Friday 21 March 2014

Around the Muslim World on Thursday 20 March 2014


A Just War - I


Pazardzhik. District Court in the town of Pazardzhik has ruled on the radical Islam trial heard in Pazardzhik, Radio FOCUS – Pazardzhik reported.

SOFIA (Reuters) - A Bulgarian man was sentenced to a year in jail on Wednesday for spreading radical Islam, in a case seen as a test for the delicate ...
The Aga Khan has tirelessly made much-needed contributions globally for a better understanding of Islamic values, culture and history. Our leaders in ...
Khaleej Times

Entitled “So That You Might Know Each Other — The World of Islam from North Africa to China and Beyond,” the exhibition concretises “the key ...

In a statement on Monday, the MIA urged Burmese Muslims to cite themselves as “Islamic” when it comes to the census question on religion, ...
But when it comes to gays and Islam, “Auntie”, as the British call the ...banned a part of the program which dealt with homosexuality in the Islamic ...
SouciantSouciant | Souciant  Bilal Ahmed
What will Islam look like in five billion years? It is our responsibility as Muslims to find an answer. Readers may scoff at the inquiry as childish, but if ...

Rat Nation  Cultural Limits
And then there's the purposeful encroachment of Islam. It's a little difficult to ... exhorting the west to convert to Islam as it is the will of Allah. (Which of ...

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Around the Muslim World on Wednesday 19 March 2014

The greatest concentration of Russia's holiestMuslim places can be found in Bashkiria and Tatarstan, two neighboring provinces in the southern Urals ...
And so it was that as the 1974-75 season approached, while Abdul-Aziz was playing for the Houston Rockets, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan ...

Bogor — An Indonesian Islamic cleric arrested for allegedly making an explicit video with two teachers could face 12 years in jail under theMuslim ...

San Francisco Chronicle
Gathered in the courtyard of a shopping mall in a suburb of Kuala Lumpur, the Muslim religious leader was followed by a Christian reading from the ...

Wall Street Journal (blog)
When India's Supreme Court ruled in February that a Muslim woman was free to adopt despite being aMuslim, one reasonable response was “Why ...

FrontPage Magazine
First Bill de Blasio provided special privileges toMuslims by adding Muslim, but not Hindu or Buddhist holidays, to the school calendar. During the ...

Around the Muslim World on Tuesday 18 March 2014

 When will you serve Allah?



Top Muslim cleric drops bombshell on Mamata Banerjee, says she could go with Congress
Kolkata: After the Anna Hazare fiasco, a Muslimcleric who is close to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, has now dropped a bomb.

Muslim herdsmen kill 100 Christians in Nigeria
KADUNA, Nigeria (BP) -- Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed more than 100 Christians and destroyed homes in Kaduna state in North-Western Nigeria ...

Fars News Agency
Muslim Brotherhood Denies Top Officials' Arrest in Persian Gulf
TEHRAN (FNA)- Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood denied on Monday that two top officials were arrested last week in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and were ...

New York Daily News
Muslim convert held in Washington state on way to fight in Syria
A Californian who prosecutors say was on his way to Syria to join an al-Qaeda splinter group has been arrested near the US-Canada border in ...

The Malay Mail Online
Non muslim appeals for Khalwat case
The case involving Halimah, a non-Muslimcharged and convicted in a Syariah court, is believed to be the first of its kind in Penang. The 42-year-old ...

Daily Mail
Muslim woman, 22, who refused to remove niqab in court jailed for six months for terrorising ...
Muslim convert who refused to remove her niqab in court was jailed for six months today after she terrorised a mosque security guard because he ...

Charisma News
Muslim University Refuses to Hire Christians for Anything But 'Menial' Jobs
A public university in Pakistan defies court orders and misleads government authorities to avoid giving federally approved jobs to non-Muslims...
Muslim Terrorists Still Having Trouble Figuring Out How Bombs Work
Three Al Qaeda operatives accidentally blew themselves up while outfitting a car with explosives, Yemen security officials said. Tribesmen from the ...

Speaking of language, we may well ask: What is moderate Islam? What is extremism? Who is defining these terms? What do they mean? Soon one'll ...
Psychoanalysis, Islam, and Joseph Massad
What do psychoanalysis, liberalism, and Islam have in common? A recent lecture at Stanford University with the curious title, "Psychoanalysis and the ...
How oppressive Islam triggers atheism
Throughout the Islamic world, there is probably no idea as despised as atheism. For most Muslims, the fact that some people can deny the very ...
Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz
ISLAMABAD, March 18 (APP): Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Pervaiz Rashid said on Tuesday Islam, being the religion ...

