
There is no coexistence with Islam! None whatsoever! The work of Islam has always been to gain the majority so that they might suppress the minority.

OJ Simpson…Converting to Islam?
2.0: The Blogmocracy  Macker
The National ENQUIRER has learned Simpson became interested in Islamthrough fellow inmates, and his current “cellie,” Smoke, put him in touch ...

Exclusive: Phil Robertson on the rise of radical Islam
Exclusive: Phil Robertson on the rise of radical Islam. Sep. 02, 2014 - 8:20 - 'Duck Dynasty' star talks new book 'unPHILtered'. Interact with the Show.

Catholic priest: Islamic State misunderstands Islam, Qur'an doesn't command beheading
Not only the Islamic State, but also Saudi Arabia, a kingdom that loudly proclaims its absolute fidelity to the Qur'an and Islamic law, regularly performs ...