Sunday 6 July 2014

Around the Muslim World on Saturday 5 July 2014

Source : Arab New


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Muslims say slaughterhouse proposal violates religious law
(07-03) 17:39 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- Muslim rights advocates in California are frustrated by a proposed state regulation on some slaughterhouses ...

Muslim beards trending among Philadelphia non-Muslims
Anthony Henderson, a fashion stylist from the state who also sports the beard, told the Muslim Mirror, “I can go to a corner store in Crenshaw or in ...

Muslim student who called himself the 'Father of Terrorism' had twice attempted to join the Jihadist ...
Muslim student who posted a series of links to extremist videos on social media under the pseudonym “Father of Terrorism” had previously ...

Muslim 7/7 bomb survivor: Islamophobic Britain makes me fear for my children
July 7 was carried out by four Muslim males, with an incorrect ideology. Potentially, had their mothers been equipped and empowered, and nurtured ...

House Muslim bloc won't support calls for PNoy impeachment
MANILA, Philippines -- The Muslim bloc of the House of Representatives on Thursday said they won't support calls by some sectors to impeach ...

Across the Muslim world, from dawn till dusk, the faithful go without food, drink or sex for the first ...
In Indonesia, Muslims gathered in their hundreds to offer Friday prayers at the vast Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia. Large-scale events have ...

Ethiopian Muslims stage anti-government protest
Hundreds of Muslims protesters demonstrated in Ethiopia on Friday, demanding the release of 17 of their leaders jailed under terrorism charges last ...

Muslim Association Donates Food Rations For Ramadhan
Muslim Association Donates Food Rations For Ramadhan. Coastweek-- The Muslim Association Mombasa every year supports the poor and the ...
Introducing Islam
The latest revelation of Islam started in Makkah, a city in Arabia, in 610 CE when Muhammad at the age of 40 received his first revelation from God ...

British jihadist calls for 'flag of Islam' over Downing Street
Speaking to interviewer Nicky Campbell, he said: “I have no intention of coming back to Britain, because I have come to revive the Islamic Khilafah.

Islamic State jihadists seize key Syrian oilfield
THE jihadist Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Islam in Syria and al-Sham, yesterday took control of a major Syrian oilfield on the ...

Mushtaq-ul-Islam rebooked under PSA for 'highlighting rights violations'
Srinagar: The government has rebooked chairman Muslim League Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat alias Mushtaq-ul-Islam under Public Safety Act and his ...

Islamic State claims Shia mosque destruction
Fighters from the Islamic State have demolished numerous Shia shrines and mosques in northern Iraq, according to photos published by the group on ...

Spurt in Arab eateries shows how Islam shaping Indian food habits for ages
But the Arab label still seems to be a draw, and it is a reminder of how Islam and the Arab world (not always the same thing) have been major routes to ...

Google's right to be forgotten hides Islamic marriage of Osborne's brother
A news report about the conversion of George Osborne's brother to Islam has been hidden by Google. The article, published five years ago and ...

Judiciary sentences Fatah al-Islam man to life
BEIRUT: The Judicial Council Friday sentenced an Omani national, convicted of joining the disbanded Fatah al-Islam and fighting against the ...

Malaysia truly 'Islamic' without hudud, Dr M says
Dr Mahathir reiterated that hudud would bring 'chaos and havoc' if implemented in Malaysia's multi-religious, multiracial society because Islam ...


Doug Ross @ Journal  directorblue
"O ummah of Islam, the world today has been divided into two camps and two trenches … The camp of Islam and faith, and the camp of kufr (disbelief) ...

Saturday 5 July 2014

News around the Muslim World on Friday 4 July 2014

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Filipino Muslims urged to abort Mecca trip due to MERS virus
A Pakistani offers afternoon prayers in front of a mural depicting the Kaaba and the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, during the Muslim holy ...

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood call 'day of anger'
Relatives of a Muslim Brotherhood member who was sentenced to death react to the verdict outside a courtroom in Minya, Egypt June 21, 2014.

Most Muslims don't care about the Isis Caliphate
I am sorry to spoil the party, but the caliphate fantasy being peddled by Isis in Iraq and Syria is not of importance to most Muslims around the world.

