Sunday 22 June 2014

on Sunday 22 June 2014

Source :



Sunni Muslim and Baathist Forces Said to Clash Near Kirkuk
BAGHDAD — In a sign of a split in the coalition of Sunni Muslim forces supporting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the militants clashed with an Iraqi ...

Muslim Leaders Urge Media Not To Inflame Sunni-Shiite Tensions
Those leaders are now holding talks with theMuslim Council of Britain, the UK's representativeMuslim body, to explore how best that can be done.

Welsh muslim in a terror-recruiting video was radicalised online, says Cardiff mosque leader
The young Welsh muslim in a terror-recruiting video that has stunned his family was radicalised over the internet, a senior figure at his mosque has ...

The Muslim Brotherhood: Cut off at the roots
In Contrast to President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi's overtures to Muslim Brotherhood members not involved in violence in the post-30 June 2013 period, the ...

Top Muslim body ready to 'fight sectarianism'
ISLAMABAD – The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), representing more than 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, affirmed a commitment to unity in ...

Muslim-Christian relations to be explored
According to Islamic belief, Jesus was a Muslim prophet who was not God and did not die on the cross. By this view, Christians forgot the true teaching ...

Muslim family gets ready for 30 days of fasting, Ramadan traditions
A prayer is said and dinner is served — just like most other nights in aMuslim household. But during Ramadan, things are a little different. It's after ...

Hindu, Muslim faiths deplore the sin
The Kansas City Star publishes a weekly religion column called Voices of Faith, asking various faith leaders a spiritually related question.

The Sunni rebellion in Iraq
It wanted to stop Russia and others from gaining influence over Islam that could be used to inflame Muslims in British possessions from Egypt to India.

Senior Sunni cleric: Islam entirely at odds with Daesh practices
Friday Prayers Leader of Sunni Muslims in this Persian Gulf island Sheikh Yaqoub Shams said the teachings of the Holy Islam are entirely at odds with ...

Is Tony Blair or Islam to Blame for Iraq?
What's surprising is the amount of people on the Right who are falling into the Leftist/Muslim trap of blaming others for Muslim violence and Islamic ...

Femi Fani-Kayode: The rage of the Jihadists and the scourge of radicalIslam in Nigeria
”And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know ...

Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Ayad Akhtar's new drama explores the role of women in Islam
Now she focuses on her writing – a novelised examination about women and Islam through an imagined inner life of the Prophet Mohammed.

The Scourge Of Radical Islam In Nigeria
Fanatic Muslims ”And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine: and all ...

'Prevent child conversion cases from tarnishing Islam'
Gerakan president Datuk Mah Siew Keong wants a mechanism to be put in place to protect the image of Islam as a religion of compassion from being ...

Hannity Panel on Radical Islam gets heated: You're 'the most dangerous person in society!'
hannity special In a Friday segment titled “Radical Muslims on the March,” Fox News host Sean Hannity had national security experts and ...

Ireland embodies the true Islamicspirit!
The study revealed that the teaching of the Qur'an is better represented in Western societies than inIslamic countries. The author concludes that ...

Afghanistan: Convert to Christianity's family seeks to kill him for leaving Islam
Jihad Watch  Robert Spencer
On paper, Afghan law protects freedom of religion, but the reality here and in some other Muslim countries is that renouncing Islam is a capital offense.

The geopolitics of Islam. At war with the world, and denial turns out in fact to be a river in Egypt ...
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
I suppose the old hippie question from the late 60s and 70s which seemed so clever at the time,. “What would happen if they have a war and nobody ...

The Challenge of Islam
Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world, but is still a mystery to most Christians. Is it a religion of peace and a breeding ground for ...

Boko Haram excommunicated from Islam
He said the sect was propagating its doctrine contrary to the teachings of Quran and Hadith, adding that Islam will never support such alien idea in ...

Weekend Edition: Obama – American Agent of Islam(Part 2)  Craig Andresen
ISIS is the 'Islamic State of Iraq and Syria' and they wouldn't be in any position today to expand their barbaric reach from their roots in Turkey were it ...
barbarity of islam
VENITISM  Basil Venitis
We have a moral obligation to liberate all Muslim women, the zombies ofIslam, from the yoke of Sharia. Sharia teems with barbarous prescriptions that ...

The Use of Parables
Unraveling Islam  Robert Sievers
So it seems we have yet another reason to view Islam and Christianity as comparable. Of course, with a little investigation, we will find just the opposite ...

Saturday 21 June 2014

on Saturday 21 June 2014

Source : Christian Science Monitor




Muslim body appeals to ISIL rebels to release Indians abducted in Iraq on humanitarian grounds
A body representing Muslim social and religious organisations has called upon rebel forces in Iraq to release on humanitarian grounds all the Indian ...