Counter-terrorism Not Against Islam– NSA
The federal government yesterday said the counter-insurgency war in the northeast zone of the country is never against Islam or Muslims, since ...
Islamic Jihad leader: We must love Jerusalem as Jews do
Unfortunately, many Muslims do not see just how important Jerusalem is to Islam and to our culture," Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah said last ...


Islamic Economic System?
As many Muslim thinkers and political activists would agree with me would say that "Islamprovides humanity with solutions to problems created by ...

Conn. Schools Approve Muslim Holidays
“We welcome the inclusion of Islamic holidays in the school calendar because it will serve to enhance the learning environment for Muslim students,” ...
Maryam Sakeenah: Waa Islaamah! (Alas, for myIslam!)
Maryam Sakeenah  Maverick
A grotesque wrong has been committed against Islam by extremists and fanatics, and our collective inability to reject it in clear terms has had grave ...
is it allowed in Islam to load Quran into smart phone as pdf or audio format - Islam - Stack Exchange
is it allowed in Islam to load Quran into smart phone as pdf or audio format.... Reciting Quran for personal goals, is this allowed in Islam?
Robert Spencer, 1st International Symposium on Liberty and Islam in Australia | Vlad Tepes
Vlad Tepes  Eeyore
This entry was posted in Islam in Australia, Robert Spencer, West fights back. Bookmark the permalink. ← BREAKING: More evidence that the missing ...
Islam: the sun revolves around the Earth and Einstein was a shiite Muslim — Winds Of Jihad By ...
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami  sheikyer mami
“Einstein wrote something in which he said he had converted to Islam and had become a Shiite Muslim and that he was a disciple of Imam Jafar ...
Doug Ross @ Journal: Misunderstanderers of Islamcall for car bombs in U.S. cities
Doug Ross @ Journal  directorblue
Misunderstanderers of Islam call for car bombs in U.S. cities. Last week, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released the 12th issue of their ...

Monday 17 March 2014

Around the Muslim World on Monday 17 March 2014

When will you serve Allah? Part II

Her husband, who is a Muslim, escaped through a back window. Clutching knives, the fighters looted their possessions. Then, they prepared to kill ...

The Hindu
And to this end, it is leaving no stone unturned in reaching out and consolidating every possible vote. No wonder, then, that the Muslim vote will play a ...

The Muslim factor continues to bedevil parties across the political spectrum in the State. Particularly, in the changed political landscape post ...

EMOTIONS ran high in Mombasa on Friday as families and friends of slain contro- versial Muslim clerics narrated treatment they have undergone in ...

TEANECK — As part of an ongoing outreach program, a few weeks ago New Jersey State Attorney General John Hoffman met with localMuslim ...

DELANCO — The Burlington County Muslim Association is proposing to build a house of worship, elementary school and day care center on Creek ...

Muslim leaders in Mombasa have initiated dialogue with youth from the controversial mussa mosque that was recently renamed to masjid shuhadaa.

New York Times (blog)
BANGALORE, India — An Indian play on the Muslim identity, “Ali J,” had a strong start last year, premiering at the Edinburgh Fringe festival in August ...

VARANASI: A group of Muslim women prayed for Narendra Modi in Lallapura area on Saturday. "Hum Modi ke liye dua maang rahe hai ki wo Banaras ...

Sunday 16 March 2014

Around the Muslim World on Sunday 16 March 2014

When will you serve Allah?

This is imposing Islam in Minneapolis. This is dhimmitude on steroids. A municipality celebrating “Hijab Day” is a violation of the establishment clause.

The Guardian

A new project to connect Islam to feminism has been launched to tackle long-standing concerns that religious women are excluded from the women's ...

CAIRO – A group of New Jersey citizens have volunteered to remove hate graffiti sprayed on the Islamic society in Princeton city, showing solidarity ...

The Express Tribune (blog)

In Pakistan, if a woman is raped and she reports the incident, she is considered shameless, unworthy and the society shuns her. No one wants to ...


Islam-Australia  islamAustralia
In Islam, limited polygyny is permitted; whereas polyandry is completely prohibited. Now coming to the original question, why is a man allowed to have ...

Islam News Room .com  Yusuf Estes
We ask Allah to guide and protect those who are coming close to Islam, ameen. We hope the media and their 'Islam-o-phobia' doesn't attack Bill ... - Son Alienated From Family After Leaving Islam for Jesus
Growing up, Nabeel Qureshi and his mother were incredibly close. Mother walked Son through her faith of Islam, the most important thing her in life, ...
How would a non muslim differentiate between Magic and Miracle of Prophet - Islam Stack Exchange
There are few conditions which easily show the difference between miracle and magic etc. First of all the Mujiza appears to prove the truth of the claim ...