Muslim Brotherhood warns of “outright conflict” on anniversary of Mursi's ouster
Riot police stand across from supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood during a demonstration at Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt, on Monday, May 20, ...

Muslims welcome Modi's maiden parliament speech
Muslims tentatively welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's June 11th speech to parliament, in which he expressed willingness to improve Muslims' ...

Muslim foodies
For years Britons hungry for halal food, especially meat, have tended to patronise specialist butchers in areas with large Muslim populations. Diners ...

Jewish-Muslim family escapes Syrian civil war for Israel
JERUSALEM (JTA) — A Jewish-Muslim family from Syria escaped from the country's civil war to Israel. The family, made up of three generations, ...

Muslim nations in the Middle East fear extremism
According to a Pew Research Centre survey, the majority of Middle Eastern countries with a large Muslim population fear Islamic extremism and ...

Norway Seeks Muslim Suspected of Fighting in Syria
Helsinki, Finland: Norway's intelligence service says it is seeking a Norwegian-born Muslim believed to have joined rebel ISIL fighters in the al-Qaida ...

Islam expert: ISIS conflict 'annihilating Middle East Christians'
(SBTS) -- Violence erupting in Iraq and Syria as the jihadist group Islamic state in Iraq (ISIS) declares an Islamic state is “annihilating Middle Eastern ...

Islam is a long way from achieving enlightenment
There is the kidnapping of hundreds of girls in Nigeria, abduction, forced marriage and conversion to Islam of Christian girls in Pakistan and Egypt, ...

Introducing Islam
The Qur'an is God's word and His last message (testament) to humanity. It is a record of the exact words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to ...

Fighting for Islam or Our Sects?
First all religions other than Islam are obviously false, so we do not have to consider them. That leaves Islam. But among Muslims, some are 'Shi'tes ...

An open door into Islam
The event, co-sponsored by the Coalition of South Florida Muslim Organizations and EMERGE USA, always takes place during the Islamic holy month ...

Sunni Rebels, Scholars Reject ISIL Caliphate
BAGHDAD – The declaration of a new Islamic“Caliphate” by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has been criticized by wide circles of Syrian ...

The spirit of Islam: The inner meaning of fasting
Abdullah Yusuf Ali translates Taqwa to mean self-restrain. Self restrain of our passion and lust of all what is pleased to us, during fasting. Abstaining ...

Felixia Yeap takes GIANT STEP into Islam, thanks mom for standing by her
Felixia Yeap, the former Playboy bunny who announced last Friday that she was embracing Islam, said she felt “born again” on her birthday today ...

Nigerian atheist freed from mental ward, held for blasphemy against Islam, gets death threats
Bala said that since he renounced Islam and declared himself an atheist, he has not only lost the trust of his father and elder brother, but many friends.


Islam and Christianity, a peaceful coexistence?
As headlines like the ones above become more and more common, we must again face the question of whether or not the Islamic vision of the world, ...

Turkey and the American-style Islam
Islamic Invitation Turkey  Behesti Zehra
American Islam is a kind of way covering their faces with Islam, Sunnah, Qur'an but have nothing with the real Mohammadi Islam. This kind of Islam is ...

CALL FOR PAPERS: International Conference on Islam and Science
BMHC  Ashraf Ali
CALL FOR PAPERS: 2nd International Conference on ISLAM AND SCIENCE: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE “FOOD AND MEDICINE”. 18th & 19th, ...

Christianity and Islam: A Common Heritage?
The Battle of Tours  Peter
I would add to his points: that Islam specifically denies the Trinity of Christianity, calling it "blasphemous". With this central belief of Christianity denied ...

Thursday 3 July 2014

News around the Muslim World on Thursday 3 July 2014

Source :


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Local Muslim leaders reject Iraq extremists' call to arms
A Northeast Florida Muslim leader decried as “silly” an extremist group's recent call for Muslims worldwide to help build an Islamic state in conquered ...

China Bans Ramadan Fast in Muslim Northwest
Students and civil servants in China's Muslim northwest, where Beijing is enforcing a security crackdown following deadly unrest, have been ordered ...