Muslim group wants critics to monitor stereotyping on 'Tyrant'
Muslim advocacy group is asking that critics reviewing FX's upcoming drama "Tyrant" address possible stereotyping of Arab and Muslim culture.

England's Muslim leaders to media: Don't inflame Sunni-Shiite tensions
LONDON — Senior leaders of England's estimated 2.7 million Muslims have called on religious scholars and political commentators in the media not ...

Muslim Prof: West Leads the World in 'Islamic Values'
Askari said Muslim countries use religion as an instrument of state control. “We must emphasize that many countries that profess Islam and are called ...

Muslim Brotherhood Reveals Obama Ordered Shift of Support from US Allies to Islamist Groups
This is interesting not just because the contents provide proof that Obama did in fact set out to shift support to the Muslim Brotherhood, but because of ...

Muslim woman killing sparks hate crime fears in UK
Members of the Muslim community warned that the murder of a Saudi student in Britain has sparked fears that hate crime is on the rise amid ...

Muslim Killer on Disability and Food Stamps had Diamonds and 200 Credit Cards
Gelareh Bagherzadeh was an Iranian Christian who came to this country only to be murdered by a Muslim because she encouraged his daughter to ...

Muslim woman stabbed to death in UK over headscarf
"We are conscious that the dress of the victim will have identified her as likely being a Muslim and this is one of the main lines of the investigation," ...

Anti-Islam protests, heated town hall meetings and mysterious black balloons: The Australian town ...
The balloons are being left by a vocal group of anti-Islam protesters furious about plans to build a mosque in the regional city, after a controversial ...

Failures of Islam are driving the terrorists
ISLAM is based on five pillars. The first is that it is an anachronism — a medieval religion imposing medieval practices in a modern world. This is ...

Ansar al Islam claims attacks against Iraqi military, police
While the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS) is the most prominent ... And Ansar al Islam members "trained in al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan.".

In Islam … Even a smile is a voluntary charity!
Among the five pillars of Islam, Muslims are also commanded to be charitable. It is reported that the second Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab said: “I heard ...

Muslims Need To Restore Islam To Its Glory Days
However, the founder and Director of the Oxford Centre for IslamicStudies Dr Farhan Ahmad Nizami, believed that as a Muslim, a person must always ...

The lost moral of Islam's divide
The latest developments in Iraq with the Islamic State of Iraq and [Greater] Syria (ISIS) making rapid advances towards Baghdad are an ominous ...

The Muslim Council of Britain: Barbaric practice of FGM is un-Islamic
Britain's most prominent Muslim organisation today announced a new drive to tell its followers that female genital mutilation is contrary to Islam and ...

Salvation in Islam and Christianity
Answering Muslims  Anthony Rogers
Salvation in Islam and Christianity. Daniel Scot and Shadid Lewis discuss salvation in Christianity and Islam. Posted by Anthony Rogers at 8:15 PM.

Dutch companies face problems in Saudi due to Wilders' anti-Islam campaign
Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain  siteadmin
Dutch companies are facing problems doing business in Saudi Arabia as a result of sanctions imposed by the kingdom in response to anti-Islamic ...

Norway: Muslim Stabs Imam in Mosque, Imam Blames “Hatred Against Islam
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
Secretary General in the Islamic Council in Norway, Mehtab Afsar, tells Klassekampen that both the Imam's mosque, Central Jamaat Ahle Sunnat, ...

Weekend Edition: Obama – American Agent of Islam(Part 1)
“As a student of history, I also know civilization's debt to Islam.” “Islamhas a proud tradition of tolerance.” “We will encourage more Americans to study ...

Sunni Cleric: Division, most used weapon againstIslam/ DAESH enemy of humanity
Islamic Invitation Turkey  furkan furkan
Sunni cleric added,” We are witness to increasing unity among Muslims across the globe and enemies have no way but to submit againstIslamic ...

North Dakota's Second Largest Religion Is...Islam?
Say Anything  Rob Port
So, Islam isn't so much North Dakota's second largest religion as it's the largest of the sliver of non-Christian religions in a state that is overwhelmingly ...

Sparks Fly Between 'Hannity' Panel on Radical Islam
On a special Hannity, Sean welcomed a panel of national security experts and commentators to examine the rise of radical Islam.

Bendigo councillor Elise Chapman'not a fan of Islam'
BENDIGO: Councillor says she doesn't have a problem with Muslims praying in Bendigo, but couldn't list a suitable for a mosque.

Thursday 19 June 2014

on Friday 20 June 2014




Islamist group calls for Muslim states to protect Sunnis in Iraq
Qaradawi is one of the Muslim world's pre-eminent preachers and maintains close links to the MuslimBrotherhood, which was overthrown and ...

Sunni Muslim Refugees Fear Airstrikes
Hundreds of thousands of Sunni Muslims have fled Mosul and other northern Iraq towns captured by fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the ...