Syria-Iraq 'caliph' incites Muslims to holy war
DUBAI (Reuters) - The leader of the al Qaeda offshoot now calling itself the Islamic State has called on Muslims worldwide to take up arms and flock to ...

Muslim shops and mosque damaged in Myanmar violence
Muslim shops and a mosque have been damaged by Buddhist mobs in Myanmar's second city of Mandalay. The incident was apparently triggered by ...

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood biding its time
One year after Egypt's military deposed Mohamed Morsi, the country's first Muslim Brotherhood president, members of the Islamist group say they have ...

Australian Muslim extremist who spreads Jihad by social media is off to Syria to preach hate in new ...
Cerantonio, who is known to capitalise on social media to recruit supporters for a world-wide jihad against the West and encourage Muslims to join the ...

Muslim cemetery development application in Marulan rejected by council
The Goulburn-Mulwaree Council in the New South Wales Southern Tablelands has rejected a development application for a Muslim cemetery in the ...

Muslim Aid distributes Ramazan food packets
Muslim Aid, a UK-based Muslim charity organisation, has distributed Ramazan food packs worth Rs7.8 million among 2,000 vulnerable and poor ...

Muslim properties: more rot exposed
In the second part of a three-part series on wrangles in Uganda's Muslim community, The Observer continues to report on the 60-page Joint Muslim ...

Muslims have deeper problems than Bill Maher's caustic critique
Can he be OK with Boko Haram, the Muslim rebel group in Nigeria that kidnapped hundreds of teenage girls and threatens to sell them into slavery?

Islam should be encouraged to find enlightenment
IF, as R. C. Warn says (Letters 2/7), Islam's problem is that it never had an Enlightenment, the answer is to give it one. Ireland's experience shows how ...

Islamic State's Baghdadi calls for Muslims to fight until Rome is conquered
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic State stretching across Iraq and Syria, has vowed to lead the conquest of Rome as he ...

Introducing Islam
The two main sources of Islamic teachings are the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran is the last revealed word of God to mankind, and it is the prime ...

Jaish al-Islam captures East Ghouta from IS
Jaish al-Islam captured the strategic village of Medaa in East Ghouta from the Islamic State on Tuesday, reported the monitoring group the Syrian ...

Islam in Africa
Fasting and giving to the poor are important because they fulfill two of the five pillars of Islam. The other pillars include praying five times a day, ...

What's in a name? Islamic banking rebrands in attempt to go mainstream
July 2 (Reuters) - Islamic banking is based on core principles of the religion. So it is striking that some banks are removing the word "Islam" from their ...

Hujjat al-Islam Farahzad speaks about rewards of fasting
Hujjat al-Islam Habibollah Farahzad spoke about the rewards of fasting from ahadith (narrations), in a sermon delivered at the Holy Shrine of Lady ...

Radically Queer Islam: An Interview with the Cast of Coming Out Muslim
Having roots within Islam as a queer activist, I was more than honored to invite castmates Wazina and Terna, to share a bit about themselves, their ...

Islam: Greece; Council of State allows for mosque in Athens
(ANSAmed) - ATHENS, JULY 2 - The Council of State gave the green light to the construction of a mosque in Athens, as GreekReporter website writes ...

Repression no cure for challenge of political Islam
The events in Iraq, where the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been mounting an offensive against the ill-prepared Iraqi army, raises important ...


Obama's Dance With Radical Islam
FrontPage Magazine » FrontPage  Daniel Mandel
Because he supports engagement with radical Islam – not merely moderate Muslims, Arab liberals, or secular reformers. Al-Qaeda notwithstanding ...

Is there room for pacifism in Judaism and Islam?
Jihadi Jew  Lee (Tzvi) Weissman
Judaism and Islam both decry the intentional attack on innocents and the wanton destruction of property. We are not pacifist religions in principle.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

News around the Muslim World on Wednesday 2 July 2014

Source :



Muslim backwards and Mandal Commission
However, on the eve of elections, no promise, no commitment, no fulfillment, but an atmosphere had always been created wherein Muslims' role was ...

Muslim film festival to debut in Milwaukee in 2015
Muslim film festival is slated to launch in Milwaukee next spring with an aim to portray the American Muslim experience to the broader community.

In Iraq, Shiite Muslim militia's reemergence gives US pause
Iraqi mourners in Najaf carry the coffin of a member of the Shiite Muslim militia Asaib Ahl al Haq who was reportedly killed in neighboring Syria in June ...

Militants declare new Muslim state in Iraq
But the declaration, made on the first day of theMuslim holy month of Ramadan, could trigger a wave of infighting among the Sunni militant factions ...

A new kind of American tragedy is taking place in a Brooklyn Federal Courthouse. Both the defendant, standing trial for conspiracy to commit murder ...

Self-proclaimed Iraq 'caliph' incitesMuslims to holy war
The leader of the al Qaeda offshoot now calling itself the Islamic State has called on Muslimsworldwide to take up arms and flock to the 'caliphate' it ...

Muslim 'sheikh' banned from WA prisons
A Perth man accused of praising terrorist groups has been banned from West Australian prisons after it emerged he visited a remand jail to preach to ...

No appeasement of Muslims by Cong: Anil Shastri
"In 2009, 12 out of 28 Muslims got elected from Congress but only one found place in UPA II Ministry & that too as MOS. Is this appeasement?," Anil ...

Non-Muslim expats in Saudi Arabia rejoice Ramadan
Non-Muslim expats have been granted a chance to learn valuable moral lessons in life through fasting by observing the holy month of Ramadan in ...

Muslim body flays AK Antony's statement on Congress' perceived stance on minority communities
An Aligarh-based Muslim body has written a letter to Congress president Sonia Gandhi expressing dismay over AK Antony's remarks that some ...

Islam Allows 'Selfie' Based On One's Good Intention
While Muslim scholars are in agreement that selfie does not go againstIslam, University Malaya's Islamic Studies Academy Ustaz Dr Muhammad ...

Islam seems an ideology with a religious appendix
USING part of the headline to Nick Cater's article “Islamic madness … could expose some truly dangerous ideas” (“Killjoys stifle Islamic madness'', ...

Islam is a threat to the West
When interviewed about the growth of Islamicextremism, Krieg, a Middle East security analyst at King's College London in Qatar, admitted there is a ...

Al-Qaeda spiritual leader labelsIslamic State as 'deviants'
Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, regarded as the most influential voice in Salafist Islam, forcefully rejects the Islamic State's declaration of a new ...

Militant Islam worries Muslims from Malaysia to Lebanon, poll shows
As US and other officials worry that the recent advances of the militant group that calls itself theIslamic State signal a rising tide of religious extremism, ...

Introducing Islam
The Quran forbade pre-Islamic Arab custom of female infanticide and considered it a crime like any other murder. “And when the female (infant) buried ...

In The Name Of Islam
A growing threat to civil and religious liberties in the name of their religion is just as worrying to Muslims that Islam is being so evidently and easily ...

Squaring Soccer with Islam
In neighboring Qatar, the only other state that adheres to Wahhabism, the puritan Islamic interpretation of Islam that predominates in Saudi Arabia, and ...


Mother of Murderer of 3 Israel Teens: “I Raised My Children on the Knees of Islam
FrontPage Magazine » The Point  Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the ...

Islamic Values vs. Judeo-Christian Values
Arabs For Israel  GFI
So if Islam is the solution, how come Muslims are happier in the West? ...Islam has trained the Islamic mind to solve any contradictions with the goal of ...

Islamic Apologist: Stop Saying 'Moderate Muslims'
Since at least the 9/11 attacks, we have been reassured constantly that Islam means peace, that violent jihad is being waged by a tiny minority of ...

God, Satan, and the Quran: Islam's Answer to Violence
The Raven Foundation  Adam Ericksen
God, Satan, and the Quran: Islam's Answer to Violence Reviewed by Momizat on Jul 01 . Violence is on the loose in Iraq and Syria this summer.

Viewing Islam through a media lens
How the news media shapes relations between Islam and the West is the focus of a new book Media Framing of the Muslim World co-authored by ...