Egypt Court: Death for MuslimBrotherhood Leader
Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed El-Beltagy (R) stands with other senior figures in a cage in a courthouse on the first day of their trial in Cairo ...

Muslim groups condemn atrocities on Muslims in Sri Lanka
New Delhi: All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, the apex body of IndianMuslim organisations, condemned the continuing attacks on theMuslim ...

Muslim-run shops shut in Colombo to protest riots
Several shops across Sri Lanka, many of themMuslim-owned, went on a strike on Thursday as a mark of protest against the disturbing clashes in ...

Muslim extremist attack leaves seven Philippine soldiers dead
Muslim extremists with links to the Al-Qaeda network killed seven soldiers and left 13 others wounded in an attack in the lawless southern Philippines ...

Muslims seek exemption for women pillion riders from wearing helmets
New Delhi: After Sikh community sought exemption for women pillion riders from wearing helmets, some Muslim groups have also demanded the ...

World Muslim body vows to combat 'sectarian policies'
The Saudi-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, which represents more than 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, affirmed Thursday a commitment to ...

scholars urge protection for Sunnis in Iraq
Doha: Muslim scholars led by influential Qatar-based cleric Yousuf Al Qaradawi urged Arab and Islamic states on Thursday to protect Sunnis in Iraq, ...

Bratton pledges cooperation asMuslim holy month of Ramadan nears
Bratton spoke to an auditorium filled with Muslimcommunity and religious leaders Wednesday at the NYPD's annual Pre-Ramadan Conference at ...

Islam demonstrators attacked football fans and shouted abuse at fellow Muslims, court hears
A pair of Islamic protestors who abused fellow Muslims and picked a fight with a group of football founds have been convicted of affray. Mohan Uddin ...

History shows that Islam is a religion of war
ISLAM is described as a religion of peace, yet 1400 years ago it spread rapidly by the sword across the Middle East under the leadership of the ...

'War on Islam' in Egypt could unite clashing groups
Outcry against the Interior Ministry's stance, commonly interpreted as being not only anti-Islambut also anti-religion, is coming from diverse quarters.

Iraq crisis: How struggle in the heartland of Islam may redraw borders
(CNN) -- They came in their thousands. Old women in chador, zealous young men, in battered minibuses and family cars: Shia from Iran on a ...

Iraq war: Do answers & solutions lie in Islam?
Islam is not just a religion; it is also a system of accumulating and consolidating political power. Its ideology is perfectly suited for these goals.

WHAT BRAND OF ISLAM IS THIS? Still defiant Mais cites Sultan's name in Bibles issue
The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) said its stand not to return the Bibles seized from the Bible Society of Malaysia last January has the ...

Boko Haram's war on the World Cup
An attack presumably carried out by Boko Haram targeted viewers of a World Cup match Tuesday night in eastern Nigeria. Though the Islamic ...

Hezbollah Official: ISIL Violates Axioms of Islam
TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed that the Arab and the regional countries which have ...


Real Benghazi Story Ignored As Clinton Flip Flops On Anti-Islam Video
Prison  kurt_nimmo
Kurt Nimmo Prison June 18, 2014. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has followed Obama's showy capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala ...

Fr Georges Massouh: Is Takfir an Islamic Phenomenon?
In his recently published book, "Takfir: Its Regulations in Islam and Its ... This book is very timely, given the rise of takfiri movements in all Islamic ...

Secular or Islamic state? Neither, says Dr M
Malaysia Today  Super Admin
(Malay Mail Online) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who once declared Malaysia to be an Islamic country, now says it is neither an Islamic nor a secular ...

Isma says president's charge opens floodgates against Islam's defenders
Malaysia Today  Super Admin
(Malay Mail Online) – Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman's sedition charge today heralds ”many other charges” against the self-professed defenders of Islam, ...

Imaginary Islamophobic Strawman: Isn't Islam a violent religion?
askanislamicist  askanislamicist
So I've been considering for a while doing a series of blog posts on “conversations with an imaginary Islamophobic strawman.” The problem I run in to, ...

Apostasy, Islam and Meriam
Wheat and Tares  Hedgehog
Meriam's case was recently discussed in the wider context of what apostasy means in Islam on the BBC radio 4 programme Beyond Belief, available ...

Seminar "Islam and Democracy in post 2014 Indonesia: A comparative perspective"
On 26 June the KITLV, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesia Nederland Society jointly organise a seminar entitled "Islamand ...

Mosque Construction in Stavropol Sparks Debate Over Role of Islam in Region
On June 8, residents of the village of Vinsady in Stavropol region's Predgorny district rallied against government plans to allow the construction of a ...

From Sufis to Taliban: The Trajectories of Islam in Afghanistan
Providing idioms and organizations for both anti-state and anti-foreign mobilization, Islam has proven to be a vital socio-political resource in modern ...